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Everything posted by sadams101

  1. So that took care of my first question, thank you, I was able to move blogs from one entry category to another. My other question was how to delete an entry category? I seem to be able to delete only the main blog that the entry category is under, but not specific entry categories which might be empty. I found out how to do this...it is when you edit the main blog, there is a tab for the entry categories...thank you!
  2. An example would be this Blog, which has several categories: https://www.celiac.com/blogs/blog/1208-gluten-busters-gluten-free-product-alerts-by-celiaccom/ and some have been accidentally duplicated, for example "USA" is there a few times, and I'm unable to move a blog like this one in the Canada category (https://www.celiac.com/blogs/blog/1208-gluten-busters-gluten-free-product-alerts-by-celiaccom/1-canada/ ) : https://www.celiac.com/blogs/entry/2798-cappola-brand-genoa-salami-recalled-due-to-undeclared-milk-and-wheat/ to any of the USA categories, for example this category: https://www.celiac.com/blogs/blog/1208-gluten-busters-gluten-free-product-alerts-by-celiaccom/12-usa/ In fact, if I open that blog and select Edit, and then Move, there is no choice at all where it can be moved, and the only area I can see at all is the main blog name (very first link in this post at the top of it), but it is greyed out and cannot be selected.
  3. I tried that, but I am unable to move a blog entry by editing it. When I edit a blog entry I am unable to see the other categories I have created.
  4. In my personal blogs, for example, I have created categories like USA or Canada where certain blog posts go. I am unable to move blog posts from one category to another, or for example, to delete a duplicate USA category that I accidentally created. PS - These categories were made under a larger blog name, for example: Product Recalls is the name of my blog.
  5. I can't find a way to move blogs I've made to other categories I've created. I see where I am able to click on a blog entry and select "Move," however, when I do this my other blog categories do not show up as options to where I am able to move the blog entry. Also, I see no way to delete the blog categories that I've created. Please let me know if there is a way to do both of these things, as I was unable to figure this out.
  6. I do have lots of mods, but believe I've been properly updating my templates with each update. Would you happen to know which templates I should check?
  7. After upgrading to the latest version, I still see daily errors like this: When I searched the error I found this page: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70776070/react-native-expo-cli-facebook-authentication-unable-to-exchange-response-type To me it seems to be an issue with my Facebook login, but not all cases because I've tested it, but notice the solution posted in that thread. Is it possible that this is a programming issue on your side?
  8. Also, I wish your logs recorded the IP address that is associated with the error. That way I could determine if it were, for example, hacking activity from the usual countries that are associated with that, or if they are the result of a single person who may have their browser security too high, etc.
  9. The only issues I've seen regarding the Pages database errors are the handful of errors I've seen in the logs during the past week, which is ~2-3 per day, otherwise I've not noticed anything unusual. Unfortunately I can't be sure which login is throwing the OAuth errors, as it does not seem to be recorded in the database errors, however, the only complaint I received recently was regarding Facebook, and they person said: "Attempted to sign up via facebook. I Agreed to terms, then received a something went wrong message." When I looked, even thought they saw this error, their account was created normally.
  10. I run the tasks via the cron job. Would archiving posts older than X months cause this? As far as the OAuth handlers go, I have had reports of some people seeing errors when they try to log in sometimes, but when I look at the new accounts being created it seems like the system is working. I will admit that I don't test this myself very often, and haven't tested each type of account creation or login in a while.
