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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. I've tried creating a master theme with custom CSS and assigning the master theme as the parent of another/child theme but it doesn't work and does not use the custom CSS from the parent theme when the frontend is loaded up with the child theme. Basically it has to markup the parent CSS followed by child CSS in the HTML but apparently, it doesn't markup parent CSS as none of the parent's CSS is rendered while using child theme. Please advise...
  2. Restricted Moderators: MOD1, MOD2, MOD3 (no Ban button on their detail pages) Default Moderator: MANAGER (Ban button rendered on this moderator's detail page when logged in using above IDs)
  3. Tried to PM you access details but it says you cannot receive messages. I saw this issue of "cannot receive messages" with some users on other IC forums. Under what circumstances is messaging disabled for some users only while other users can receive PMs? Is it disabled by the user himself or admin for some users?
  4. Restricted moderators are given access to ACP to approve pending members in the absence of Admin. I understand they are restricted admins. The inconsistent behavior is in point # 3 below
  5. Only one user at a time and then switch back to Admin before logging in as another user (it does not allow to login as multiple users).
  6. Setting up a test case - Creator a moderator with default privileges (DMOD). Creator 2 moderators with restricted privileges (RMOD1, RMOD2). Log into ACP using restricted moderator account RMOD1. 1) You would see the restricted moderator RMOD1 is not able to ban self, other restricted moderators (RMOD2) and admin (expected behavior). 2) Restricted moderator RMOD1 is able to ban members (expected behavior). 3) But the restricted moderator RMOD1 is able to ban moderator with default privileges (DMOD). There is a Ban button on the DMOD's detail page in ACP and RMOD1 is able to ban DMOD. HTH
  7. I was pointing out the inconsistent behavior. Restricted moderator is not being allowed to ban self, other restricted moderators and admins (expected behavior) but is able to ban default moderators.
  8. Was changing moderator notifications. When I click and edit settings in the bottom tabs (Live Topics, Event Reminders, Newsletter), and go back to Moderation notifications tab, it switches back to Admin account (admin's notification settings have some extra radio buttons and that's when we know it switched to admin). You can see this by refreshing the notifications page. Sometimes, when I do "Sign as user" from ACP, it directly loads the new page logged in as Admin instead of "Admin as user". Switch to Admin sometimes works but sometimes logs out of Admin account completely. That's what I ended up doing.
  9. The same restricted moderator is not being allowed to ban other restricted moderators. But restricted moderators are able to ban moderators with default privileges. Logically, the restricted moderator has limited privileges than the moderator with default/full mod privileges. Apparently, the privileges are not validated properly while rendering the Ban button on member/moderator detail page? I did not see "Can ban other member groups" setting for Moderators (there is only Unban setting) Is banning available only in ACP or ModCP too?
  10. I'm hosted on IC cloud with no access to server settings
  11. On the Article detail page, there are 2 tabs for Reviews and Comments. Is it possible to reposition the Comments tab first followed by Reviews tab without editing the templates? There are rarely any reviews compared to comments and the ordering of these tabs is not optimal.
  12. I saw the Unban privilege but no Ban privilege to mods. Is Ban privilege default true for mods to ban members? Moderator is able to ban members. Moderator is not privileged to ban Admins and other Moderators (ok). But a Restricted Moderator is able to ban a Moderator in ACP. Is there a way to config this properly so a Restricted Moderator should not be allowed to ban a Moderator?
  13. Tried with plugins and themes turned off and still having the same issues. When switching between various notification accordion tabs, it reverts to Admin's account as also when refreshing page.
  14. I remember these were working fine but now, Sign in as <user> from within ACP is having issues in the frontend. After signing in as user from ACP, it displays in the frontend as "Admin as user" in the top-right menu. When changing Notifications, it switches back to Admin account very frequently resulting in changing admin's settings without our knowledge instead of user's settings which is frustrating as we have to reset admin's notifications back to what they were and we never know if we changed the user's settings or not. Refreshing the page from Notifications sometimes switches back to Admin. Switch back to Admin option logs out of both accounts instead of staying logged-in as admin. Not able to use the Sign in as User feature.
  15. Yeah, this is what I was looking for months and it is the optimal solution.
  16. Entire site I meant forums, clubs, blogs, articles, pages, events, etc. (not just pages/articles) Oh, I did not notice there is a parent-child relationship between themes. Will try that as it seems most optimal.
  17. I need common/reusable CSS for the entire site and per previous conversation, it was made clear there is no such provision and the only way to add CSS for the site is to add it at the theme level for each theme.
  18. #1 & #2 above are resolved by this - #3 is still a feature request
  19. To centralize all CSS into a single file instead repeating/editing CSS across all themes redundantly every time there is a change (which can go out of sync due to redundancy)
  20. When we upload CSS or JS files under Media, there is no way to edit them other than replace them. When we replace them, it generates a new _cb=xxxxx (maybe version number?). Can we ignore the _cb=xxxx and just the file name part of the URL while using the file or just use the {media=xx} tag? In any case, being able to edit the file in-place instead of re-uploading/replacing with an updated version will be easier (similar to how the file content is edited in Themes > CSS). This way, we don't have to maintain a copy on our disk.
  21. In the Article Syncing to Forum setting, when "Use forum for comments" is set to Off, the Comments on the cross-posted forum topic should not be rendered but can include a link to the Comments on the original article. Otherwise, comments would be scattered between article and forum topic. These links to the original article along with an excerpt/snippet of the article: View Full Article Comments This isn't clear. Does this involve editing of the templates? Please send full menu path in the ACP to the above.
  22. I enabled permissions to Title and Content for Guests and see the fields on the article form. However, it skips the Registration step for topics, comments and articles (I assume you are looking into it, though).
  23. Members group - GROUP SETTINGS Can access site: Yes Can login anonymously: Allowed Allow filtering by this group: Yes Can be ignored: Yes CONTENT Can create polls: Yes Can vote in polls: Yes Show inline moderation events: Yes Can use tags?: Yes Can use prefixes? Yes Can give star ratings for content?: Yes Can change rating?: Yes Can edit own content?: Yes to all checkboxes Can report content?: Yes Require approval before content shows?: Yes SOCIAL Can edit profile information?: Yes Allow animated profile photos?: Yes Can upload a cover photo?: Yes Can view Display Name History: Yes Can view who reacted?: Yes Can post status updates?: Yes Can import status updates?: Yes BLOGS Can create blogs?: Yes Can comment on blog entries?: Yes Rest of the settings are all Off for Members group. HTH
  24. Just tried again on Chrome, Safari and Brave browsers and all of them skipped the Registration step and for articles, no article form is rendered and saving an empty article (as mentioned above). System > Settings > Posting - Post Before Registering: Allowed Groups > Guests - GROUP SETTINGS Can access Site: Yes Allow filtering by this group?: Yes Can be ignored?: Yes CONTENT Show inline moderation events: Yes Rest of the config settings for Guests group are all either Off or Disabled. I guess these are all default config settings and don't remember having changed any config settings for Guests group. My site is on IC cloud. Is "Technical Problems" the Support forum?
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