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Everything posted by TDBF

  1. Sorry guys, It got kicked back to me for a couple of issues, these have been sorted and I am waiting on it being approved 🙂
  2. Sorry for the time it has taken to get this done. I had lots of issues with my test install and required help from support. Finally got the new version upload and waiting approval from the moderators. This new version has a ton of new features, changes and many bug fixes from the previous version.
  3. I was hoping for at least Invision SuperPages 5.1 too.
  4. Hopefully not IPB (Or whatever you are calling your software now) v6.50 then 😛
  5. I'm currently in the process of updating all my applications and plugins, hopefully should be up by the end of the weekend.
  6. I will have a look at finding out how to do that 🙂
  7. TDBF

    MS IE warning

    I already new this, and was just looking for confirmation in case this might have not been the case. Some members are not too happy as they only vist the site using their outdated IPad's and trying to explain to them why the forum worked one day and not the next, does gets old after a while..... But what you expect with football fans 😂
  8. Already done, just have some other plugins to update and I will release them all at the same time.
  9. TDBF

    MS IE warning

    Sorry Paul, but it has been well hammered on in this forum that 4.5 was a massive update, and it would break a lot of applications, plugins, themes and forums. My forum is heavily modified with custom Themes, Pages, Applications and Plugins, and I knew full well what I would be getting myself into before I started. I even told my forum members a couple of months back, that when we started the updates there would be some disruption to the forum. I update, because I have seen first hand what happens to a site and software when they are not updated. My brother co-hosted a pretty large Unix site which was built on v-Bulletin. The software wasn't updated past version 3. They had a ton loads of custom code written over a period of 10 years, and when they finally decided to update, they either had to start again or upgrade all their code to work on the newer version. I offered to give them a hand, but once I saw the state of the code, I decided against it.
  10. TDBF

    MS IE warning

    I have had a few people who use IPads IOS 9.3.5 or < who have told me that they cannot view the forum now because it is broken and unworkable. Hard to tell them that they need to upgrade their hardware as they cannot update to newer apps.
  11. TDBF

    MS IE warning

    There's a difference here though, one is a collectors item and the other is a penis extension. I am talking about a car for every day usage here. 😛
  12. TDBF

    MS IE warning

    How old is your car, phone, computer or TV? I bet for a fact that they're are all newer than the browser you are using. So would you use your phone from 2010 to do what you are doing on your phone now?
  13. TDBF

    MS IE warning

    Sorry, but this has been known for a long time, and it is up to those companies to stay up to date with more secure and stable software which follow the industry standards. I did a lot of development in the last decade and during the whole IE v6 fiasco, and that browser alone held back web development for many years, all because Microsoft refused to updated it. They had the numbers back then, and lost out to Firefox and the Google in the end and rightly so. I got to a point were I said enough was enough and point blank refused to develop for that browser, even after a lot of complaints from users of my software. As far as I am concerned, the quicker IE dies out, the better it will be for the web industry and if people still use it, then they only have themselves to blame. Update or die.
  14. When editing plug-in hook templates via tfrom the ACP, I always feel that I am editing through a letter box. The editor height is just too small and uncomfortable to work with for long period s of time. At the moment it is currently set to 300px, would it be possible that this could be doubled or the text-area made resizeable. Also, would it be possible to show line numbers by default as well or at least toggle able like the theme editor area? If this is not possible, can you show me were I can edit the Code Mirror config so I can do this myself? Also, while I am thinking about it, can you place the Text editor area above the 'Action' options. This way I do not have to keep scrolling down past the action options to edit code all the time. To me the Text Editor is more important and used more than the Action settings.
  15. I cannot believe in 2040 that there is still not a proper solution for this! 😉😂
  16. I asked this same question a couple of years ago, and was told that it would be looked at. The issue is that the the placement of the ipsItemControls is 'messy' and not static depending on the post text. This makes the GUI unpredictable and quite frankly an mess. Would it be possible that the "ipsItemControls" could be place in an absolute position at the bottom for all posts instead of floating around in no man's land?
  17. I get those error messages as well, even with a full license.
  18. Well, I wont be using this any more. I am not going to pay for a product which I already bought, and then start paying an extra $6 every 6 months. Screw that!
  19. TDBF

    Site Title and Logo

    To save me from having to continually customise my theme just to display a logo and title everytime I create a new theme.
  20. Is there any chance you could change the behaviour to allow the Logo and Site Title to be dispalyed together, rather than one or the other as the way it is now.
  21. I would need to see your forum to know what is going on?
  22. TDBF

    Donation Goals

    Can we have an option to hide Donation Goals from the public, and/or a date range to close said donations please? We have seasonal donations which we like to have open for a couple of months, and the only way we can remove this from the public is to delete the donation goal. Would be good is we had a closure date to prevent people donating to that goal, or hide it from public when the goal has ended. Having to delete a goal removes all the information, donations and those who donated, and we like to keep that information.
  23. Sorry for the late replay. Add class="wf_quicklinks" to the ul like: <ul class="wf_quicklinks"> <li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/">Forums</a></li> </ul> Go to the ACP, Site Features and Plugins. Click on the Website Footeredit icon and select the Block Settings Tab. You will find the block settings from there.
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