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  • Since the upgrade, our forum has been inundated with spam posts originating from our members' accounts. It appears that these spammers are utilizing our members' accounts to submit posts containing spam URLs. Despite our implementation of hCaptcha, the issue persists unabated. This influx of spam posts is not only disruptive but also undermines the integrity and usability of our forum for our genuine members. It is imperative that we find a solution to this problem promptly to maintain the quality of our platform and user experience. I kindly request your assistance in investigating this matter and implementing measures to mitigate the occurrence of such spam po

  • I've been trying to post an image that readers can click and go to another site. I've tried several different ways and either the link doesn't work, or the image doesn't appear. First, can clickable images be posted on Invision sites and second, if they can be posted, HOW!? Keep in mind, I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing and, if anyone chooses to help, I need it explained in the simplest way possible - LITERALLY the simplest, step-by-step instructions that even a small primate with a cognitive defect AND a traumatic brain injury would understand. ANY help will be greatly appreciated.

  • Hello to everyone  We would like to upgrade the invision from 1.7.4 to 1.7.15 and during the upgrade show the following message ( see image ) . Should worry do something or i can process with upgrade without any problem ? Just to notice that until now we had only forum pages events and the new purscase is with also blogs and gallery  Many thanks in advance 

  • On my site there seem to be quite a difference between the maximum amount of visitors to members' profiles displayed in the latest visitors block. While some show up to 11, others only show up to 5, and of course I'm only comparing profiles for members I know must have received more visits than either amount. So, I'm trying to work out the reason behind this difference, if there's some setting somewhere that determines the max. number of visitors shown for each profile. At this point I tend to believe that only members who signed up before a certain date, show up to 11 visitors, while those who signed up after show up to 5. I know that would odd but it's th

  • Hello.  I'm having trouble with the background moving of files.  My hosting company was getting cranky about how many & size of my files, so I set up an S3 storage.  I moved one section at a time, starting with some small areas such as blogs images/attachments, downloads, etc.  Once that worked fine, I moved onto a larger area (my Gallery), which also went well and was completed in a few hours.  My last move was Attachments.  it seemed to go well for awhile, then it stalled out at 73% and has been that way for over 12 hours.  I think it's stuck.  It seems like other background processes are going through, but seem a bit slow. I tried clearing my cache and disabli

  • This plugin only just stopped working completely for me after the update to the latest version of invision. I am currently using version 1.0.8 though it says it was updated to ' Beta' on 22/05/23 but never upgraded to that as the link is broken from the AdminCP. Any idea where I can find the latest version of this plugin and if it is still supported by the author, not sure if this is or isn't them: @Catzwolf Many thanks in advance

  • My forum is set up so that it requires manual approval of all new registrations.  I think I used to get an email when somebody registered but I'm I'm. not getting them now.  If I don't check in the admin panel very regularly, I miss them.  I have looked and I[m sure it's there somewhere but can't find where to turn it on.  

  • A user on my community brought this to my attention.  I think this may be intended behavior by Google chrome, but should be something reviewed for an overlay by IPS  WebP images open in a new tab, and are not scrollable like JPG Sample topic:   

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