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David N.

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Everything posted by David N.

  1. I have a (default) theme that I'm trying to customize using the Easy Mode Editor, however here's what I see. Note the overlapping "Use AJAX pagination?" text. Clicking any of the parameters or buttons in the black side panel does nothing. I'm using Google Chrome.
  2. A simple google image search for the old user name on my website and I found it !! Thanks so much for the great idea.
  3. Thanks. And no I'm afraid it's not worth doing it. Live and learn I guess.
  4. Ugh... that's not possible unfortunately (lots of new posts since). Thanks.
  5. A user had an old account with a profile pic and made a new one without profile pic, I merged the two and now he has only the new one with no profile pic. What I wanted to do was merge both into the old account with the profile pic. Is the old account lost? Or is there a way to retrieve it?
  6. The user is just viewing an existing thread - not posting in that thread. Here's the thread he's viewing: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/144040-mac-mini-m1-the-best-ever-computer/ Ok in the end you were right! The original poster in that thread had a different style for some reason. Maybe he just copy/pasted content from another editor (seems like several users are doing that). I've now changed the following setting to "plain text" and hopefully that will take care of this issue.
  7. One of our readers complains that different posts have different font sizes on his phone? Here's a screenshot he shared:
  8. Great! Thanks Mark, that's all we can ask. 😃
  9. It would be nice if we could embed Twitch videos.
  10. This is what one of our users sent me. Does anyone know what would create this issue, or how to start troubleshooting it? Thank you!
  11. It works on Safari, doesn't work on Chrome. I'll encourage users to use YouTube to embed their videos instead. Thanks!
  12. Ok thanks, however here on my Mac the video doesn't embed in the post, is that normal? When I try to edit the post I linked to, and click the "insert" link to insert the video into the post, a black movie frame appears in the post as if it had been embedded, but once I save the post that disappears and I'm back to seeing only a link to the .mov file. I just wanted to double-check to make sure that's normal behavior. Thanks!
  13. Thank you, I wasn't aware that OBS was a video software. The extension of the file is .mov, the thread is: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/143863-when-i-deactivate-a-bus-another-bus-chooses-to-automatically-activate/
  14. One of our member is trying to embed OBS video to his posts, is that possible?
  15. Yes thanks, that's something I took care of. Yes it was entirely deleted. Well now I've deleted the entire topic (because it no longer made any sense). If I ever get the same issue again I'll keep the thread and alert you. Thanks!
  16. The first post was literally deleted, removed entirely, so the topic was only an answer to ... nothing. Is this the setting I've shown in my screenshot in my original post, or is there another one ?
  17. A frustrating issue is when someone asks a question, gets an answer, then delete their question. That leaves an answer without a question in the forum, which does not make any sense. Is there a way to prevent that from happening? I already have the group "members" set to not be able to delete their own content:
  18. I agree. That's really a bummer when you try to read a Q&A type thread and the "Q" part has been edited out so that the thread no longer makes sense.
  19. https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/97775-cant-import-mp3-file-in-logic-pro-x-solved/
  20. I have another topic that has the character — in the title, and for example one — two results in one-—%C2%A0two in the URL.
  21. I was inspecting a URL for one of my forum topic in Google Search Console and found out that it's not submitted in sitemap, why would that be?
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