Developer Connection
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This is the template's code in 4.7.0: {{if 0 && \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation == 'admin' AND !( $object instanceof \IPS\Helpers\Form\Address ) AND !( $object instanceof \IPS\Helpers\Form\Upload ) AND !( $object instanceof \IPS\Helpers\Form\Node ) AND !( $object instanceof \IPS\Helpers\Form\Codemirror )}}<br>{{endif}} {{if \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation == 'front' AND ( !( $object instanceof \IPS\Helpers\Form\Checkbox ) OR $object instanceof \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo )}}<br>{{endif}} <span class='ipsFieldRow_desc'> %s </span> Someone left a 0 that results always in a FALSE value at the start of t…
Last reply by Daniel F, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
The language key's nexus_subs_register_reg_desc text in 4.7.0 currently is: Remove the word they from it.
Last reply by Daniel F, -
- 0 replies
Hello. We are looking for an experienced developer who knows the Invision system for our forum, which we will use as a game forum. We are considering working on a freelance basis. PHP Developers around us are not very familiar with the system. Membership transactions, SMS/Phone Integration, construction of a new market system, etc., rather than front-end work. We want to do things like I would be very pleased if the people we can work with on this issue reach out via message or e-mail. Discord: Manifesto#2824
Last reply by Lordest, -
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In /applications/blog/sources/Blog/Blog.php I noticed this code on lines 1445-1448: /** * @brief The class of the ACP \IPS\Node\Controller that manages this node type */ protected static $acpController = "IPS\\calendar\\modules\\admin\\calendars\\calendars";
Last reply by teraßyte, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
In "\applications\core\modules\admin\members\members.php" on lines 1233-1237: if ( isset( $_SESSION['member_datalayer_changed'] ) ) { \IPS\Output::i()->inlineMessage = 'Saved'; unset( $_SESSION['member_datalayer_changed'] ); } Replace it with: \IPS\Output::i()->inlineMessage = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('saved');
Last reply by teraßyte, -
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The data layer JS is: {{if settings.core_datalayer_enabled}} <script> $('body').trigger( 'ipsDataLayer', { _key: 'content_view', _properties: { {{foreach $event->getDataLayerProperties() as $key => $value}} $key : {expression="json_encode( $value )" raw="true"}, {{endforeach}} view_location: 'hovercard', } } ); </script> {{endif}} Update the line inside the foreach to: '{$key}' : {expression="json_encode( $value )" raw="true"},
Last reply by teraßyte, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Let's take this file I recently updated as example: When looking at the See changelog menu there are currently 3 entries: 2.1.0 2.0.1 (Yesterday at 02:07 AM) 2.0.0 (January 30) The dates are wrongly shifted by 1 row because I uploaded 2.1.0 yesterday and 2.0.1 on 30 January (not 2.0.0).
Last reply by teraßyte, -
As per title, this happens only when the zeroVal option is used. This issue can be easily checked by looking at the Paid File Settings tab in the Downloads application for example: The node setting description should show below on a new line just like all the others.
Last reply by teraßyte, -
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- 2 replies
There are a lot more in /applications/core/dev/html/admin/settings templates.
Last reply by Adriano Faria, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
When manually running the queue from the ACP, the keyLocation submitted to IndexNow uses the ACP base url. Got errors like these: 422 invalid_url Array ( [host] => [key] => 6c076eb62f3b43e8cf6c62a8d69dff7a [keyLocation] =><hash>.txt [urlList] => Array ( [0] =><url> ) ) Issue is here: $url = \IPS\Http\Url::internal(''); $data = array( 'host' => \IPS\Http\Url::baseUrl(\IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_WITHOUT ), 'key' => \IPS\Settings::i()->indexnow_key, 'keyLocation' => (string) $url->se…
Last reply by Daniel F, -
- 6 replies
Is there a way to change the width of columns? Additionally, would this affect the display of certain blocks? ie; break them? TYIA ETA: Just realized I probably placed this in the wrong forum, apologies. Since I can't delete, can someone please move it to it's proper place. TY
Last reply by opentype, -
- 10 replies
Hi There, I added a script which is a popup inside Advanced Configuration==>Page Output==> Body code and it shows everywhere including the login page. I need to hide the popup from that page as the content of the popup is intended for members only. Can you tell me how to exclude the script from loading or hide the popup from the login page. Thank you for your support!
