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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. After updating to 4.7.17, the issue got resolved.
  2. It's just some display values of some language strings modified in the default language pack but no new language packs are installed. The site is not updated to the latest version 4.7.17 yet but that should not break existing version (this is my point). "block_newsletter_signup" is not even found in lang strings to remove customizations. Could be a new lang key in 4.7.17.
  3. No language packs. It was working fine for months and suddenly appeared today.
  4. It is displaying this on CiC - block_newsletter_signup
  5. Yes. These are used by apps/plugins but blocked in the robots and hence crawling issues - sortby=, tab=, do, /*?&controller=embed I'm not sure what Google would or not do. Things like this altering the behavior dynamically has almost always resulted in heartache while dealing with Google as far as I know. Any other graceful solution? Like using a different parameter name to bypass the default name in robots?
  6. sortby is blocked by default robots.txt which was reported by GA as a crawling issue.
  7. https://www.telugus.com We would rather prefer to use the default robots.txt provided by the software as it is most optimal. Resolving it at the software, apps/plugins level would resolve the issue for ALL clients using the default robots.txt instead of tweaking a custom robots.txt for each client who use apps/plugins.
  8. The default robots.txt on IC cloud is disallowing these - # Block faceted pages and 301 redirect pages Disallow: /*?sortby= Disallow: /*?filter= Disallow: /*?tab= Disallow: /*?do= Disallow: /*ref= Disallow: /*?forumId* Disallow: /*?&controller=embed After installing 2 below plugins, Google Analytics started reporting errors and 9K pages on our fairly new site got unindexed and traffic dwindled drastically: Pages Comments/Reviews Tab Order By @Adriano Faria (TB) Sort Questions Forums by Date By @teraßyte We also used the Movies app too that resulted in 5K similar errors ("Duplicate without user-selected canonical", etc) for the already added movies. Here are a few sample errors: /movies/movie/27-the-international/?do=addMovie&type=movie&movieid=1101123 /movies/movie/27-the-international/?do=getMovieDataMovieView&type=posters /movies/movie/27-the-international/?do=getMovieDataMovieView&type=images /movies/movie/13-migration/?do=getMovieDataMovieView&type=cast /movies/movie/13-migration/?do=getMovieDataMovieView&type=crew /movies/movie/13-migration/?tab=watchers /movies/movie/13-migration/?tab=reviews /movies/movie/13-migration/?tab=comments /movies/movie/13-migration/?do=getMovieDataMovieView&type=videos /articles/youtube-keyboard-shortcuts-r74/?tab=comments /articles/true-horror-the-cannibalistic-tragedy-of-the-donner-party/?tab=reviews /topic/517-how-sloths-survive-thrive-as-nature%E2%80%99s-couch-potato-60-minutes/?sortby=date /topic/437-stackoverflow%E2%80%99s-shockingly-simple-architecture/?sortby=votes /topic/613-work-visas-in-europe/?sortby=date /events/event/194-salaar/?do=embed /events/submit/?do=submit&id=19&y=2024&m=05&d=01&view=day To overcome the errors, we switched to custom robots.txt and commented the below lines - # Block faceted pages and 301 redirect pages #Disallow: /*?sortby= Disallow: /*?filter= #Disallow: /*?tab= #Disallow: /*?do= Disallow: /*ref= Disallow: /*?forumId* #Disallow: /*?&controller=embed The above opened a can of worms with more errors as it exposed other areas in the application to be indexed that are not supposed to be indexed. So we had to disable the 2 required plugins for now and reverted to use the default robots.txt (it would take weeks/months for Google to reindex the pages back). Both the plugins are free and work as expected and no issues. The plugins and app above need to use the commented parameters in the robots.txt (sortby, tab, do, embed) but cannot use the default parameters as they are disallowed in the robots.txt for a reason. The better approach is to use some other parameters like sortby2, tab2, etc. for plugins/apps in the frontend and reuse the same sortby, tab... parameters in the backend. The most graceful solution to these issues is to incorporate the logic of the 2 plugins above into IC software as these are sane, expected behaviors so please add these to your roadmap. I'm posting these issues here so the devs could coordinate with the IC team in figuring out alternate parameter names for apps/plugins to bypass the conditions in robots.txt (not sure who would decide alternate parameter names).
  9. I can understand users who created clubs can have management privileges. But moderators who did not create the clubs, will they still have front-end management privileges like "Delete This Forum" after turning off "Has leader privileges in all clubs" switch? The label for the switch is a bit ambiguous and may need some hints on what it precisely does.
