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Piano Lesson With Warren

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Posts posted by Piano Lesson With Warren

  1. 9 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Once your member group has permission to post HTML in group permissions, you should see a "Source" button in the editor in the top left:

    Could contain: Page, Text, Number, Symbol

    @Jim M @Nathan Explosion

    So, I don't seem to have this Source button in my toolbar, and I don't see it as an option to add in the Editor settings. How do I get it? I'm running version 4.7.14 of the community plugin. 

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Person, Webpage

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage, Business Card, Paper

  2. On 12/2/2023 at 2:42 AM, Nathan Explosion said:

    You used the HTML option within the Code box button...that literally just posts code as text.

    Click the Source button in the editor to edit the html.

    @Nathan Explosion @Robert Angle

    Pardon my ignorance; I need a little more direction. To clarify: 

    1. I first post the video Embed code using the Code Button?

    2.  What button do you guys refer to as the "Source button?" When I hover over each button in the Editor, I don't see one name, "Source."

    3. When I find this Source button, what is it that I'm editing in the video embed code so I can see the video when it's published? 


    Thank you all for the assistance. 

  3. 23 hours ago, Robert Angle said:

    Are you the only one who will post the Gumlet videos? If so, try giving yourself permission to post HTML, and then use the embed code provided by Gumlet....

    <iframe width="1200" height="675" 
            title="Gumlet video player" 
            allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; fullscreen">


    @Robert Angle Thank you. I Did give myself permission and you the HTML code option to embed. But I'm not seeing the video, just the HTML code. Here here: 


    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text, Person, Face, Head

  4. I am getting this exception in system logs. It has occured 315 times. Can someone suggest me what needs to be done about this?

    InvalidArgumentException: (0) #0 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/applications/calendar/sources/Date/Date.php(324): IPS\calendar\_Date::getDate() #1 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/applications/calendar/sources/Event/Event.php(1060): IPS\calendar\_Date::parseTime() #2 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(335): IPS\calendar\_Event->get__end_date() #3 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/applications/calendar/sources/Icalendar/ICSParser.php(696): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->__get() #4 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/applications/calendar/sources/Icalendar/ICSParser.php(665): IPS\calendar\Icalendar\_ICSParser->_addTimezones() #5 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/applications/calendar/Application.php(110): IPS\calendar\Icalendar\_ICSParser->buildICalendarFeed() #6 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/applications/calendar/Application.php(44): IPS\calendar\_Application->download() #7 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(210): IPS\calendar\_Application->init() #8 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(106): IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard->init() #9 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/init.php(931) : eval()'d code(28): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init() #10 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\gms_hook_gmsJSHook->init() #11 /home/hosting/public_html/campus/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #12 {main}


  5. 2 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Please check if you have an index.html or index.php file there that is not one of ours in your installation directory. If there is an index.html file that is not ours so delete it. Then reupload our index.php if present.

    Otherwise, we would need FTP access to investigate:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    We look forward to further assisting you. 

    @Stuart Silvester Any update per Jim's recommendation above? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Jim M said:

    FTP and interacting with your server would be a hosting based question. Your hosting provider would be able to instruct you on how to connect to your server using FTP and upload files correctly to the folder you want.

    Unfortunately, we cannot control the whole process or when things go wrong. Being a self-hosted customer, there are steps in between which you may need to manage in the event there is a software or server issue. Typically, when there is an issue with the files extracting, this is an issue with permissions or otherwise on the server so once you are up and running you may wish to having your hosting provider review your server error logs so that your next upgrade does not encounter that.

    Alternatively, if you are not comfortable managing your server, like you would on a self-hosted installation, we do have our Cloud which is fully managed by our team and because we control the infrastructure, obtaining files/etc... is easier as it is done completely different than through technology that self-hosted servers require. Thus there is less room for error and if there ever is an issue, we are both your software and hosting support so can help you very quickly resolve any issues. You can read more here: https://invisioncommunity.com/buy


    If you would like to supply us with FTP access, we can take a courtesy look at the extraction though to see if this is something in the software causing this. If it is on the server, we can provide next steps for your hosting team to take over. To do so, please add access per the below:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    We look forward to further assisting you. 

    @Jim M

    Thank you for the info. I was able successfully upgrade using the instructions above, however, now I can't seem to to access the front end of my forum. See here for details; https://www.loom.com/share/172f0296afec4443a4de8c28b9b03cbb

    Can you help with this?  

  7. 10 minutes ago, Mark H said:

    There's unfortunately not a way to un-do an upgrade which has been started.

    You would need to perform a full restore, both the files and the database, from the most-recent backup.

    @Mark H Is there a more thorough documentation on how to do this manual upgrade? I've actually never used an FPT client before and have no idea of how any of this works.  This whole thing is actually quite annoying the fact that there's no solution to fix the standard update process. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Mark H said:

    Since I see at least some of the files for the upgrade are in place, please perform a manual upgrade, using this Guide and starting in the sub-section titled Manual Upgrade.


    Once the files are uploaded, visit the upgrade URL directly (https://domain.com/admin/upgrade/) to proceed.


    @Mark HIs there away to reverse the update/ I don't have time to do a manual upgrade as i'm not that tech savvy. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Jim M said:

    You would want to contact your hosting provider for assistance. Unfortunately, this is not something our software is doing but rather your server's PHP configuration.

    @Jim MIs there a way to revert to the previous version of Invision until I sort of this PHP8 issue? We need to make some upgrade to my website as PHP8 is affecting some functionality so I had to revert to PHP7.4. But now Invision Forum throwing errors. 


  10. I no longer seem to be able to edit posts as admin. See screenshot below. 

    Could contain: File, Webpage

    Been using IPS for about 3 years now and i've never seen this message before. The post was not moved nor deleted, and as you can see it was only posted 5 hours ago. I'm using the latest version IPS, how to I resolve this issue? 

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