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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. I've disabled the single installed plugin and used the Default theme. When I reply to a topic using the comment form - after clicking the Submit Reply button, the notification flashes saying, "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator" but the Registration step is skipped. There is no email or notification to the admin or mod and the admin/mods have no clue a comment is awaiting approval until they stumble on it. On clicking Add Article, I'm taken to - On clicking the Save button, the same notification appears "Your submission needs to approved by the Administrator" but the Registration step is skipped and there is no article form. I get the Admin email saying Guest has submitted an article with a button to approve it. When I click the "Got to Article" button in the email, it takes me to the error page "This page isn't working" /articles/-r40/ When I use the above URL in a guest browser, it says "That page doesn't exist" I see the empty article under ACP > Pages > Articles with empty title and empty body (as expected) because there was no article form rendered for the guest - just the email input field with the Save button as above. I thought these may be possible bugs and hence posted the topic here. Is there a page detailing what topics to submit in which forums?
  2. When "Post Before Registering" is set to Allowed, guest users can submit comments on topics without registering/logging-in but the comment gets submitted immediately (skipping the registration process) for approval and the admin as no clue of what the guest user's email address is or if it was a bot submission as email address is not exposed on the approval form. The guest user has no clue the content got submitted as "possible spam". Here is what the config option says but the registration process is skipped before the submission - "Guests will see the ability to submit content and then will immediately be prompted to register an account before the content is actually submitted and viewable. This is useful for encouraging guests to register. Guest users will have up to one week to complete their registration before their content will be permanently removed. If the guest user does not complete their registration immediately, they will be sent a reminder email shortly after making the post." Also, I saw an article submitted by a guest user with empty title and empty body.
  3. The admin account is configured to do unlimited editing of own content under "Edit time restriction" in ACP. But today, getting this error on editing a previous topic comment (which never manifested in the past): "This comment can no longer be edited. It may have been moved or deleted, or too much time may have passed since it was posted for it to be edited."
  4. It only worked in Brave and Safari browsers with the puzzle it submitted the form. With Chrome, it still doesn't go anywhere after solving the puzzle. Tried 2 separate Chrome profiles with no luck.
  5. Today, getting this puzzle challenge on submitting/editing a topic. "You need to solve a security puzzle before proceeding to your request. This authentication activity protects your account by preventing spam and blocking suspicious activity." After solving the car's path, it says "Success, you'll be redirected soon" but nothing happens. Tried other browsers with no luck. Cannot proceed. Using Invisible CAPTCHA. On IC cloud. Please advise.
  6. Yes, we trust them only with editing/managing members, profiles, posts, etc. My point is, why allow them to edit Admin's profile and other mods' profiles? They are supposed to edit and manage members and members' content. We don't know these voluntary mods personally to trust them 100% with giving access to Admin/Mod profiles. // Always allow to edit own profiles (no change) // While $staff is editing others' profiles if ($profileToEdit is in $staff group) { if ($self is in $admin group) { // allow Admin to edit anyone's profiles } } else { // allow editing non-staff profiles... }
  7. The moderators on IC forums may be paid but on general forums, the anonymous moderators work for free. They are not employees of the general forum website and there is no employee-employer relationship/contract.
  8. The logistics of a forum are different on sites like invisioncommunity.com, dev sites who develop apps for IC where you know everything and everyone on your forums vs general forum sites where the admins make some anonymous people as moderators based purely on their activity. Why is it logical to allow mods to edit profiles of admins and other mods? So they could type anything into admin's About box? That's like saying leave the door unlocked when I step out - if I don't trust the neighborhood, don't live there.
  9. To add a bit more to the context - I would like to write articles on a daily basis but it is humanly impossible to do it consistently. But if I have access to Publish Date/Time, I could write a bunch of articles in one go when I'm free and schedule them to be published one article a day. Having access to Publish date/time, I can write more articles with ease and freedom. That is putting technology to work. I use AuctionSniper.com to snipe auctions by bidding just "once" on the item in the last few seconds of its closing so other bidders don't get a chance to outbid me (it would be closed in my favor by the time they get to react) and get the item at the lowest price by not entering into a bidding war from the beginning and jacking up its price unnecessarily. I can schedule the bid to happen in the last 4 or 5 seconds before the auction closes with my max price and forget it. The auction gets bid at the right time from server-to-server - even if I'm asleep. I wrote an article on this. That is using technology to our advantage. Email clients like Outlook, Gmail, etc. offer to send an email in future. Members want to write as much content as they can and granting them access to Publish Date/Time gives them more freedom and power.
