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  • Suggestion: Can the page navigation in multi-page threads be modified to target the last post on the previous page instead of the top? It would be great if users could choose this setting.

  • I have my community heavily integrated with Zapier. It generally works well, but lately we have been experiencing an issue that we weren't before. When attempting to automate a record comment on a database from Zapier, the comment is not appearing on the record. I have checked all permissions and settings, cleared system caches, and reset things on both sides without any luck. It's happening on all of my databases, but here's an example:   When a player completes a "Fundraiser" record, Zapier calculates their revenue and posts as a reply to their fundraiser. We know that the comment arrived from Zapier because it appears in the Activity Stream (screenshot below)

  • Dear Invision Community Support Team, We are currently in the process of upgrading our Invision Community installation from version 4.2.1 to the latest version. Due to numerous custom modifications made to our current installation, it is essential for us to have access to the original distribution of version 4.2.1. This will enable us to accurately track and manage the changes made over time, ensuring a smooth and successful upgrade process. We have already purchased the latest version of Invision Community, and our intention is to maintain the integrity of our existing customizations while benefiting from the latest features and security enhancements. Unfo

  • Hi, The stats in this area are not displaying. And when I click on 'view log', I receive the following error: [[Template nexus/front/clients/purchase is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] I've checked the 'purchase' template - it cannot be reverted. Thanks.

  • Editing Topic content in the ModCP Report Content area is awful, due to the contents being squashed into a small part of the screen (This is on a desktop). Could this not be loaded into a modal box instead, or redirected to the actual Topic and edit from there? 🙂     

  • Issue: Custom Pages block, which use manual HTML and includes a template/s, will have a caching issue. The template embedded in the HTML is cached, but any edits made to the template are not updated. As a result, the content remains outdated even after clearing the system cache. For example: (This is just an example) If I create New Pages Block, and select 'Manual HTML' from Content Editor. Then from the Content tab, add the following code: <div class="ipsBox ipsPadding"> <div class="ipsPos_left"> {template="includeLeftBox" app="core" group="global" location="front" params=""} </div> <div class="ipsPos_right"> {templ

  • Bug: Latest version. When in the ModCP Reported Content and viewing a reported item which has been deleted. If I click on the 'Delete Permanently' button, instead of the content being permanently deleted (as expected), it is added to the Delete Content queue again.   As you can see in these examples from this screenshot, the content is not deleted but just put into the deletion queue.   Expected Behaviour When permanently deleting content from here, I expected the content to be deleted and not added to the deletion queue.

  • Where can I buy a theme for my forum?

  • In China, google.com is blocked, which also affects recaptcha. Google's docs recommend using recaptcha.net rather than google.com to work around that - it should just be a drop-in replacement for the places where you're using google.com for recaptchas. This was flagged to me by a user.

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