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Everything posted by Grafidea

  1. "Sorry, we can't show this content because you do not have permission to see it."
  2. I have a question, does ips already support php 8.1?
  3. Thanks! In the hosting panel it looks like this. In wordpress, it displays correctly on the same server. Maybe it will guide you somehow. Thank you again
  4. in the panel also shows wrong i use MariaDB 10.6.5 no 5.5.5-10.6.5, wordpress and other cms show well so the error is in ips.
  5. Yes. I mean something similar that does not delay page loading 🙂
  6. What do you think about adding a lazy load for forum sections? so how is it in several templates on the marketplace? This would speed up forum loading and improve the result on google pagespeed. something like here https://codebite.dev/ips/
  7. It works, but it's nice if the navbar changed to a smaller one when scrolling Something like you have on the forum, only header is scrolling without navigation.
  8. what do you think about flexible fixed navbar? I think it would be very useful it would have a logo, avatar, message icons, etc.
  9. The facebook interface has changed a bit. It's nice if the IPS team updated this article.
  10. Maybe soon we will have svg support for the logo, reaction, etc.? 🙂
  11. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/members-and-groups/social-sign-in/google-r299/
  12. Hi, please full supported cloudflare proxy etc. Thanks!
  13. Hi, after moving the forum to another hosting, I have this message that I don't know how to remove. The cache works, everything is set as it should, but I can't delete this notification.
  14. Problem Solved. Mod Security problem.
  15. I have configured google login and registration, but I have a problem, when I try to register via google, I get a 403 error. Where is the problem?
  16. Is it an extra extension? Is it built into the ips forum?
  17. buy this: https://turboduck.net/files/file/482-enhance-core/
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