Classic self-hosted technical help
Problems related to your server or other classic, self-hosted edition issues.
4,394 topics in this forum
Blank board
by Guest dsrbo- 1 reply
Hi, we recently performed a system upgrade on our servers and in the process of updating, we did upgrade to Apache 2.2.4, PHP 5.2.3, and MySQL 5.0.45. Now the board only displays a blank page from time to time. The admin area works without any issues. We do have the IpbWiki bridge installed, no other customizations. I now have tried with and without IpbWiki, but it does not make any differences. The board just ends up in a blank page, no error messages end up in the Apache logs, or in the PHP log files. I have seen other posts concerning this, but yet have not seen any solution. I am suspecting that the Apache configuration with Min/Max servers might be the reas…
Last reply by AndyF, -
small error after upgrading mysql and php
by Guest loccom- 4 replies
Hi Some members are having the following errors on very large threads. We never had this problem before the upgrade to mysql and PHP 5.2.5 Does anyone have any ideas what i need to change?? the server has 4 gig of memory and plent to go round. thankx
Last reply by bfarber, -
Backing up files on dedicated server
by Guest FrostedPopTart- 1 reply
Here's the deal. I just got a dedicated server for a site that my friend and I are running. I had backup software called MyBackup that I installed on there. All worked fine on my shared server, but when I installed it on the dedicated server, it crashed. Repeatedly. So I am now hunting for some better software that will allow me to back up both my MySQL databases, as well as my web files; on a regular basis. It needs to have the above capabilities, plus: * Password protection (so that no one besides me and the other guy can run the script). * The ability to GZIP the files. * The ability to backup multiple file directories at once. * Etc. Any ideas?
Last reply by Solomon, -
Ipb On Hosting Service
by Guest klwebb- 2 replies
If anyone is on hosting and using IPB with them before october 1st of this year and has now been transitioned over to the new hosting control panel VDeck 3.0 - how what your transition? Where there any hic-ups when ipower moved all the files over to the new servers based on VDeck 3.0? If so what did you have to fix?
Last reply by BlackDrag, -
Google Adsense
by Guest pattaya-live- 3 replies
Just spent a few hours searching for references that will assist me with restricting the access to a board by the Google Adsense Bot. I have Adsense throughout the board, but wish to keep the adsense bot limited to the Guest areas. I understand that will reduce the relevance of the adsense 'ads'. All links and thoughts welcome. Thanks.
Last reply by bfarber, -
Question About Assistance In Moving To Another Host
by Guest RobVT- 4 replies
I have been on Bluehost for a year and I have to tell you it has been horrible. The dreaded CPU quota error that so many complain about has bit me. Because of this I am being forced to go back to my old host. I did not like their Customer Service but I never got these annoying errors. So with that being said, I am not fully comfortable moving all these files and DB for my forum over to the other host. So are there any guys here that would be interested in doing it. I can tell you the site total is about 15gb to move. I am just not comfortable moving these files and something with the DBs getting hosed with my board. And the files on the current server that I need. …
Last reply by RLPVT, -
Help With Table Level Locking
by Guest PranK_merged- 12 replies
I am seriously considering converting ibf_posts, ibf_topics and some others to Innodb as over the past few days I have had to restart mysqld a dozen times due to SHOW PROCESSLIST showing 60 or 70 queries locked... While I understand that a lot of you think that MyISAM should be the engine for IPB I cant see how to get around the locks while using it. I'd love some suggestions or help. SPECS; Dual, dual core Xeon 2GB memory 4 x SAS 10k drives (Raid 10) Board has 3.4M posts, 35K members. Averages 300 online at a time (spiking to 500ish). Thanks in advance. Christian
Last reply by PranK_merged, -
Which Php Extensions Can I Turn Off With Ipb?
by Guest W13- 3 replies
Which of these PHP extensions can I turn off safely? (I have memcache enabled on my IPB btw - we're using mySQL and GD2)
Last reply by Darkside_RG_merged, -
Restoring An 800meg .sql Backup?
