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Ghost Face

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Posts posted by Ghost Face

  1. 13 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    My site has just shy of 2M posts from over 20 years.  The post table contains 1.9G worth of data.  Basically for every million posts, it is about 1GB of database space for the post table itself.  The entire database is 6.5GB...  including the conversion mappings for Xenforo -> IPB, keeping a permanent edit log, IP log, etc.  


    Another site has similar metrics in terms of post to storage ratio.  

     Now... attachments, avatars, etc are a whole different story. 😄 

    That's interesting to know, thanks for that! 

    I have a site running on another software and I know how massive it can get when you keep all the logs permanently. 💀

  2. 19 hours ago, KT Walrus said:

    For a new community I am working on, topics will be deleted after 90 days (for keeping a lid on my long term hosting costs).

    I can't imagine that hosting costs are an issue for a new community. Unless you're literally storing hundred-thousands if not millions of posts, hosting shouldn't be expensive at all. I'm pretty sure that you can host a small community on an optimized VPS for max $10-15 a month.

  3. The user experience of the accordion menu on the notification settings page is really bad in my opinion. Whenever you click on one of the settings to expand the menu, it feels like it's lagging for a short period of time. I know that there is a loading indicator on the right side of the menu, but you can barely notice it because the menu expands too fast. (Which is good in theory but feels weird in practice)

    I think this could be improved by expanding the menu and show the loading state on the already expanded accordion menu. Maybe even show a skeleton loading state for the notification settings?


  4. 1 hour ago, Miss_B said:

    @Marc Stridgen is not ignoring you at all, he is giving you a very solid/useful advice, I would listen to him if I were you. 

    I think I made it pretty clear in my first post, that I'm aware of the risks. I'm already aware of the advice I've been given, I don't need to have it repeated by someone when I asked for another approach. 

    1 hour ago, Miss_B said:

    Before you touch the database, make first a backup for just in case you will have something to revert back to.

    P.s. In your first post you say you made a few test users which you deleted again, is this a freshly installed forum btw?

    This is a pretty new forum, just some guys and me setting it up. The only thing that could get lost are all the configurations we've made and the custom theme I'm working on. The theme has already been exported by me, so the only stuff that would get lost are the configs, no big deal if there's no other approach than just re-installing the software, but I'd prefer to avoid it.

    I would definitely not do something like this in production or on a big community anyways.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Im not sure what gives you that impression there. There is no way in which to fix this issue. You are trying to fix something that isn't something that is broken. If you deleted members, it will not change other peoples IDs to ensure every ID is populated as you are suggesting. You stated also that you changed some of the tables, but there are a lot of tables. If you do that, you will very likely break your site. If you feel I havent answered a specific item there, you would need to clarify

    I've pretty much included in my first post that I'm aware of the risks. I'm looking for advice on what the best approach to do this would be, not for advice against it.

    On a side note, I never stated that I changed any tables in the IPS database, so much to where I get the impression on you ignoring everything I said... 🤦‍♂️

  6. 5 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    There is no way in which to change how that works. The key of a user in the database is really for programmatic use, rather than something that a front end user should ever be bothered with. We cannot advise on changing things directly in the database, and it is very very likely to cause you issues if you do so

    Not sure if this is a stock reply or you just ignored literally everything I said?

  7. Scenario: Made a few test users which I deleted again, which results in missing UIDs and new members not having the "correct" one. Example:


    1: Admin

    2: deleted

    3: deleted

    4: Johnny

    5: deleted

    While this obviously won't matter to a lot of people, it does to me. 

    I've been using another forum software in the past which didn't even have close to the amount of database tables IPS has, so it was pretty easy to just delete the user table and run the original SQL command to get the default table into the database again. After that I changed the few UIDs that were shared with other tables (like topics, posts, etc). IPS really has a lot of tables and I have no idea how widely spread UIDs are in the software, which results in me not wanting to go with the same approach cause I can easily mess this up very bad.

    What would be the best approach to fix this issue? Reinstalling the software would obviously be the easiest solution, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.

  8. 1 hour ago, Michael.J said:

    What version of IP.Board are you using?

