pajander11 started following AndyF
Social sign in removal - future login side effects ?
Just curious, something I thought about doing on 3.x but never tried. In theory (as I've had complaints) ... ... What would happen to the few user accounts that have signed up with either FB or Twitter/X -if- I was to disable those registration methods ? I'm not personally keen on those anyway really, its not a concern to fill in a short form. Would they still be able to sign in but have to run lost password recovery and/or would the system want their email to sign in ? I have it on username/pass currently for 'normal' login not email/pass (I did want this but the community didn't) I appear to have two 'standard' ones too, the regular one is the enabled one: But that's not really a concern in itself. Thank you! 🙂
Need help with HTTP links
It would be possible with a query to do this , an "update set replace" type of one , I'm extremely reluctant to post this due to the risk of: > Me not being 100% correct > Issue running it > Other concerns I wonder if you can add some .htaccess to do this which might be a lot easier.
Forum total stats rounded up ?
Thank you. 🙂
Forum total stats rounded up ?
A member actually pointed this out, and I had to look at the internet archive / wayback machine to see for myself. 🙂 On older 4.x versions the widget to display the forum total posts/topics was accurate however the newer version seems to round it up. First thought was space so I moved it to underneath rather than the side but it did not change. Please see attached pic: As noted via a query... [code]SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM forums_posts;[/code] ... the real total is shown. The members do mark each actual "complete K" posts with things so it is helpful to know which / when we get to 16K / 17K etc etc. I could not find anything to alter the format itself, and the (they are helpful) stats do not quite cover this as they don't count everything. I'm aware the total is "what is present" rather than the total count because ID's are not recycled. Any easy way to alter this ? I did think about a file edit (yes I know) but I'd rather avoid that. I don't think its anything that mySQL or php are doing to it though. Thanks! 🙂
Disabling app before upgrade outside admin panel
Thank you Jim. Silly to ask really I suppose as that was the only logical answer. Had this been 3x or 2x which I know -very- well inside out I'd of never had to ask. Just time was short so a quick topic, (perhaps my 2nd 'support' one in a decade) was worthwhile, certainly posted a lot of info in the past. So yes I did the bypass (and yes I removed it aka the "MD5 Check" immediately after) Had the site not been broken I'd of been able to look at this next weekend to simply try a few ideas on a localhost test of it. There is a small issue a white page however nothing in logs either in webroot or in the system itself that I see, but its not a big issue at this moment in time. I'll get back to that one as it concerns ACP removal of CMS. Something for a new topic later.
Disabling app before upgrade outside admin panel
Greetings 😉 Been a while. I am now in the process of upgrading my community from 4.5 (yes I know) to the latest however: The existing site is broken due to the host upgrading php ergo I cannot access the admin panel , not a big issue except the site has core/forums/cms(content)/downloads and I am not updating cms/content as we never really used it. There is a bit of data for it but its very old outdated articles so I'm not fussed about it. So we are upgrading core/forums/downloads only. As expected the upgrader complains:[quote] etc etc etc , all are this application. I'm debating if to: > try the bypass for it but I suspect that might just break something during upgrade > turn the cms off now in the database aka switch app_enabled from 1 to 0 for this then perhaps remove the tables (or leave them, better to leave I suspect as their tiny) > perhaps try the recovery in constants to switch it off but I suspect the version mismatch will cause issues perhaps I do have backups although its quite long winded to restore if I needed to hence wanting to ask first as I've not really used much of the 4x series for a couple of years.
aboodhassan started following AndyF
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Adding a version warning
Oh I'll admit I don't think I'd checked the ACP out, the front end was completely blank and in the logs themselves I'd found said error and it sprung to mind what the likely cause was, so I stopped looking elsewhere. Tested on localhost dev with display_errors enabled (purposely at php7.0.3) and it displayed said error but that was expected.
