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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by DesertIslandFruits

  1. This is something that has been asked for as well on my site.

    I would happily pay for a module to do this.

    When I used to run a VB site, there was as "SuperIgnore" patch you could add that hide users from absolutely everything but quotes, this is what's needed as the quotes may not be 100% possible.

    I'd happily pay $30 for a working module that did this.

  2. @newbie LAC I think this is what I need - but not going to blow $25 if I am wrong.

    I have members that want to not see certain feeds.

    Can I set this up so that some people based on what group they are in will see forums A, B and C on all activity an maybe another person would see just A and C on all activity, but they still have access to B, it's just blocked ?

    If this is the case, is it done on a primary group basis or can you do it on a secondary group ?

    Thank you.

  3. 41 minutes ago, Pete T said:

    It fully works with gallery app on 4.3.x

    Not sure why believe IPS will fix third party app for you ! but not broken fully work perfectly 

    Well for the simple, let me help you.

    IPS release an block that can be put on whatever pages you want.

    The AUTHOR of the block is IPS.

    The block is not working as it used to - so you lket them know.

    I am not asking them to fix the portal, I am telling them that their block has errors.

  4. On 4/25/2018 at 6:12 PM, ToeJam said:

    Does this work for 4.3?


    However if you try to use the gallery block, it's broken.

    The light box fails if you try clicking left or right, I posted this to support...


    Hi All,

    I would like to report a bug with the Gallery on 4.3 and the Image Feed.

    I am using the Portal add in and have installed the Gallery Image Feed on the main page.

    If you load a picture and click on the right icon, it loads then the light box appears to crash out.  This does not happen if the feed is on the Forum page at the top.  This also didn't break like this on the older version of the board.

    Repeatable steps are:

    1. Login.

    2. Click on the portal.

    3. Click on any image on the Gallery Image Feed.

    4. Click on the RIGHT arrow and watch the lightbox crash out.

    Thank you.

    ...they replied back...



    If this is only happening on 'portal' you would need to contact the author of that application. We would not assist with bugs on other 3rd party applications unfortunately. 

    Kind Regards,
    Marc Stridgen

    ...I was stunned at their response when it's code they've broken.  The Blocks Module should work anywhere.

    I responded back...


    Wow !  What an amazing failure of duty or customer care. 

    You have been given repeatable steps that show you a problem ( that was not present ) on your earlier code - I would have expected such a lightweight and impotent response from something that was free, but my god - for the cost you charge us for this - this is just pathetic !

    I work in a testing enviorment and if a customer came to use and notified us something broken in our code that we had broken between upgrades, you know we would show a slight concern.  This is not a bug - this is something that's clearly broken by your upgrade from the 4.2x stream to the 4.3 stream.

    I am not even mad at you for the reply, I just feel sorry that a customer gives you all the information to help and like weak coders - you bury your heads in the sand "not my problem Gov !".

    Thank you for representing your company in such a great way.  I'll be sharing the response with my membership in due course.

    ...followed by...


    What makes this even more funny, is it's the "Blocks" module for the "Gallery" that you Invasion provided and when told of a problem - you just don't care. ?

    If I had a customer that gave them 100% repeatable steps, I think I would be happy !

    LOL - not this bunch of support people.

  5. I am very interested in this, but I don't want all secondary groups to be shown here.

    If I have a a Primary group with it's image, a secondary group without an image and another secondary group with an image - if I have both primary and both seconday groups selected, does this work fine and not show an error ( or group name ) for the group without an image ?


  6. On 02/12/2016 at 5:20 AM, -RAW- said:

    Thanks for reporting I suspect what it is, will have a fix soon and will post here so you can email me & send you the new update.


    Can you please respond to this message on your support thread since we cannot message you as that is disabled ?

    On 10/12/2016 at 9:21 PM, DesertIslandFruits said:

    So I have installed the new version I have just brought and followed the guide from Chris.

    It seems that it is not possible to open this tab here on the attachment.

    Double checked my work and can't see anything wrong.

    Running on the lastest version of the community software.

    Any help apprichated.


    Myself and others are having problems with this and we cannot message you as it appears disabled - this is a product that we have paid for.  If there is no fix, please provide a refund.

    Thank you.

  7. So I have installed the new version I have just brought and followed the guide from Chris.

    It seems that it is not possible to open this tab here on the attachment.

    Double checked my work and can't see anything wrong.

    Running on the lastest version of the community software.

    Any help apprichated.


  8. This looks fantastic, thank you.

    Having one bit of trouble, I can't install it.

    When uploading it complains that the file size is above 2mg.  I have unzipped it and am only trying to upload that .tar which is 2,092 KB.

    Is there a hidden setting somewhere ?

    Thank you.

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