    You posted a review on the same day, giving me a chance to reply to a support issue would of been nice.

    I'm using 4.6.10 now but it happened on the version prior as well. (At the time I wrote the review)

    I'm sorry about the review, but I can't recommend the plugin right now as it overwrites default IPS behaviour which makes the plugin unusable for me. I don't know why non-working image embeds and ignoring forum permissions would be considered "a custom app that won't do everything I want". I expected the plugin to do what's advertised on your sales page, not more or less.

  9. On 1/29/2022 at 9:16 PM, All Astronauts said:

    It's a hitch with hex2rgb template plugin and PHP 8. I'm pretty sure IPS have patched it with the 4.6.10 release (beta right now but probably final on Monday or Tuesday).

    After you upgrade, see if this bug still pops - if it does, give a yell.

    I've updated to 4.6.10 today and the error seems to be gone now like you said. Thanks! 👍

  10. I'm receiving an error on the ACP login page everytime I visit it.

    [[Template core/admin/system/login is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    It seems to work after a refresh though which is weird.

  11. 30 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    You get 1 free license URL reset every 6 months with an active license. Beyond that there is a charge of $15 to combat abuse of people license swapping/hopping for applications, support, etc... which was/has been an issue. You also get a Test URL with a self-hosted license.

    We, of course, are rather understanding as we aren't going to get rich off these $15 reset prices 🙂 and like here, can change it when it is brought up when there is a good reason for it.

    Oh I knew about the Test URL but didn't know that you get one free change every 6 months. That makes perfect sense though. Thanks for explaining!

  12. Receiving this error on the form list page:

    [[Template form/front/forms/formRow is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    Using the default IPS theme with no modifications to it.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I have to admit to being extremely confused by your topic here. Looking at your topics, you appear to have had only 1 topic in our support area here prior to this one, which was responded to in just under 2.5 hours.

    I do see there is a topic present where there is an issue with your purchase of the product, which has been looked at by my colleague, and you mentioned there was 10 days. However that topic was started on 19th. It was responded to on the 20th and unfortunately has taken a few days for this to be looked into. It has not however been 10 days there, and had to be forwarded to another department for investigation.

    I've made the purchase on January 14 and didn't get any automatic notification that something went wrong back from you until January 20 (Note that it still showed a wrong status in the Client Panel). I contacted you on January 19 because I thought that it already takes way too long according to my prior experience with purchases here. Today is January 24, 10 days later, and the solution to my problem is "try again" just to have the same thing happen again.

    I like that you get a reply here just 9 minutes later while I still don't have a solution to my problem.

    Public Image > Customer, I guess

    3 minutes ago, SeNioR- said:

    10 days is actually a long time, but the support has really changed. Today, Marc and the others are trying to help every day which is cool.

    A year ago, you would probably get the answer after a month or not at all.

    I don't want to sound rude, but I'm not sure why I should be appreciative how things are now in comparison to a year ago. I wasn't here at that time but if I were and would have to wait a month for an answer, I'd have gotten my money back and bought an alternative.

  14. I've been here since January 4 and spent a lot of money within 20 days on both your software and marketplace. I like your software and love the addons from the marketplace, they're great. But your support is the most awful I've come across in a pretty long time. It takes literally 10 full days to finally get an answer on my problem on what exactly went wrong with a purchase I made only to be faced with the same problem again, after being told to purchase it again. Now I'm at the same stage I've been at 10 days ago - I don't have access to what I bought and will probably wait another 10 days just to get the same answer again.

    I'm honestly considering an alternative way to get my hands on your Pages application if you're not willing to solve this in an acceptable manner of time. 

  15. 1 hour ago, opentype said:

    Since some in this topic are probably in the EU, I add this relevant information:


    The EU can't even keep up with their GDPR law, not to forget the countless cookie popups where most of them don't even have any logic behind them. I think as long as this isn't enforced more strictly, I don't think anyone has to worry about something like surcharging payment fees unless you're a multi-million company, if even that.

    That's just my personal opinion though and doesn't represent the law obviously.

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