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Everything posted by sunrisecc

  1. Hold CTRL down as you click the Send PM message from the profile. I get the full editor for the PM. I just wish this worked everywhere.
  2. The ability that 2.3.6 had to show the end time of a suspension while in the ACP needs to be returned in 3.0.
  3. sunrisecc

    Thank You

    I upgraded successfully this morning from 2.3.6 to 3.0.1. I would like to thank Invision and the admins who upgraded before me. Reviewing the bugs in the tracker made me aware of certain pitfalls which I avoided. I opened a forum on my board just for Q and A about the new functionality and so far, not one question. I know they will come. Again thank you Invision and thanks to the members here who have upgraded before me.
  4. Although much better, I still had two occasions this morning when it took 10-15 seconds to respond. It now is occurring every 25 clicks or so.
  5. I was being facetious/sarcastic.
  6. Read first or use search - what do these words mean? Submitters see 'New Web Site' and because they have upgraded, they have a new web site. Yeah! Most probably do not know about invisionpower.com's remake. Invision should market a new keyboard with two added keys. Before you can hit 'submit', it makes you press 'read' and 'search' first.
  7. I too, am finding that it is better but still slowdowns especially re-connecting to the board.
  8. The project in the tracker - New Web Site - should either be renamed or a note added that it is not the place for IPB 3.0 issues.
  9. What is the purpose of hiding names since all can see all participants anyway? Unless you want a 'silent' participant - but that can be a privacy issue.
  10. The situation has improved. However I am still seeing the symptom that every tenth click or so takes about 10-15 seconds to load the page.
  11. About every 5 or so clicks, I have to wait up to 30 seconds. Once the page starts to respond, it paints quickly.
  12. In 2.3.6, an admin can do it on the board itself via the settings tab when viewing the profile of a member. I never tried to do it via the ACP.
  13. I tried your suggestion and still cannot find how to edit the fields the OP mentioned. In 2.3.6, we were able to over-ride the member's settings.
  14. sunrisecc

    Top Button

    I did the original change proposed by Brandon. It was simple to implement and works. Since then the article has been amended to allow a graphic. I haven't tried that extra stuff yet.
  15. Yes, but most large corporations do not allow the monthly updates from MS unless the IT test and distribute the updates themselves. The larger the corporation, the stricter the IT department has control. That is why I prefer small business. Discuss and decide is their motto. While in large corporations, it is discuss, discuss, form a committee, discuss, table, and maybe eventually decide.
  16. While I agree with you about IE6 etc, the statement I quoted above is unrealistic in the business world of today. There are too many corporations who do not allow their employees to download any new software. One of my clients (in the entertainment and sports business) still forces their employees to use FF2 or IE7 only. Even the IT department cannot use any other browsers for testing purposes. Wider monitors - forget it. The standards were set in early 2007 and will remain for a while longer. Do not take this that I am defending the corporate world. I am just a realist who sees first-hand on a daily basis that 'keeping current' has a different meaning in the corporate world.
  17. A suggestion for an enhancment down the road. In addition to the current option to limit editing by time, there should be a further option to impose the limit if a further post was made in the same topic. Member A posts. Member B responds to A and possibly quotes A. The A edits the original post and the flow is broken.
  18. I am blind. I was only looking under My Settings and not under My Profile. Thank you.
  19. From where are the status updates derived? I acnnot get any to display on my test board.
  20. Isn't that what I said a few posts above yours?
  21. Since 2.x, I have set the option to remove any unvalidated registrations after x (3 in my case) days. That option has always worked and does not touch those that are in the midst of email address changes. It runs once a day.
  22. I now see that there is a master switch in the APC under CPU etc. Thank you Michael.
  23. I just went through 3 pages of bug reports and all the updates in the last 24 hours. Not one problem. Great job, Lindy.
  24. This is what I saw earlier today. Whenever I would click on the Invision Power Services from the breadcrumb, I would have the worst response,
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