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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. OK I think I see where the problem might be now, gimme a couple hours and send me a PM I will crack on with it now and hopefully by the time you PM me I will have a update what you can test for me ( if that's OK with you )
  2. No not that, there are language packs you can install and also edit ( search language in the ACP ), there was someone had a problem with the decimals etc here he managed to fix it by editing his language pack, I also just made a 13/8 bet like your odds and it was all fine 13/8 = 1.625 x 1000 = 1625 + 1000 back = 2625
  3. have you changed / edited your language or language pack? I can not seem to duplicate that, I created a test bet with 7/2 odds and placed 1k points on it, 7/2 = 3.5 x 1000 = 3500 + 1000 back ( UK rules ) = 4500 total returned I know that some number formats get messed up with different language packs, same as some lose the decimal if they don't select the correct language
  4. Sorry been busy lately and not really had the time to reply to requests etc, just been doing support while I have been here, I am not to sure if I will be adding new items to the next update as it is more of a makeover and want to get it published, I have some ideas for more items anyway so after this update is released I will look into another one with some new items, I was hoping this would of been finished ages ago but custom stuff keeps poping up and I have to make them the priority over updates what are not like bug fixes, but I do always go through these topics for ideas when I am making the updates
  5. Send you the css code for 1 & 3 in a PM, 2 I will need to look into it in more depth, it might require a html edit for the font colour etc
  6. I must of forgot to change the files version on update, and we are all special in our own kind of ways
  7. Gimme a few hours mate and I will check it all out, I am just finishing writing a update to another app and am nearly done, but getting confused when I jump back and forth lol
  8. Add this to your custom.css file aside.ipsComment_author.cAuthorPane.ipsColumn.ipsColumn_medium.euip_PanelWidth { height:100%; } ul.cAuthorPane_info.ipsList_reset { margin-top:10px; }
  9. Yeah sorry, that has been requested quite a few times, I will add it to a update ( hopefully next week )
  10. Yeah I can look into adding a setting to pick what forums etc it will show stats from
  11. I will check it out, gotta laugh though 2 bugs and it is not looking good, did you see the bug fix IPS released on their latest software? it was a big long page, you can always go back and install a previous version if it is that bad
  12. if you use ajax pop ups or the widgets, hover the question it has a link, a friendly url link, without that it would be some horrible looking link, instead it is a nice looking friendly url link, nothing is added for no reason I will look into that
  13. yeah $50 was a introductory price ( it did have that in bold on the files description ), it was only going to be that for about a week then I decided to leave it $50 over the black friday sales
  14. if you can provide me login via PM when I am back later I can check it out That is just a missing language string, I will add it to the lang.xml if you go to the file itself and click changelog you can download any of the last 5 versions
  15. have you set the permissions correctly?
  16. yeah the apps and plugins allow you to hook into IPS features, mine hooks into lots of IPS stuff to allow the points to be added after you submit a post etc, if you don't hook into it properly it will work fine... until there is another app what also wants to hook into it then it will clash and throw a error, I will speak to him and ask and see where to go from there
  17. It don't seem to be that popular of a app, everyone wanted it until it was made lol Yeah the widgets do come in handy plus you can put them anywhere in the website what will link them to the tournaments etc, another one will be like a featured widget for all the featured tournaments
  18. I am sure someone else said that to me before about that app, I said to find out if they have hooked into things properly calling the parents etc, I will check with the author of it and try to find out why
  19. have you tried the support tool and clearing the cache? also have you tried to disable the other apps and plugins you have to see if it clashes with any? if not try all that and if it still don't work send me login if possible via PM and I will check it out
  20. yeah I can add a widget what will be able to be used as many times as you want and it can be from your chosen categories showing a list of tournaments. I will be adding other widgets as well, they are normally the last things I think of lol
  21. Not sure yet. I have not looked into what code it would require Globally or the actual app?
  22. No you can not use the points to buy via commerce
  23. you would need to manually edit the html file in the ACP for this plugin and add that plugins code to it
  24. Yeah that is easy enough, I will add it in either today or tomorrow
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