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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. This is just a one off. sphinx.pdf
  2. Yeah, we have considered this. It wouldn't take too much effort to do although arguably each user will have access to the same data so I'm not entirely sure what the point would be. Both need access to members, posts, topics, forums, logs, etc. I can't think offhand of one table that isn't required by both systems.
  3. The two biggest obstacles are legacy issues and size issues. No one with more than 500k posts is going to want to run queries to update or move the posts to a new system. It could potentially take hours to complete. Another consideration is size. Some operating systems impose a 4gb limit on a single file. We've had some customers who've hit this problem with the datafile for their posts table. Lumping all 'post' type data into one table will only exacerbate the issue further. You'll also have locking issues if a lot of applications are constantly reading writing to a single large table as well as maintaining indexes required for full text searching. It's one of those normalization theories that is sound but limited by the back-end software.
  4. We are aware of the tracker category and have scheduled in some time to fix them. The pressing priorities are 3.0.2 (and all apps) along with MSSQL and the subscriptions manager. None of the bugs are critical and affect the ability to view information or make purchases. On a personal level, there's nothing more annoying than being criticized with an exaggeration. :)
  5. This occasionally happens in IE7. A refresh should fix it. We've never been able to reproduce this reliably enough to look into it any further.
  6. This is almost solely bug fixes and efficiency improvements. And better Sphinx support.
  7. In all fairness, there is nothing stopping you from downloading all the resource articles while you have access and make your own offline archive. If you want access to the customer forums, resources articles and support then you just need to pay the $30 renewal for another year's access. :)
  8. Thanks so much, that means a great deal to me personally. I'm going to print it out and hang it on my wall.
  9. The resources site is for those with active support on their license. It's only $30 for 12 months for perpetual license holders.
  10. Alexa rely heavily on users having the plug-in for their browser so I would be incredibly wary of any statistics that it generates. In any case I have no idea why it would consider IP.Board profiles separate from the rest of IP.Board. They quite clearly use the same mark-up, design and URL as the rest of the board.
  11. Updated: IP.Subscriptions 1.0.0 Beta 3 is available now! We're pleased to announce that IP.Subscriptions 1.0.0 Beta is available for download from your client center. This is the second beta release of the subscriptions manager that is compatible with IP.Board 3.0. Many long standing bugs and issues have been fixed in this release including: Recurring subscription cancelation immediately ending subscription and demotes member Multiple currency issues Inaccurate reporting of totals Incorrect end date calculation after upgrading ...and many more As always, please do be aware that this is a beta product and should not be used in a live environment without testing first. Please also be aware that currently only the PayPal and Postal Method gateways work correctly. Other gateways will be converted over the next few weeks once the framework has been finalized. A fairly big change is how multiple currencies are handled. From 1.0.0 Beta 2 onwards you will need to specify a currency for each subscription package. This is to ensure that the correct value is calculated for payment regardless of the current exchange rate. If you are upgrading from a previous release and have non USD subscription packages set up, please go via the ACP and edit these to select the correct currency code to use. The following items are to follow in the next release: Pre-installed hook to display current subscription settings (You are subscribed to package X which runs out in X days) Force the user to cancel a current recurring subscription before upgrading to another Ability to renew a subscription before it expires (ACP configurable). Due to a bug since fixed in IP.Board 3.0.2, you'll need to ensure that the guest member group can view the board and that you do not enforce all guests to log in if you are testing with PayPal. Please report any issues in the bug tracker as normal.
  12. I will be releasing beta 2 of the subscriptions manager later today. It was set for a release last week but I got a list from a heavy subscriptions manager user with some bugs and issues which I've been going through and the product is much improved because of it.
  13. The main back-up runs at about 6:15am-6:20am my time and can last up to 10 minutes.
  14. Again, we're discussing options for legacy customers. Anything right now is pure speculation for the sake of it. :) Just give us a day or so. We don't want to make anyone feel second class. That was never our intention.
  15. It wouldn't be difficult for us to do that. It could join in the email address quite simply.
  16. Thanks for the update ;) As mentioned above, our turn-around is within 48 hours. Our techs are working flat out and we'll get to your issue ASAP. Thanks.
  17. It does get quite complex, doesn't it? It was precisely this situation that we wanted to avoid as it is a bit of a nightmare keeping track of it all in the customer center. Paying the difference would only really work on the renewal anniversary so the first question we'll get asked is "My support is up in 5 months, can I pay 40% of the $20 to access the spam service now or do I have to wait until my support is up or do I have to bring my renewal forward to today in which case can I get a partial refund or credit on my last renewal?" etc. It's an ongoing issue trying to apply legacy licenses to new frameworks and models.
  18. Ah yes, I did mean year! I appreciate that you would be OK with it, but we can't assume everyone will. In any case, we will review the feedback offered and take it from there.
  19. Well, if we did we'd have to make it optional. I don't think that a current perpetual license holder who is used to paying $30 a year for support is going to appreciate a price hike.
  20. It's very unusual to have those two missing from a standard PHP install, but there you go. We've seen odder things. In any case, I'm dealing with this issue now and have just updated you again. I'll close this topic as it's run its course and thank you for bringing this matter to my attention.
  21. Honestly, it was never our intention to make anyone feel 'second-class'. We just introduced a new service to help combat spam. If there's enough demand for a separate pay-for service then we'll be foolish to not consider it. Please understand that we value all our customers and will always take on any feedback that's given.
  22. And I've replied to your ticket.
  23. Hello, I see that it's been just over 90 minutes since Larry's last reply. I'm sure he will get back to it ASAP but he's in the middle of another upgrade. Needless to say we won't leave you like this for long.
  24. To reiterate, you would not be receiving a new feature but rather a new service. It's an important distinction to make. We are offering a brand new service free to standard and business license holders. It really is as simple as that. What would be the nature of your complaint, though? The fact that we are not allowing you access to a brand new service? We immediately clarified the term 'support and service license' with a reply to the announcement. I certainly apologise if the wording wasn't clear. I really don't see how anyone can claim that we've moved goal posts. Again, I reiterate, we are offering a new service that is free to current standard and business licenses. It is not a new feature within IP.Board. You still get exactly what you paid for and continue to pay for. Please understand this basic concept: we are not 'stripping features' for legacy licensed customers. We will not do that. We have a duty to uphold the terms of your license and we continue to do so willingly. It is a brand new service. At no point did we say that a licence purchase will entitle you to all new products and/or services that we provide. It's no different really from IP.Blog or Gallery, etc. They are all separate products and purchasable separately. I have a Blackberry and an unlimited data plan yet I would have to purchase a subscription if I wanted to use the installed GPS navigator. I own an iMac yet I had to purchase an extra subscription for .Mac (mobileme) access. These are additional opt-in services. We just decided to give ours away free as long as you have an active or business license.
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