  11. Lately in my logs I am seeing what look like 2 types of login errors, any ideas what could cause these? 1) No URL associated but from a Guest: forum_sync_disabled BACKTRACE: #0 /home/mysite/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(335): IPS\cms\_Records->get__forum_forum() #1 /home/mysite/public_html/applications/cms/sources/Records/Records.php(1681): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->__get('_forum_forum') #2 /home/mysite/public_html/applications/cms/sources/Records/Records.php(2672): IPS\cms\_Records->__get('_forum_forum') #3 /home/mysite/public_html/system/Content/Item.php(8545): IPS\cms\_Records->onPublish(NULL) #4 /home/mysite/public_html/applications/core/tasks/publish.php(55): IPS\Content\_Item->publish() #5 /home/mysite/public_html/system/Task/Task.php(274): IPS\core\tasks\_publish->execute() #6 /home/mysite/public_html/system/Task/Task.php(237): IPS\_Task->run() #7 /home/mysite/public_html/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(58): IPS\_Task->runAndLog() #8 {main} 2) A long login URL is associated with these from a guest: Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => Invalid code verifier. Code verifier should be a cryptographically random string using the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the punctuation characters -._~ (hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde), between 43 and 128 characters long. [type] => OAuthException [code] => 1 [fbtrace_id] => AD0sHVp3222tk3_te5CUwk ) ) BACKTRACE: #0 /home/mysite/public_html/system/Login/Handler/OAuth2/OAuth2.php(607): IPS\_Log::log('Array\n(\n [er...', 'oauth') #1 /home/mysite/public_html/system/Login/Handler/OAuth2/OAuth2.php(389): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth2->_exchangeAuthorizationCodeForAccessToken('AQCmeodddugdCmR...') #2 /home/mysite/public_html/system/Login/Handler/OAuth2/OAuth2.php(170): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth2->_handleAuthorizationResponse(Object(IPS\Login)) #3 /home/mysite/public_html/system/Login/Login.php(339): IPS\Login\Handler\_OAuth2->authenticateButton(Object(IPS\Login)) #4 /home/mysite/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/system/login.php(59): IPS\_Login->authenticate() #5 /home/mysite/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_login->manage() #6 /home/mysite/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #7 /home/mysite/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main}
  12. I've searched the ACP for a long time, but can't seem to find the settings that control: 1) The number of articles displayed on Pages -> Categories pages; 2) The number of articles displayed on blogs home page.
  13. I did some research on having both the meta noindex AND the robots.txt, and if it is not disallowed in robots.txt then Google WILL access the page, meaning they will follow those links, which I don't want to happen. I found this here: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2007/03/using-robots-meta-tag "If you allow a page with robots.txt but block it from being indexed using a meta tag, Googlebot will access the page, read the meta tag, and subsequently not index it." The proper meta tag to stop google from crawling would be nofollow. It seems like the /tags should include nofollow, rather than noindex, if the goal is to stop them from being crawled by the bots.
  14. I am fairly sure that I added the tags there before there was noindex code on them, as I recall my reason for doing this was because I kept getting flagged by google for the search throttle delay, but thank you, and this is exactly why I'm sharing this. The question is, will google start to crawl the tags again, slow my site (lots of searches slow things down)?
  15. I am hoping to get some input on my site's Robots.txt file. Some of the items in it are likely now outdated, and some may be overkill and possibly hurting my site's crawlability, so I am hoping to start a discussion about it here. Most of it was put together long before IPB offered a standard version of the Robots.txt file. Some of what I include was borrowed from past posts here, and some of it may even been poorly or incorrectly formatted, which is why I wanted to get some input on it. I've changed my site a bit regarding profiles, and have a custom plugin that has a noindex for profiles without "About Us" info, but allows indexing for those who have info there. Here is my file: # START Default Rules for Invision Community (https://invisioncommunity.com) User-Agent: * # Block pages with no unique content Disallow: /startTopic/ Disallow: /discover/unread/ Disallow: /markallread/ #Disallow: /staff/ Disallow: /online/ Disallow: /discover/ Disallow: /leaderboard/ Disallow: /search/ Disallow: /*?advancedSearchForm= Disallow: /register/ Disallow: /lostpassword/ Disallow: /login/ # # Block faceted pages and 301 redirect pages Disallow: /*?sortby= Disallow: /*?filter= Disallow: /*?tab= Disallow: /*?do= Disallow: /*ref= Disallow: /*?forumId* # # Block profile pages as these have little unique value, consume a lot of crawl time and contain hundreds of 301 links #Disallow: /profile/ # # END Default Rules for Invision Community (https://invisioncommunity.com) # # # START CUSTOM RULES Disallow: /tags/ Disallow: /notifications/ #Disallow: /applications/ Disallow: /announcement/ Disallow: /*?