Adding a version warning
Maybe to the init.php file, I'm not sure. Although it did not catch me out, one site I was looking at had by some chance switched back to php7.0 , this turned out to be due to replacing the 'use version x' in a .htaccess file being lost. Anyway, currently if you attempt to run (run not install) the suite on say php7.0.x or lower, you tend to end up with a blank page or if you are lucky an error such as... Parse Error : Unexpected '?', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) init.php on line 1413 ... or something quite similar to that. This may be very confusing to some, assuming they see it and/or check their logs. My suggestion here: A simple addition perhaps in index.php or init.php with something along the lines of using phpversion() may help quite a bit here as if its treated like the requirements checker then the cause is shown, something the end user may be able to fix themselves, otherwise they'd end up with a ticket and the support tech would possibly direct them back to their host to fix, causing the client two tickets one at 'each' whereas with the error shown they may know to contact their host about it. Thanks for consideration. 🙂
What tables contain any upload paths/URL's ?
I do have a few bug reports to post now too, well two at least that are reproducible and not related to my erm 'adventures' EDIT... Editing the path above once it was found then checking it in the db as well as throwing out most of the generated js from uploads and all of datastore minus the blank index.htm file and it decided to work again. Thanks. Marked the relevant post as solution, although option ( 2 ) was never an option for me. 🙂
What tables contain any upload paths/URL's ?
I found the (as mentionde previously) the final part of the upload path has a " \ " between public_html and uploads, whereas the rest of the path is " / " , ie : / home / blah etc / public_html \ uploads < see the " \ " there ? I changed it in the link you provided, emptied out datastore and the nonsensical javascript it had built in uploads (this got recreated anyway) Interestingly it lists two one correct now and one not, but it gave me a no permission error when I tried to alter one, it says its moving the files (except there is nothing to move) so I'll wait and see what happens. Option is is not an option, there's probably a tool to fix this externally anyway (think of 3x 'upgrade finish' type of thing) at a completely random guess. This is simply why I wanted the database details to save me searching, 🙂 Seems it is moving things, quite why I'm not sure as the two configuration paths both storage filesystem are identical except for the " \ " vs the " / " , just wish the link to the path was pointed out as I could of done it. 🙂 Having said that i appreciate the help. I've told it to just run the move now until its done. Unsure if its going to make it worse or better tbh at this stage but we'll see.
What tables contain any upload paths/URL's ?
Of what did you want to see
What tables contain any upload paths/URL's ?
core_file_storage looks like this: {"dir":"{root}\\uploads","url":"uploads"} Note the double \\ although I see nothing else immediately amiss. There are no options to change it there as there's only one choice in the dropdown itself. Changing it (to what it was) then saving it makes no difference. I can see I'm not getting anywhere here 😞
What tables contain any upload paths/URL's ?
I have explained what I'd done. 🙂 The first quoted line is slightly upsetting to me 😞 Wish the editor would behave properly when splitting quotes but that's something else. It only shows the path I'd mentioned, nothing else. 🙂
What tables contain any upload paths/URL's ?
Thanks. But I have no css in the ACP hence no button but I found the link directly anyway 🙂 But the paths in there are all the same ie: " File System: /home/~~~~~/public_html\uploads Note the " \ " there instead of " / " between public_html and uploads hence me thinking I ought to edit this in the DB directly, I'm not scared! 😄
What tables contain any upload paths/URL's ?
Must admit I'm very reluctant to post this topic as its actually asking "for something" rather than me "giving something" however as I've been "away from IPS" for quite a while it felt appropriate. Due to an odd issue (it is attempting to write /css_built_1 , javascript_core , javascript_forums , javascript_global outside the webroot , as in its creating a public_html/uploads directory in /home and writing them there. I have no css and when I did the icons such as notifications and messenger were missing, but the rest of the site was fine. I did remove the legacy /screenshots and the like from the db as I'd already dropped the legacy files into uploads / monthly to match (this was tested on localhost without issue) To be clear this is a 349 site upgraded to 4.5 on localhost then 'transplanted' onto a live server. Yes I did adjust conf_global 😉 Can't immediately see anything amiss unless the supplied from the ACP friendly URL .htaccess file is somehow interfering but that seems unlikely. Aside from /datastore which I keep emptying out without much gain, I need to be sure where any path is being kept in the database please. In legacy versions this was core_settings and easy enough to find if anything really did go pear shaped. I can't put a ticket in 😉 I've not done a 'help me' ticket since 2006 so I don't plan on doing it now! 😄 I could start digging and find things myself but if anyone has a few pointers to save me time (as time is not in plentiful supply today unfortunately) would be appreciated.