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  1. Shure.. but i purchased it directly via Devfuse, because i had problems with updating via Marketplace ...
  2. Hi, Is there an option, when i choose "Enable database selection" to make a custom insert, when there are no database entries? Or maybe if there is a complete vehicle database somewhere to import into the app?
  3. Yes.. the problem was solved... I found the settings... and also the problem with profile pictures is now OK ...
  4. Great... problem solved 😛 ... Installed Cyberduck FTP client and now all its OK ...
  5. I found my problem... My FTP client (Transmit) does not view all files and folders on the server. When i look into with the filemanager on Plesk, there is a Profile folder... and few folders i have not copied... In the "uploads" folder there are more then 10.000 files... On my copy there are "only" 9.998 files... I think, Transmit has a limitation... I must find another FTP client ...
  6. But on the server there is no "profile" folder under the "uploads" folder... Not on the old server and also not on the new server ... But on the old server the image is displayed in the browser... but on the new test install not ...
  7. I have transfered all files... The path is virtual? Because the folder "profiles" is not in the "uploads" folder ... I cannot find the real filename. There is a file photo-133.jpg in the uploads folder... but its not the same ... I cannot find the file photo-thumb-133.jpg ... The member from the screenshot with no profile picture on the new server, has the ID 133 and i think, the profile photo is somewhere translated into a vritual path 😄 ... But my programming skills are not OK... so i fon't know, how this "magic" works 🙂 ...
  8. Great... this was the problem 👍 ... Now there are no errors and the most problems are gone... There is only one problem (maybe more comes later, when i explore it 🙂 ) ... . Some profile pictures are missing ... Is there an option, to recreate them? On the left side is my production installation of the forum, on the right side is the test install ...
  9. This path? where is this stored? I must correct it every time, i copy the files and the database to the new server? But the errors are not gone, when i correct this. Is this hardcoded in a file? Is there a premission checker script?
  10. Hi, What exatly was the problem or this "old bug"? I would like to transfer a forum to a new hosting provlder. When i copy all the files, import the database, alter the permisssions, settings, paths, etc... i have a simmilar problem. I'm running the latest version (4.6.9). The forum runs, but there are errors like describd here (CANNOT_MAKE_DIR,... ). I found this post searching the web for my problem... br Thomas
  11. I have the same problem... How can i update it?
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