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Ziv Grosu

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Posts posted by Ziv Grosu

  1. 2 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Seems to be working for me.


    This was the URL that I used:


    * Clicked "Other Media"
    * Clicked "Insert image from URL"
    * Pasted the above URL into the box
    * Clicked the "Insert into post" button

    I've confirmed it's working on this site as well as on a few other IPB sites.  This definitely sounds like something either on your computer or within your network blocking it.  

    I am going to replace my laptop 🙂 all of my attempts are failed. 😩

    through the mobile device it seems to be working.

  2. At this moment it's on "position: relative; height: 145.3px" and when we click on "Expand" it is switched to position: static, height: auto; it might be something that you can look for it in your AdminCP > in Templates.


    Try to look for "expand" word or "ipsTruncate". Maybe it's there and if not, there is a JavaScript file > look for the javascript that makes for both "before:" and "after:" actions and change those from "hidden" to visible.


    (I found a solution for it)

    Goto JS file javascript_global/root_framework.js:


    look for it: 


    there you should look for 7 lines - you can Expand the lines.

  3. 18 hours ago, Mariah. said:

    Update: I figured out I'm supposed to go my site url /admin/upgrade

    However now that I'm there, it's telling me I'm missing a list of nexus files that I cannot locate in my download


    I would do it again and upload all files from starting. Invision always recommend to make a copy test that your live board will not down for some reason.

    Try to use FlashFXP program. By the way after upgrading clear cache and see if that still happens.

  4. Hello guys,

    There is a problem with the menu manager while we are trying to "edit" the dropdown menu it's redirecting to a blank page.
    It is not only with Hebrew language, it's associated with all the LTR Languages. Try it yourself in your community if you use RTL theme, go to AdminCP and set theme to "Right to Left".
    Then go to AdminCP > System > Menu Manager (app=core&module=applications&controller=menu) > Try edit dropdown menu.

    while using in English LTR support it will swipe left with the settings. In RTL support it will swipe a blank page, maybe it's an issue with the RTL CSS? @Rikki (something with "right: px / left: 0px"  ? something with the cMenuManager used to be edited but I couldn't find the attribute of that in CSS.

  5. 16 minutes ago, bfarber said:

    @ReyDev you should be able to contact support now, sorry for the wait.

    @Ziv Grosu you don't seem to be affected by the same issue. Have you tried emailing support directly and/or submitting a ticket from your AdminCP using the support tool?

    You have my details it's on your PM. That is the same issue. I am not owning a forum I have just tried to submit a new ticket in the "Client Area".

  6. 41 minutes ago, Paul E. said:
    <word key="like_blurb_others_secondary" js="0">and {# [?:more]}...</word>
    <word key="react_blurb_others_secondary" js="0">and {# [?:more]}...</word>

    Take another look at "react_blurb_others_secondary" and "like_blurb_others_secondary." Both of these contain the word "and."

    Noting, that I don't know what the difference between "like" and "react" is here, but my guess is the like one is the one you've missed.

    it is not replacing the "username , username and username" line.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Thank you - now we know what you've done. Someone with more knowledge of languages will probably be able to help more - I'll take another look when I get back to my PC later.

    Thank you. I hope someone else can help me with it. I tried to search the "and %s" word or anything else, but with no success. I also tried to look for "and" only , and didn't get it.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Mate...scroll down. There are MORE language strings further down than just the 2 in the screenshot...I'd put another one up, with all of them listed, but I'm now on a phone.

    First of all thanks in advance. I translated those already:


    None of them include the "and" word.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    What did you change? I've guided you to the various react_blurb_ language strings...so tell us what you've now done so we can help further

    I already changed the strings "people : peoples" and all the things in that page when searched the "react_blurb" then came back to the topic view and still see "testuser, testuser1 and testuser2" I want to change the "and" word in "testuser, testuser1 and testuser2" to another word in hebrew. where can I find the "%s, %s and %s" string?

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