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Everything posted by EvanDC

  1. Forgive me if this has been mentioned before (but this is at 58 pages of comments now so difficult to see) ... But it would be AWESOME if links could be added to multiple categories at the same time. It would also be useful to have the category it's listed in available on the "edit" screen once a link has been added and of course to have further categories available to be selected there as a tick box list.
  2. EvanDC

    Word Count

    Oh nice - thank you! Could it work for articles as well?
  3. EvanDC

    Word Count

    I appreciate this might be a little niche. However for the site I'm building it would be enormously helpful and there are plenty of other site genres out there which would benefit from this as well - essay sites, journalism sites, literary sites etc. A word count option in articles. When an article is posted the option to have a side bar appended to the layout with a word count showing, and even features such as "search by word count", could be really super useful in certain industries.
  4. A feature on many content rich websites is a print icon at the top or bottom of pages which strips the surrounding framework from the page and just sends the relevant content to the printer for when people want a hard copy or want to make a PDF. My site is heavy on written content pages where the content I'm writing is the main selling point of the site. It is a resource site. So it would be really helpful to allow my members to print out the content I'm creating without having to copy and paste the text over to another application. If the page/article content is contained within a DIV wrapper, would it be easy/hard to create a function where the contents inside that DIV wrapper were printable, but the rest of the site ignored? Thanks.
  5. Thanks - yes - that's what I'm using already. I was really asking if there is a plug-in or extension in the marketplace I suppose which would make these much nicer looking cards for the homepage.
  6. Ok - thanks. That's a real pity. This would be a super useful feature.
  7. Hi, is there a feature I'm missing ... or is IPB perhaps missing a feature? For my articles content I would very much like people to be able to print out a clean page of the article text, without the surrounding framework of IPB. Is there a way to enable this option? Thanks.
  8. Hi, On the main features area of this si te there's a nice graphic about monetizing your site including this graphic: My question is - what is needed to implement exactly that look for my homepage and providing the links through to subscription packages? Thanks!
  9. I've tried for the 4th time and it's working fine now. I'm sorry I didn't get screengrabs of the error messages. First it was in the ACP when I tried to go to the settings for the messenger. It has a red bar across the top of the screen and nothing else. Text in it, but I can't remember what the error was. Then I uninstalled it. Tried to reinstall it. I think the error was more apparent this time saying something like "couldn't load jsoc library" (I might have the jsoc bit wrong ... but it began with a J. That was on the install screen.
  10. I've tried to install this today through the ACP and marketplace ... and each time it's thrown up an error and not worked. Could it be to do with the upgrade to IPS I ran yesterday when prompted?
  11. Hi there - I *think* my discord integration is setup ok and bot running etc. BUT the block on IPB is just showing an error of a broken image link, nothing else. Any ideas?
  12. Oh - no it's not. What I wanted to do was show a list of available clubs which exist. Where's the setting for that then?
  13. Thanks Marc - it's essentially any member other than myself I'm guessing. I've created the dummy user "Test" which shares the same permissions as everyone else I've setup - other than me as admin. Page to check would be: https://www.thevestry.net/community/ Compare my view as admin where I can see the Clubs block underneath the Clubs graphic I've placed at the top, and the same page for Test, where the clubs block is now not showing. Thank you
  14. Oh nice - thank you! 🙂 What would be the idea from here creating my own iCal feed? Can I just use my personal google calendar, create a new calendar and setup an iCal feed to then import into my site? Would that work without forum members ending up in my personal diary space?
  15. I'm trying to display a block listing the Clubs which have been set up. As Administrator I can see the block fine. I've got a member group who I believe (as far as I can see) have all the correct permissions to see and use the Clubs functionality ... however, for them the block displaying the Clubs is absent where it should be present. I've had what I think is a good look at everything and can't see why this might be the case. Anyone want to suggest a troubleshooting checklist to check what I've done wrong? Thanks.
  16. Thanks Gary - it's actually really lovely to be back in the IPB community after more than a decade away. It's so cool to see just how far it's come. It was always brilliant - now it's just kind of mind blowing! Love it.
  17. Hi, Is there any way to import a list of dates/events into the Event Calendar without resorting to iCal? I'm thinking here of a static spreadsheet > csv > events. Thanks.
  18. Thank you! I thought that was the case. Once a category has been created, where would I go to adjust its permissions? I can't seem to find it. PS - I'm aware that I'm posting a lot of dumb questions. I am sorry! Am honestly trying to sort these things out as much as I can myself. Working at pace to create a large site at the moment. Thanks for all your support! I've set the "Set custom permissions" button to on, but it doesn't seem to do much. I'm sure I'm missing something! Ah! Found it - the Database Permissions button at the top of the screen!!!! Thank you.
  19. Hi there, Is it possible to put the articles/pages - or a subset of them - behind the subscription paywall? Thanks Evan
  20. EvanDC


    That did it! thank you. Next question - should there be a link for people to buy the books through the affiliate link? I don't seem to have any means for people to click and buy anything, which I was hoping for. Oh that's weird - I now have a "Buy this book" button suddenly appeared. Well that's sorted. Didn't do anything though - maybe it updated from Amazon??
  21. EvanDC


    Oh great - thank you! Must be a typo on my end. Will go check. Thank you for spotting that.
  22. EvanDC


    Hi there - I've just installed this. Looks to be working fine until I go to submit a book, at which point I get an error message with the following technical log ... IPS\Http\Request\CurlException: https://www.amazon..co.uk/dp/1472973569/ref=nosim?tag=thevestry-21 Could not resolve host: www.amazon..co.uk (6) #0 /var/www/html/107505/system/Http/Request/Curl.php(422): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->_execute() #1 /var/www/html/107505/system/Http/Request/Curl.php(298): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->_executeAndFollowRedirects('GET', NULL) #2 /var/www/sitefiles/v324652/applications/books/modules/front/books/view.php(111): IPS\Http\Request\_Curl->get() #3 /var/www/html/107505/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\books\modules\front\books\_view->manage() #4 /var/www/html/107505/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #5 /var/www/sitefiles/v324652/applications/books/modules/front/books/view.php(40): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #6 /var/www/html/107505/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\books\modules\front\books\_view->execute() #7 /var/www/html/107505/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main}
  23. Hi - I'm creating a subscription only environment for my users. So 95% of the content on the site is going to be behind a paywall. Just thinking about the blogs area for users though, I realise some of my users might want to create a blog which is publicly available. Is this possible? In other words, some will use it as a private space for their thoughts and ideas and WANT their blog behind the paywall. Others though might want to write things which are publicly viewable without the paywall getting in the way. Thanks, Evan
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