by Guest Prizm- 3 replies
HI everyone. I've just purchased almost everything I can from IPB to convert and upgrade to IPB. I'm upgrading from PHPBB, and am VERY glad we're doing it. We operate a pretty high traffic forum. The database back-up from PHPBB was ~800megs. Now I know restoring that through phpmyadmin is just something that will happen. The only reason I was going to restore it is because I wasn't 100% sure of the IPB converter. So what I was going to do, was backup a copy of the phpbb sql, restore it locally on my own webserver, and run the converter and see what happened. Does anyone have any advice on such a situation? It's imperative that I lose no data. I'm having a similar issu…
Last reply by bfarber, -
How Do I Fix 500 Internal Server Error?
by Guest Stars25- 12 replies
ok i was in my cpanel i updated my corn jobs and i didnt change anything i just update it cause it didnt work so i thought if i update it it might work but then i go on my site after i update it and i get a 500 internal server error on my forums please help !!!!!!!!!!! Btw the error is here /home/chaosmod/public_html/forum
Last reply by cooldude7273, -
Issues With Asmallorange Vps & Ipb
by Guest SacEric- 3 replies
I moved my site over to a while back and started w/ their shared hosting, but due to some issues that a vocal minority on my site was having, I decided to upgrade to a VPS account. One sponsor is still having problems w/ the site being slow, but it seems to be all sites hosted there, so I think that's a different issue. Anyhow, lately we've been experiencing a lot of downtime and it's getting worse. I'm sure the demand is getting less since we're losing members because of this. I currently have just over 10,000 registered and almost 350,000 posts. There used to be nearly 100 people on at one time, now less than half that and the number of actual members o…
Can I Need Vps Or Server?
by Guest Prajyot2007- 1 reply
my ipb version 2.3.2 and have 3700 members and 30,838 posts. database size is 11mb max. 25 members online at a time. and i am using shared host. i not have any problem with host. but some time i get ipb error like "server can not handle your request". server have php ver. 4.4.7 and mysql ver. 4.1.22 so i need to buy VPS or server for my host?
Last reply by cooldude7273, -
Automatizing Server Backups
by Guest Solomon- 2 replies
I set the Cron Jobs (Advanced) in my CPanel to make backups each day, each week and each month, at a certain time and added an email address where the Cron Output ought to be sent. I am not getting any information nor is the Cron Job making any backups as it is supposed to. Am I doing something wrong ? Is there a way to automatically generate a full backup and then store it on my computer without having to manually make one and then download it to a backup drive on my computer? When making a backup using the Cron Job Tab does it generate a backup that contains the Home Directory Backup as well as a MySQL Database Backup? Or does one need to make a second entry in the C…
Last reply by Bobsuch, -
Site Slow
by Guest htc- 12 replies
Hi there, I have had complaints that the forum I run is slow. It will load, but when you go to a new topic and post, it puts up the title header and then there is a 30-40 sec delay between it displaying the box to type in. It frustrates me as well. I have had a new member leave because of the slowness which is disappointing. I would like to know how to fix it - how do I find out if it is the skin or the server it is on or somehow change settings to make it quicker. It is a new forum - 15 members thus far 5mb database size. I have added no mods, using the standard IPB skin, nothing more. The website that is also on the site is fine and had no complaints about this. …
Last reply by bfarber, -
Spontaneous High Memory Causing 500 Errors
by Guest austinreefclub- 13 replies
Hello, I just moved my site (about 30 users online per hour) to a VPS from shared. My shared service was working great, so I thought "Hey, surely a VPS is even better!" My memory seems to be randomly spiking. I have tried "top" and "ps aux" whenever it occurs but I can't figure out what's causing it. I don't have root to my box, so I can't really tinker with the settings. What can I do to track this down? The boards seems to run flawlessly for about 4 or 5 hours then crashes and wont show anything but a 500 error until I reboot the server. My error log is filled with: [Tue Nov 06] [error] [client X.X.X.X] unable to init Zlib: deflateInit2 returned -4: URL /intern…
Last reply by bfarber, -
Newbie Server Question.
by Guest limpinglogan- 3 replies
I am new and just installed ipb board. In a year or so i would like to see my forum grow and hopefully have thousands of members online at one do I know if my server will handle this? I use ix webhosting...if I am having problems I wonder if I can just paythem more to upgrade me? Any one want to help a newbie out?
