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Posts posted by imsandertjeee

  1. Hey!

    I was thinking about a discount on subscriptions (or other products) for new members.
    Like if a new member registers in his first 3 days (or 1 week, or whatever) they can get a 10% discount (or whatever)

    Would be a nice feature as inentive to buy membership early.

  2. Hello.

    Currently the most contributors widget only shows the total amount. While the popular contributors (reputation) shows, weekly monthly and yearly.
    Is it possible to show the most contributions as weekly/monthly/yearly aswell? Is there an plugin for that?

    On the leaderboards its not showing for weekly/monthly either.



  3. Hello,

    I use the commerce application to have users of my platform to purchase membership (subscription).
    My platform offers 2 packages:

    1) Membership, lifetime 10EUR
    2) Membership, monthly 5EUR

    Currently, when people buy the 1st membership they can't buy the 2nd one aswell.
    We wanted it to work like they could buy the 1st one and also the 2nd one. But it seems that you can only have 1 active subscription and not 2?

    Also users can't upgrade from 1 to 2? So like they upgrade for one month from 1 to 2 and then after the month is finished they will still be 1.

    Right now users can only buy 2 if they don't have 1 activated. 

    Can anyone help me with this? IS this possible to do?

    Option 1: Have members set multiple subscriptions.
    Option 2: Have members upgrade from lifetime to monthly and back when monthly runs out.

  4. Hello @InvisionHQ,

    I bought the application a while ago and saw that you need "automation rules" or something to automate an award to be given?
    OR is there an different way? Since the app from Kevin is not up to date anymore.


  5. Hello,

    I'm looking for a small upgrade on the "Blog" application.
    I want the following done:

    1) A administrator can set an article to be "sponsored", this means it will get highlighted. This could be done with the "feature" but then it would just make a new category.
    Should give a glow (possible even animated glow, effect here: https://codepen.io/olam/pen/zcqea), like this: 

    2) As you can see, it seems that the right (bottom) image is smaller then the top image. How does this come? Can this be fixed. (all images are same size exported)

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