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Rick Vasquez

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Everything posted by Rick Vasquez

  1. I am my hosting provider. There is nothing making this happen. It happened again this morning.
  2. Upgraded - issue happened today, support account still active. I used "clear system caches" sometime around the time that the search index was dropped - thats the only real admin activity that took place around the same time it dropped (last night at ~1045 CT)
  3. There isn't anything strange going on when this happens and the ES cluster is on it's own dedicated hardware that isn't shared with the other servers. I'll upgrade sometime soon, but upgrades have also been an issue (other thread with subscription issues)
  4. I mean any user that has the product treefiddy monthly renewal had this issue. It was everyone with this subscription tier. I had to do a lot of fixes to get them back in the right groups and on current invoices - I just need to know it isn't going to happen again on the next update.
  5. This is fixed - I wonder why I'm not getting emails when you reply here.
  6. {Removed by IPS staff} for access to the graphs proving that my indexes just completely disappear. Every few weeks or so this will happen and I have to rebuild the entire elasticsearch index - the servers are not crashing, there is no errant behavior and the elasticsearch nodes are firewalled off from any access outside of the server hosts, so no outside actor can drop these indexes maliciously.
  7. What is the error? What webserver are you using? if you didn't check this out FYI
  8. Don't know if you solved this, but I do this by using recurring products instead of subscriptions. You can have 2, but make sure you align the renewal dates otherwise it becomes a fight over promotions that apply to each group.
  9. The problem is much more widespread than I thought. There are hundreds of bogus invoices were generated and set to pending and expired the primary subscription for the entire site. @MarkThis is a very big 5 figure issue for me. Each user with this bogus invoice has a similar pattern in their profile of this: Meanwhile in their customer profile their subscription remains active and shows a bogus renewal pending: It seems like the OP was an isolated case that was weird, the rest of these all follow the same pattern but have active subscriptions with bogus expiry and pending invoices. Is there a way to re-run the subscription expiry automation from the admin dashboard or with a CLI command?
  10. I'm happy to help - send me a DM. It's probably less scary than you think 🙂
  11. you can use pt-online-schema change to do this if you have enough or like @Randy Calvert said you are able to just run this command from the sql CLI and it will just run and ask you to confirm that you ran it. Sometimes larger tables take a while to make changes to.
  12. Additionally subscriptions not showing under expired or active that are in the database still. Affects subscriptions with an active paypal billing agreement, even with changing flags in db to active there is still nothing changing in the software to reflect accurate subscription and renewal benefits. Was fine before the upgrade.
  13. to have personal messages that aren't extra clicks away in the personal messages
  14. I'm actually looking for something very similar to OP, but my community was used to vbulletin and the ability to also leave comments on reactions. I wanted to see if there was a plugin or what the best way for me to build something that does that.
  15. bumping for the incredible tip. This drastically reduces page load times and should be integrated with the lazy load feature in IPS 4.5 or 4.6 when it comes out. Really simple change to the templates made a major difference.
  16. Well they won't put you on news or discover without CWV scores being high. Discover and news drive insane traffic and are viewable from your google dashboard, also if you had google analytics or any other statistics it would be pretty easy to see the ingress from search and not from direct. Are you implying that all of the sudden his content got more useful? I'm pretty sure he's implying that a lot of content that got deranked is now top hit ranked.
  17. https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-toolkit/3.0/pt-online-schema-change.html You should use pt-osc if you don't want to take downtime while doing this.
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