Last reply by Marc, -
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I am trying to bypass the permission issue for reciprocal items. I have created a new field to pull and display reciprocal items on my own. The Display Custom Format: {$record->_title} <!-- This works and return the title of the actual record --> {$record->database()->database_id} <!-- This does not output anything --> {{$reciprocalFields = $record->getReciprocalItems();}} Linking items: {$reciprocalFields} <!-- Empty as well, although there are two databases linking to this one --> It seems, I can have attributes of the record in Display Custom Format, but cannot have a value returned via the method. Right? Question: how do I get …
Last reply by Sonya*, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Scenario: In 4.x system. Changing behavior of the Built-in editor by adding button to tool bar. The button applies the HTML specified to the selected content (applies `{option}` and `{content}`. I am noticing an outcome that causes concern. After applying a change to the HTML to use for the button, the editor's behavior for that new button is not current with the defined HTML For example (abbreviated use case) ACP > Customize Editor > Add Button Give it a name, icon, enter HTML <div style="background-color:#{option}; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left:…
Last reply by sibomots, -
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- 1 reply
It requires me to deduct achievement points. Even if I wanted to, the field is disabled so that's not possible to warn someone.
Last reply by Stuart Silvester, -
- 0 replies
Hi team, I'm search how to change the currency symbol order to change $87/month to 87$/month. Can you show me where is this option in ACP? Thanks a lot.
Last reply by Lindor, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi all, I just read the API documentation, I only saw mentions of PHP. Did anyone managed to pull it with Python? I tried this. What am I missing? import os import json import requests API_KEY = "api_key" ENDPOINT = "" headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + API_KEY } response = requests.get(url=f"{ENDPOINT}/api/forums/forums", headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() print(response.text)
Last reply by Stuart Silvester, -
- 3 replies
When installed, my application shows the following on the permissions tab: There are no member groups to select as I would expect and I am having trouble finding documentation around how this works. How do I change the permissions on the modules? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Last reply by Mick23, -
- 13 replies
Hi folks, My application that is working in my dev environment is behaving differently (ie: not at all) when "installed" in the live environment. I realise that I may be missing some configuration steps here so please bear with me. I downloaded a new build of my application from the developer centre I uploaded the .tar file to my live applications directory I extracted the file into a directory of its own From the admin cp, I installed the application as it was now visible in the list Installation did not show any errors Going to the game page I do not get any php or javascript errors, and using the inspector shows that the ja…
Last reply by Adriano Faria, -
- 1 reply
Thanks everyone who has helped me so far, I've been making good progress on my project. Some context: A phrase is extracted from the database and used in the javascript code - the phraseId is also sent via template parameters. When the player wins or loses, I want to then call a controller method to set the results of the game they have just played, those parameters are likely to be something like: { phrase_id: 1234, result: 1 // 0 = lose, 1= win } What is the best way to approach this? Initially I thought I could use ajax to call the function like so (passing in phraseId and result): this._ajaxObj = ips.getAjax()( '…
Last reply by Daniel F, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
TL;DR; Is this method for supporting legacy BBCode (custom codes, and vanilla codes) a viable solution for a 4.x site? (Link at bottom of page also) If true, then I'm looking for some hints in the ACP of a 4.x site where such custom BBCode handling plugin/extension is deposited. Its not clear in the ACP where to do this. I've scanned the ACP and I cannot find the Developer Center, or do I need to enable it? ---- Details: We've upgraded a 22 year old Invision site to the latest bits from Invision. We were fortunate that the DB schema of the old legacy DB was comprehended enough to transfer and convert the bulk of the media content (posts,…
Last reply by sibomots, -
- 3 replies
Me again (sorry I'm new at this, so forgive me if my questions seem a bit stupid)! Can somebody point me in the direction of getting the template parameters in my controller js file? eg: <ips:template parameters="$id, $name, $age" /> How do I (can I) access these in my javascript controller code?
Last reply by Martin A., -
- 6 replies
Hi folks, I was going through the following page: And cannot get the following to work: // Get the select object $select = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'my_table', array( 'status=?', )); // Now, get the number of results returned $results = count( $select ); The $results = count ( $select) line is the problem, if I comment it out the error goes away. Am I missing something obvious here? Cheers 🙂 I should add that there are records in the table that match the query string, so results should be coming back.
Last reply by Adriano Faria, -
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/var/www/html/ips/applications/downloads/hooks/apiForum.php 20 ERROR Method _delete (public) does not have same visibility as in IPS\Node\Api\_NodeController (protected) (H102) /var/www/html/ips/applications/cms/hooks/apiForum.php 20 ERROR Method _delete (public) does not have same visibility as in IPS\Node\Api\_NodeController (protected) (H102) This isn't causing me any problems, but I added this lint rule because changing protected -> public will break any other hooks that still override as protected (since if they end up overriding from public back to protected, that will cause a fatal error).
Last reply by Colonel_mortis, -
Just take a look at the image 🙂 Some padding/margins would be nice.
Last reply by Stuart Silvester,