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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. When I set the Login & Registration > Registration > "Validation method for new accounts" to (o) Email and administrator validation (The user will be sent an email containing a special link they have to click to validate their account after which an administrator will need to manually approve the account from the Admin Control Panel) I assume, after registration - An email is sent to the new user to validate/confirm their email address (similar to a double opt-in) Only after the above step, Administrator should approve the account However, the step 1 above is not performed in the workflow as the new user never receives an email to validate/confirm their email address and the account is waiting for admin to manually approve/ban the account. At this stage, admin has no clue if the email is valid/existing (username+domain) and has only the options to approve/ban. If the email is incorrect, future emails to the user will bounce as undeliverable and likely result in the mail server getting blacklisted as a spamming server by DNSBL/RBL resulting in subsequent emails to anyone ending up in users' spam folders. https://clearout.io/blog/email-blacklist-removal/ Please resolve step # 1 above.
  2. Please add this feature as apparently, only Admins can approve new members.
  3. I posted everything here that I received from Google except the site domain name. My site is hosted on IC Cloud and no changes were made to the source except footer to add some links and some CSS to themes. This issue should probably apply to all sites hosted on IC Cloud. telugus.com
  4. If there are say more than 100 subforums and the user selects all of them except a couple of them (in the Fluid View Filter Checkboxes widget) which s/he is not interested in viewing their topics, it would be more performant to count the number of forums and number of checked boxes: If the number of checked boxes is greater than the number of unchecked boxes then WHERE forumId NOT IN (x,y,x) // Just address the unchecked forumIds to minimize the number of IN clauses // as opposed to - WHERE forumId IN (97 subforums IDs) else WHERE forumId IN (a,b,c,d,e,f...) end if HTH
  5. Not sure what the point is in hiding solutions to issues. Here it says: "Sorry, we can't show this content because you do not have permission to see it." Thoughts?
  6. Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 1 Q&A structured data issue(s). The following issues were found on your site. Top non-critical issues‡ Missing field "text" (in "mainEntity") ‡Non-critical issues are suggestions for improvement, but do not prevent the page or feature from appearing on Google. Some of these issues can affect your appearance on Search; some might be reclassified as critical issues in the future. We recommend that you fix these issues when possible to enable the best experience and coverage in Google Search.
  7. There is an option to have all the comments on the Article itself ("Use forum for comments"). If we turn this option off, they can only comment on the article and everything (article and comments) will be in a single location (article). Cross-posting a link to the forum would serve as a notification of a new article as people don't check check blogs and articles as much as they check forum posts. But cross-posting the entire article body in the forum topic will leave them out of sync if the article is edited later. Cross-posting just a link to the article would prevent that.
  8. Another issue is - because content is duplicated, if we modify the original article, the cross-posted forum topic will be out of sync because the topic body is different from the modified article body. Cross-posting just a link to the article (instead of the entire article) would solve this issue as there will be only one location for the article content.
  9. I turned it off - Pages > Databases > Articles > Forums tab > Post topic > OFF But every new article published under Articles is still getting cross-posted into the Discussions forum along with the entire body (duplicate content). How do I stop it? It would be ideal if just a link to the article is cross-posted in the chosen forum as a notification to the forum members of a new article but cross-posting the entire article body is just duplicate content not good for SEO.
  10. I've just tested it with a new user account who is moderated and found this to be correct. Earlier, I was testing with an old user account that already passed the moderation phase. However, while creating every other content type like Topic, Article, Event, Status Update, etc. it says clearly, "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator" prior to submitting the form but for Blogs and Blog Entries, it doesn't display this message which is confusing. It displays something similar only after submitting the Blog or Blog Entry. Maybe the IC Team could add this message prior to submitting the blog content to be consistent and clear the confusion?
  11. Ownership of a blogs/enties shouldn't matter for moderation. They are still created by exact same users of the forum who may be owners of the blogs/entries but are not the owners of the site and who could be shadier than they are on the forums or they could be just automated spam bots. Any company could hire an SEO firm to blast their irrelevant advertisement content as blogs and articles on forums sites using bots that go unnoticed because blogs/articles are not frequently monitored/visited like forums. This is a huge concern! Blogs and entries need at the very least optional initial moderation like the first 5 entries to go through moderation - similar to articles. This moderation feature should be built into the IC core instead of as a custom mod/plugin.