  10. Currently, mods can edit even Admin's profile and other mods' profiles.
  11. Access to Publish Date/Time permission for members is not available in IC for Forum Topics and Articles. New Group-level Permissions needed to resolve this: Can set Future Publish Date/Time for items? [ N ] - current default behavior Can see Future Publish items posted by other users? [ N ] - default (can see only own future publish items) More info -
  12. Correct. Sidebar is non-existent on top-posting form page. Same header/footer blocks from topic-listing page are rendered on topic-posting form (with same CSS classes but no CSS IDs).
  13. Access to Publish Date/Time permission for members is apparently not available in IC. New Group-level Permissions needed to resolve this: Can set Future Publish Date/Time for items? [ N ] - current default behavior Can see Future Publish items posted by other users? [ N ] - default (can see only own future publish items)
  14. The exact same blocks from topic list page would appear on start-a-topic form page. Maybe you created a custom page for topic listing?
  15. That's what it seemed like. I guess allowing members to specify future Publish Date would encourage them to post more with more freedom, like posting future news, etc. Suppose there is a new movie release on a future date, they could post a new topic with the future date inviting reviews and discussions from other members and when the date/time arrives, the topic would become visible. It would let them set up future topics and forget without having to post exactly when the topic is needed at which time they may not be available to post. For articles, they could line up to post articles in future leisurely when they have ideas instead of being able to post only when needed and there is no way to defer its publish date. It gives them more freedom and encourages to post more. Not having access to Publish Date/Time is too restrictive as members may not be available to post when needed. These are similar to posting blog entries in future or allowing members to comment on a topic without registering to encourage more registrations. All these would still go through usual moderations. Most members would be too happy to use the Publish Date/Time to their advantage and freedom if they are given an easy way to see/filter their scheduled content to make any edits and such. And with config settings to control publish date, the default behavior could be retained with ability to grant access to these fields to members and other groups. These changes would bring consistency across various modules and expected behaviors.
  16. Adding a block to a forum and it showing on other forums is fine which is expected behavior. I was referring to adding a block topic view list page but the same shows on topic posting form page. In such a case, we need element IDs to have some control to be able to CSS-select them to manage their visibility and such without tweaking the templates. Adding element ID's is just HTML attribute, won't add any extended functionality or break anything or need any testing as long as they are unique. In our case, the block is meant purely for topic view list (home) page and it gets rendered on topic posting form page. Also, it is bigger than intended because there is no sidebar panel on topic posting page which is a double bummer. Why would we not have element IDs? After all, that is their purpose. CSS class will not serve the purpose in this case.
  17. I added a WYSIWYG editor to Forums topic-view page but the same editor content is getting rendered on Post Topic page too. I need to hide this block on Topic Posting page as it is specific to topic-view page only. How do I hide it on Topic Posting page without having to edit templates? There is no CSS ID set for the div and both pages use the same CSS class for the div and no way to select it to hide it using CSS. Hiding the block using CSS is hiding it on both pages and deleting the block is removing it from both pages as both pages use the exact same block. It would give us more control if you use ID's for elements in addition to classes on pages, similar to: <div id="topicViewBlock" class="topicBlock"> <div id="topicPostBlock" class="topicBlock"> Any ideas...?
  18. There are Publish Date and Time fields for Admins and Moderators while posting a forum Topic, Article and Blog. But don't see a way or permission to enable these fields for Members while posting a forum Topic or Article (Blog Entries have these fields for Members). I've enabled these Article permissions for Members - Please advise..
  19. For members, the Publish Date still does not render. Permissions are set as per screenshots posted in above comment on Nov 20.
  20. Will that not result in users abusing signatures to add links for SEO juice as that will make signatures visible to search engines (Show signatures to guests)?
  21. When "Hide my online status" is chosen, shouldn't it also show the user's status as "Offline" instead of showing as "Online now" with a green dot?
  22. Sticky Icon tabs for emoji categories (instead of a single scrolling list for all categories) would offer the necessary UX. This is from LinkedIn
  23. Online Status will hide the user's status completely site-wide. I meant to say status per forum. Some sub/forums may be sensitive that users may not want others to know they are browsing it. If a user wants to browse a sub/forum without showing his/her visibility inside that sub/forum, s/he should be able to do it by choosing to hide his/her status in that sub/forum.
  24. Currently, topic detail page shows "<User> is also here" and apparently, there is no way to turn this feedback off. It would be great if users can turn their name display off "by specific forums". For instance, if s/he is viewing topics posted in a particular/sensitie forum, they should be able to hide himself/herself from being displayed to others that s/he is viewing topics in that forum. In addition, this setting may also be implemented for all forums so users don't have to select each forum individually to suppress display of their name in.
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