*sortby= Disallow: /*?*sort= Disallow: /*?sort= Disallow: /*?*sortdirection= Disallow: /*?sortdirection= Disallow: /*?set_template=mobile* Disallow: /*&section=notifications* Disallow: /*&do=topContributors* Disallow: /*&do=askAQuestion* Disallow: /*?app=core* Disallow: /*?act=calendar* Disallow: /*?act=rssout* #Disallow: /articles/*/*/*/Page1.html/addfav #Disallow: /articles/*/*/*/Page1.html/addread #Disallow: /articles/*/*/*/Page1.html/print Disallow: /profile/*/?do=* Disallow: /profile/*/content/ Disallow: /profile/*/followers/ Disallow: /profile/*/reputation* Disallow: /profile/0-Guest/* Disallow: /blogs/*?view=grid* Disallow: /blogs/*?view=list* Disallow: /blogs/submit/* Disallow: /calendar/*/week/ Disallow: /calendar/*/submit/ Disallow: /calendar/submit/* Disallow: /clubs/*?view=grid* Disallow: /clubs/*?view=list* Disallow: /clubs/index.php?app=core* # added to stop social share links Disallow: /submit?url=* # # Custom Plugin (DP47) Bad Link Fixer for Bots Disallow: /*&do=retrieveUrl* Disallow: /*&do=retrieveUrl* Disallow: /*?app=dp47badlinksfixer* # Sitemaps Sitemap: https://www.celiac.com/sitemap.php
  16. For the record, I've shaved ~2 seconds per page load, not milliseconds, and as I've done this google has rewarded my rankings. If you're happy with a ~30-40% score on google Web speed tests, then I'm not really sure why you're posting in this thread, as it's clearly for those who are seeking better.
  17. Why are you even in this thread? You obviously don't care about your site speed scores, or optimizing your site to be faster. If pass/fail is good enough for you, fine. How would it hurt you if IPB optimized their software and made it faster? It could only help your site, right...I mean it could not hurt it...could it?
  18. I happen to be running a dedicated server with all hardware that is 6 years old and no CDN, but I did spend time optimizing it as well. Currently my site & server, which also serves a ton of ad banners throughout my content, still outperforms probably 90% of IPB sites of similar size, and even those on CDN's without any ads. I would estimate that my current speed scores (~71 on mobile, and ~90 on desktop) are 75% the result of CSS and template changes (that unfortunately can't be done using only the custom CSS feature), and 25% the result of server optimization. I don't believe I've gone down any rabbit hole, I've simply paid attention to Google's own posts about how they rank sites, and have done my best to conform my site to their site speed tools, which are developed to help sites improve their site speed (and this is simply another objective way for Google to measure a site's quality). Anyone can ignore Google's own posts on this topic at their own peril. The biggest speed issue with the current IPB is clearly on the mobile side, and many of the issues as to why have already been discussed in this topic. Rather than having everyone who runs IPB software and also cares about site speed scores have to "go down a rabbit hole" to improve their site speed, I personally think IPB should just do this and then use it as a marketing bullet point. Updating the CSS and JS won't be easy, but the upside for all IPB users could be huge, as Google will weigh site speed as a ranking factor more and more as time goes by. Focusing on good SEO, including site speed, eliminating css/html/js errors, should definitely be the focus of any good Internet application.
  19. What does it mean when I open a user account in ACP and under the Active Account Integrations on accounts where that is Google, it appears as if it is trying to load something there which spins forever and does not resolve?
  20. I think you mentioned that you'd do this at least 3 years ago...which is, again, why @Adlago and myself have had to start this process ourselves.
  21. Thanks, I was hoping there was a way without disabling them, maybe not.
  22. I believe there is a setting somewhere that can limit the bots from seeing user signature content, but I can't find it. I could be wrong here, but if anyone know please share this with me...thank you!
  23. I also focus on good content. Content does not fall under the purview of IPB's software engineers, which is who this thread is addressed to. This thread is focused on IPB taking away the ability to easily modify the CSS files, which in turn makes it very difficult for those who do actually care about site speed to be able to do anything to address it.
  24. The conclusions of your article seem to support focusing on improving site speed:
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