  12. /?forumId=null works better with clearing filters and subsequent pagination. However, on selecting any filter checkboxes again, the null parameter gets prefixed to filter params in the URI (no issues but the URI doesn’t look clean)
  13. Noticed an issue with the emptying parameter "/?forumId=" After we navigate to the URL (Eg - "site.com/?forumId="), it clears all the filters and displays topics from all sub/forums. But if we click the Next pagination link, the previous filters get restored in the URL (previous filters still exist in the session!) and pagination links get affected due to topics getting filtered again. "/?forumId=" is not a viable solution. An initialization parameter is required to - clear any invalid filters reset all filters with one click reduce the number of requests and partial page refreshes (clicking each selected checkbox to unselect them one at a time and refreshing the topic view for each checkbox click)
  14. A few situations - User manipulated the URL to enter an invalid forum ID (users can be monkeys are runtime). User filtered topics by a forum and in the meantime, we deleted the forum in the backend (rare). In both the situations, the forum ID gets stored in the session and Forums page displays a blank Topic view because the filter doesn't match any existing forums. Selecting more checkboxes in the Filter widget display topics from those subforums but once all the subforums are unselected, the invalid forumId parameter still stays in the URL. In the first instance, even a tech-savvy user cannot get rid of the forum ID (Eg: forumId=200) from the session to clear the invalid filter. Even deleting the invalid forumId parameter from the URL keeps restoring the invalid forum ID on page load and results in empty topic view (unless he knows to use "forumId="). The link can also serve as a "Clear All Filters" link quickly with just one click instead of having to locate and unselect each checked filter checkbox manually.
  15. At times, if we try to navigate to a non-existent forum ID, it surfs to that URL but there is no forum to display with that ID. But that wrong forum ID gets stored in the session with no way to get rid of it. Deleting it from the address bar or filtering with other sub forums will only keep the non-existent forum ID along with other parameters in the address bar. When the user unselects all the sub forums, the address bar still has the non-existent forum ID and the Topics page is blank because of the invalid filter and the non-tech-savvy user wouldn't know what s/he did wrong or how to fix it! This glitch could be addressed in the logic to not keep any non-existent forum IDs in the address bar or session. Using /?forumId= clears all the filters for now but the "/?forumId=" string remains in the URI. HTH
  16. In Fluid View when many filters are checked in the Filters widget, what is the URL to clear all filters (from the session) with just one click? Using /?forumId= and it works and clears all filters but it leaves that URI in the address bar. Is there a more graceful way to clear filters?
  17. Yes, please bypass the check for my site. I'll turn on 2FA. I'm the only one using ACP on my site.
  18. I've seen online this issue of changing IP Address with Xfinity reported by many users and there is no way around it other than getting a static IP Address. With my connection, I'm seeing the provider is switching between 3-6 IP Addresses per day and frequently switching between them all through the day/night very frequently. There is no point in even discussing this issue with the provider. Will it be feasible to provide an option in the ACP to make the session persistent (Default: OFF) like the front-end session regardless of the IP Address for such situations where the Admin would knowingly turn it on so he could continue working without disruptions and getting kicked out in the middle of his work and losing changes repeatedly with a very, very bad UX, frustration and waste of time? Some options - The Admin can set a timeout value to keep the session persistent (Eg: 2 hours) after which the session would revert to default behavior. The Admin can turn it off after he is done working The option may be turned off (Default) programmatically after some idle timeout (Eg: 1 hour) The option may be turned off (Default) programmatically when he signs out New sessions will start out with the option turned OFF as Default for max security. The behavior will remain the same (OFF) until the Admin decides to turn it On knowingly and uses it actively. The above hybrid suggestion is to just relax it a little bit so the ACP becomes usable without getting kicked out repeatedly and losing work. If the Admin is working actively, it may be ok to keep the session on. If not active, idle timeout would kick in and end the session, anyway.
  19. Database name is "Articles". Included mod ID in the PM. PM'ed links.
  20. I see the exact same admin ID logged into the frontend is having no issues and logged in for weeks without getting kicked out. But the ACP login with the same ID is getting kicked out frequently. Earlier, ACP login used to get kicked out like once in 15-30 minutes (only when idling) but never while using it actively. But now, it is happening more frequently even while using it actively. Is ACP auth logic different from front-end auth? Is it possible to make ACP auth persistent similar to frontend auth?
  21. The site is offline now. I messaged you the details. For admin, all fields are displayed. For mod - no Publish Date. For members - no Publish Date.
  22. Forums are active and vibrant and anything posted in them is noticed by users/mods. But blogs and articles are seldom visited by anybody including admins/mods and these are the areas targeted by spammers using bots posting irrelevant content for their SEO and these content could go unnoticed. I've experienced this spam a lot on my previous forum using vBulletin.
  23. I found the permissions in Applications > System > Promote for members. It's working now
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