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Mark White

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Mark White

  1. well thats cool to know... Oh well It was on my page when it loaded and I was in fact messing with it so thx to you sir... I was trying and thats what it looked like I still like this better than Vbulletin so thanks again
  2. Also in regards to the link you have a chance to leave a redirect for 30 days I think I would assume you may be able to edit the duration or you could always copy the new link location and simply post a thread with that title... I will at times copy the information over from the inside post it below if its say a post or two I get for a very long thread thats not feasable but in that event ask using a support ticket and they will help you.
  3. It will depend on which thread you click on Merge in... I forget but try two threads and do this... Lets call then thread 1 and thread 2... If I remember correctly if you click on thread 2 and merge it and past link to thread 1 I think its what you want... but if not reverse the idea start with thread 1 and select merge to thread 1 and see one way is what you want to do... Then remember better than I did and I hold two lifetime licenses even a branding free from Vbull had them since 1.6 version and this software hands down smokes it they just dont care were not European and they use weird like edit instead of post changes and the links should auto populate so I dont have to copy and paste it just like on FB the way theirs works... I am checking on my board now for you... BRB Ok So I copied Thread ones link address and then 2 became dominate so You need to select Thread one and merge then add the link to thread 2 and it should be what you want
  4. Ever since I migrated up to 4.4 I seem to have broken my site. I did have it up and running for a week looking great. Then I broke it again. I have roughly 500 members and a lot of post and threads the images I could care less... Is there anyone who can look at it and tell me if you can salvage anything related to my content of members in my broken down data base? Please send me a PM and I will show you where to grab the DB to look at it. If you think you can repair or import it into my site we can work something out that would be great. Thanks Mark White
  5. I had a detailed Question Im no pro at this by any means. However I read as much as I can and I google a boat load... I was able to figure out the sever upgrades and also was able to update the site software... Then I installed the new themes I wanted for a complete site make over... Then I removed all the old themes... And the only thing I havent googled yet is when it ask me if I want to use an existing skin or upload one what the hell a new skin format even is... they didnt offer a cheat code or anything...lol But I havent had any glitches and so far I have 5 or 6 themes running and Im tweaking them to suit the site and Im having a really good two day run ... 🙂 So after many hours I returned no one had replied yet. There is not a delete option like on my board for infinite I guess they want massive data base of archives... so I edited my own comments and said never mind... otherwise I would have simply deleted my question and thread al toghether... thats that ... Lolol 🙂 So now ya know... Now back to tweaking my themes in there some more... Thanks though ...
  6. Mine was corrected... This is what Joel R 3,104 Told me and it worked... PayPal Settings It looks like you have your PayPal settings correct. However, you're not able to use PayPal on certain transactions (such as Donations) without the customer's real name and billing address. This is probably why your users are receiving an error, because PayPal is your only payment method. Go to ACP > Commerce > Payments - Settings Click on "Payment Methods" tab. Verify PayPal information is correct. Click on "Checkout" tab. You need to enable on all three choices for "Require customer's real name and Billing Address when" Other recommendations Enable Stripe as a payment gateway for backup. I also added the Stripe as recommended and received a payment via it two hours later for merchandise...
  7. I got that thanks... I do have another question I could use some input on... I have more than one of an item ... Let me explain I am selling american jeeper decals people put on their jeeps I have say 10 of a certain color... I charge 10 bucks a decal so I got all of that I want to charge 2.00 for shipping of the first one but if the person orders say 4 I only want to charge a one time fee of 2.00 so instead of 12 bucks a piece it would be 42 total for the order of 4 how can I do that? I also offer different colors of different decal styles say they order windshield scripts and then side of the jeep decals how can I make that all work out also? Thanks I am setting up a complicated sales section and at least I can list them one at a time with multiple quantities even If I just go to pay pal for now and refund them the 6 bucks but seems like a lot of extra work... Please advise and thanks in advance.
  8. It was a global setting but thanks for the heads up if I still have any issues Ill make sure to check those. Thanks
  9. I would like the donations to work for obvious reasons... and I will get help with classified from the support offered there
  10. Ok so I set mine up and low and behold I had a member donate 20 bucks woohoo... lol However when I went into the Classifieds section to set up the payment option through pay pal Which is the same method I had for Donations... I had to do the API key and code stuff and something happened I didnt know until other members started saying the donate was telling them they can not access Pay pal via and unsecured button, the entire site is set up as SSL so I have no idea I removed the API settings and deleted the entire payment option through Classifieds since I am also having other issues with members being blocked from seeing or adding their own listings in... And it still wont work I have poked and Its kicking my butt I need to figure all of this out quickly because I am about to receive products to sell and I have members asking for me to fix the classifieds so they can start to use them... Any help is greatly appreciated
  11. Here are my two issues... I had to disable the classifieds because I had members trying to buy stuff before I could get them set up... So I made it so only Admin (myself could see and access them... After figuring out how to set up categories and working through the task of initial set up I started to get it... I went back to the classifieds in applications en enabled for all members and enabled it.. I then went to group permissions and made sure that also was turned on. Well I have gone through every setting I can think of and I can not get the signed in users to see it and funny thing is a user who is not signed in can see it but of course they dont have the option to post an item in classifieds... You do not have permission to access the Classifieds System. Error code: CL-APP/2
  12. Thanks Ill check I dont know why I didnt even think to look inside the downloads...Duh...
  13. Go easy on me... How can I set this up for two aspects... 1) So my site can sell products on our own with Pay pal and or credit card transactions.... Also adding groups of things such as Jeep Decals, Hoodies, Tee Shirts and more but in groups of items the site itself sells... 2) Allowing members to buy sell and Trade on their own without being able to list items in our online store section? Charging 1.00 per listing for sale items? Unlimited time Anyone have a step by step guide I have just migrated from Vbulletin and I have never had an online store at all I am new to Invision and trying to get things learned as I go but we are now ready to offer decals and some other items and I need this to be seamless... Please help advise or show me a step by step guide... If you would be willing to guide me through the steps and aid in the set up let me know I can offer some compensation if I can also learn to set it up and learn as I go... PLEASE HELP...
  14. I feel stupid....I found it a bit tricky but I spotted it ...lol Crisis over...Duh...I love this faeces.. Great app I can say that It works excellent thanks sir...
  15. I figure you have been asked many times but Im not seeing how to reset all the points site wide I can remover per user but wow that takes some time... I am having monthly contest and I started one at midnight yet I cant remove the existing points so its gonna get dicey quick
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