Last reply by bfarber, -
Excessive Server Loads: Need Caching Plugin, If Available
by Guest keiichi_merged- 2 replies
My forums have become a bit on the large side, some 85,000+ messages on my forums and due to a problem with the DB causing excessive server loads with my webhost I need to know if there's a way to better optimize my database so that it's not interfering with the servers that my webhost provider has. Apparently, it has something to do with the fact that there are too many queries being performed ... Is there a caching plugin available to help with this problem?
Last reply by Bobsuch, -
Php 4 To Php 5
by Guest bwyatt- 9 replies
We tried to upgrade our server to php 5, but all the php on my forum wouldn't parse, the browser just tried to download it. Is there a setting(s) I need to change that tells IPB that we're now using php 5? Any tips on migrating to mysql 5 while we're on the subject would be nice too. :) Thanks for any help.
Last reply by m_13, -
Php Index Not Always Being Processed
by Guest AtariAge- 6 replies
I am having a strange problem. Yesterday I moved my site from one dedicated cPanel server to another. I'm running newer versions of Apache (2.2 instead of 1.x) and (PHP 5.x instead of 4.x). Everything seems to be working fine except for one thing that is driving me nuts. For some users, when they go to the root of the website, they the raw PHP file instead of the properly parsed file. However, visiting "" works fine. So, visiting this sometimes displays PHP for some of my users: Visiting this does not: Also, visiting the SSL version of the site without explicitly in…
Last reply by AtariAge, -
Asking For Optimization Suggestion
by Guest bfcrew- 22 replies
My server is Dual-Core AMD Opteron Processor 1216 HE 4GB RAM But I still feel so slow and high load when in peak time for more than 700 users. I already put eaccelerator, full text searching, turn off concurrent connections, upgrade to PHP5 but I'm still in Apache 1.3 My forum have more than 530.000 posts it it growing rapidly with more than 100 user registrations in a day. Please help me to optimize as I still feel slow when in peak time. this is my.cnf code: [mysqld] safe-show-database max_allowed_packet = 16M max_connections=250 skip-name-resolve #set-variable = interactive_timeout=100 #set-variable = wait_timeout=15 #set-variable = connect_timeout=…
Last reply by yacenty, -
Xcache - Is There An Eaccelerator Type Setting ?
by Guest cokecan- 7 replies
if using xcache is there a setting that should use in conf_global like use_eaccelerator for eaccelerator or should I just use the use_eaccelerator ? thanks
Last reply by yacenty, -
How To Install Components?
by Guest 0 replies
Last reply by AndyF, -
Program To Search For Code In Multiple Files
by Guest Bobsuch- 1 reply
Hi, I'm trying to replace/find some bits of code in multiple files (About 10>), and I was wondering if there was a program that was capable of finding strings of codes in multiple files at once? Thanks :)
Last reply by Michael, -
Documentation On Iconcube
by Guest TheLoungeII- 1 reply
I require documentation on how to get Nexus to recognise I have 'ionCube' installed on my server. I have come across some documentation about adding a line to a file but I cannot remember where :unsure: ... My host updated a php.ini file and I have copied that to my Nexus home directory (so it's: www/nexus/php.ini) and I am still getting this error: The file /home/theloung/public_html/nexus/install/core/ipsclass.php has been encoded with the ionCube PHP Encoder and requires the free ionCube PHP Loader to be installed. Any advice or documentation would be appreciated, please.
Last reply by TheLoungeII,