  10. So there is no way to let moderators moderate club content without giving them management access? Why doesn't it work as expected similar to forums? And admin is the only one who can moderate clubs this way?
  11. Thanks! The switch looked like having to do with moderation and not management. Will the mod still be able to moderate content in clubs with this switch turned off?
  12. Is there a setting to restrict moderators from managing clubs? Especially the destructive menu items under the Manage Club dropdown button like Edit Club Settings, Delete Forum, etc. I've created a restricted Moderators group but cannot find a related setting to restrict these permissions.
  13. We don't have any 3rd party custom themes. Just created a few themes provided by the system custom.css template (colors using just CSS).
  14. They don't have oEmbed read anymore under "Permissions and Features". Please advise...
  15. I added this before the </body> in globalTemplate <script> document.querySelectorAll('div[data-role="commentContent"]').forEach(div => { div.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(element => { element.style.backgroundColor = ''; element.style.color = ''; }); }); </script> But it pastes with background color and text color as-is with no sanitization. I saved the pasted text in the editor and reloaded the page and it still displays the text with background color and text color as-is. (I tried copy/pasting text from light theme to dark theme and vice-versa). Then I tried with the '.cke_wysiwyg_div.cke_reset.cke_enable_context_menu.cke_editable.cke_editable_themed.cke_contents_ltr' and 'div#cke_1_contents' selectors and found no change in behavior. I checked the page source and the code is there. I checked the Console tab and there are no errors. Any ideas how to make this work?
  16. Is it possible to add a custom button for <video> tag for mp4 files from a URL? All it needs is - <video autoplay data-video-embed="" loop muted playsinline preload="auto" src="https://www.apple.com/newsroom/videos/fraud-prevention-illustration/large_2x.mp4" style="width: 100%"> &nbsp; </video> It would need an input dialog to accept the src URL. How to implement the input dialog for the custom button? How to use {option} and {content} for src and URL? Using the following definition, will the user be required to enter both "src" string and URL string for option and content tags? <video autoplay data-video-embed="" loop muted playsinline preload="auto" {option}="{content}" style="width: 100%"> &nbsp; </video> NOTE: autoplay works only when muted is used for optimal bandwidth usage. https://www.gumlet.com/learn/how-to-autoplay-html-video
  17. Is it possible to add a custom button for <video> tag for mp4 files from a URL? All it needs is - <video autoplay data-video-embed="" loop muted playsinline preload="auto" src="https://www.apple.com/newsroom/videos/fraud-prevention-illustration/large_2x.mp4" style="width: 100%"> &nbsp; </video> It would need an input dialog to accept the src URL. How to implement the input dialog for the custom button? How to use {option} and {content} for src and URL? NOTE: autoplay works only when muted is used for optimal bandwidth usage. https://www.gumlet.com/learn/how-to-autoplay-html-video
  18. Agree. It would support paste as well as copy functionality to paste into any editor. Apparently, that is what v5 is doing. For the time being in v4, what is the template name @Randy Calvert @Omri Amos @Sonya* @SeNioR- ?? I see a bunch of comment and post templates and it isn't clear which one it is.
  19. It would be ideal for the IC Team to add this block to whatever template it is so all clients don't have to add it to their templates redundantly. This is the solution and you just have to add it and test. This small change which belongs in the core would resolve a BIG pain point. The last thing clients want to do is modify templates and maintain/re-apply the changes across updates.
  20. How would we know if the suggestions made are going to be considered are not? i have more than 75 suggestions to make.
  21. Hello Team, When rich text is pasted into the editor, the text has style attributes like so (taken this example from this IC site and pasted into editor using color themes): <p style="background-color:#ffffff; color:#2f3d4b; font-size:14px; text-align:start"> The pasted rich text displays fine on a white theme due to matching colors. However, on a dark theme, the pasted text displays in black on a white background (opaque). To make this transparent and display pasted content as expected on any color theme using current theme's colors, we just have to get rid of the background, background-color and color attributes from the HTML. Please eliminate the background, background-color and color attributes from the HTML of the pasted rich text which would resolve the issue and users will be able to paste rich text as-is on any color theme which will be a HUGE breakthrough! Eliminating these color attributes will retain all other formatting and displays text in current theme colors. Forcing to paste as plain text results in a bad UX as the users would be required to reformat the text all over if the formatting like headers, tabular data, bullet lists, font-sizes, bolds, italics, etc. are important. Even if only the attribute "keys" are removed (background-color: , background: and color:), it results in markup like below and it works fine too. <p style="#ffffff; #2f3d4b; font-size:14px; text-align:start"> The related topic is here - Please confirm if this is added to your roadmap..
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