Radical Tags
Hi, I strongly recommend to do a test drive in a test environment. We had issues when we upgraded and switched from ATP to RT and it took @Makoto a while to solve the issue (which is maybe now fixed for you too). Chris
Photo Competition (Support Topic)
You have a PN as requested. Chris
Photo Competition (Support Topic)
Oh no, i know it's embarassing but i did it again ;-( I've added another contest yesterday and (i don't know why) i've switched off the "automated scheduling" and after i hit save this error showed up. Luckily the running competition is not affected. I made then a copy of the forum to our test environment today (database and storage) and by my surprise the error in "competition/settings" was gone and "automated scheduling" wasn't switched off?! But i was able to reproduce the error, after i switched it off again and hit save the same error shows up as in our live forum. Besides the above error i noticed some else yesterday. I've added the new contest (running from 10/1/22 to 10/14/22). The new competition didn't showed up in the public competition interface and i've changed the start date to today, the competition then showed up (and i was happy with the cover photo) and then switched the start date back to 10/1/22 but the competition was still visible and accepted uploads. FYI Thanks and sorry 😉 Chris
Photo Competition (Support Topic)
Hi Andy, yes i know, we are already using this feature but we noticed that users start replacing their content when the votes don't fly in as expected 😉 Chris
Photo Competition (Support Topic)
We have the 1st competition running and we are a bit amazed how well our guys are participating. Some guys came up with questions and ideas which brought me back in here again 😉 It would be great if we could split a competition in 2 phases, the 1st phase is upload only, the 2nd phase is for votes only. So lets say you have a overall competition time from 10/1/22 to 10/31/22, from 10/1/22 until 10/15/22 you can upload your entry and from 10/16/22 to 10/31/22 is voting time for everyone. That would raise the overall fairness level since in the first days of the competition the early birds have a pretty clear advantage. It would be great if you think about that feature request, i think every board which is using this App could have a benefit out of it Thanks ❤️ Chris
Community Map
Holy cow, did you had that already in your queue? That looks awesome! Chris
Community Map
We are now live with your tool and it works pretty great! We are using the members map and also a few more categories for our members with different purposes and here it comes, a little feature request 😉 Like in the forum maintenance it would be cool if we could add a description for each category and in addition, another field to show the rules (if there are any defined). That would support everyone's understanding and avoid confusion on what could (and could'nt) be added. Thanks in advance ❤️ Chris
Exceptions for Email replacement in Settings->Postings->Links & Email Adresses
Hi IPS, the email replacement feature in Settings->Postings->Links & Email Adresses works well. Too well. If activated it sorts out all email adresses used overall in all areas, even in Support Requests which is not ideal if a customer is providing alternative contact details 😉 We should have the possibility to make exeptions in which area the replacement feature is active (or not). ❤️ Regards Chris
CaliPilot started following DP44) Indefinite Individual Posts Editing
CaliPilot started following (NB40) Secondary Group Icons
CaliPilot started following (NE) Hide content
IPS 4.7.2 final major problem
I'm not the brightest candle on the cake but i learned it the hard way.. many times.. Backup.. every time.. minor or bigger updates.. doesn't matter if there is a warning or not. But i admit, a few words about the impending consequences from IPS would have saved some guys from frustration (even IPS devs). Chris
Radical Tags
RT ist runnig fine and without issues on PHP 8.0 (we didn't made a test with 8.1) but IPS 7.4.2 is a problem. Chris
Community Map
Already tested, works. Awesome job! Regards and thank you very much! Chris
Radical Tags
(DF42) Members Social Info (Support Topic)
Same here. I've made the upgrade in TEST and have the same results. FYI Chris
IPS 4.7.2 final major problem
Why? F'me if i'm wrong but there is a clear warning in front of the upgrade which you have to acknowledge with a slider! But well I can feel the pain of @Davyc and others but if you're running a big site then why the heck don't you have a test environment? It takes a few minutes to migrate to a playground and test the upgrade and plugins there! I made the upgrade in test a few minutes ago and i know that we can#t upgrade yet! 2 Themes and 3 Plugins get blocked, now i can wait for the devs in piece and silence 😉 Chris
Radical Tags
Just as a heads up, if you upgrade to IPS 4.7.2 Radical Tags get disabled and blocked due to outdated code issues. Chris