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    gavpedz got a reaction from GregoryRasputin in Warning about InnoDB tables that are using `Compact`   
    Great thanks. Oddly when i searched this didnt come up.
  2. Thanks
    gavpedz reacted to GregoryRasputin in Warning about InnoDB tables that are using `Compact`   
    This thread should help 🙂
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    gavpedz got a reaction from IP-Gamers in Why do all my plugins have custom next to them?   
    Ah thats great thanks
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    gavpedz got a reaction from Cyboman in Inactive Members & Real Last Activity Supporttopic   
    Because members that are inactive for 60 days or more get both emails and tell us to stop spamming them and then tell us to delete their account if thats the kind of frum we are. So it kind of has the oposit effect. I want to give them a nudge and hopefuly in a proactive way bring them back rather than annoy them and they want to leave anyway. Think i will just have to do it manualy via the bulk email feature in IPS
  5. Like
    gavpedz reacted to Fosters in Inactive Members & Real Last Activity Supporttopic   
    Yea, that's the problem;) Somebody who was inactive for 3 year, was also inactive for 30 days, so all rules would apply here and all emails would be sent out and I can't think of any solution how this could be changed.
    I guess I could add some further logic here, where one would have to setup rules dependencies.. Something like:
    Rule 1: 7 days
    Rule2: 30 days
    Rule4: 3 years.
    Then you could configure rule 1  to ONLY be triggered if rule2 or rule 4 doesn't apply to this member.
    Rule 2 should only be triggered if Rule 1 was run and rule 4 NOT.
    Any better idea?:)
  6. Like
    gavpedz got a reaction from InsideEdge in Inactive Members & Real Last Activity Supporttopic   
    What i have had to do now is uninstall the application and start over. 
    I now have just one rule which is set to inactive for 30 days. I have attached the settings of that rule. 
    I have now run the task again and it seems to be running ok. 🤞
    I also want to set rules for different inactivity periods but it seems when i do users get emails from all rules.
    For example i also want a rule to send members that have been inactive for 3 years an email saying they might loose their account etc. The problem is that users will also get the 30 day inactivity email and it just leads to confusion and frustration for the users which is not what i am trying to acheive here. 
    In an ideal world i would like to have an email sent to users who have been inactive for 7 days just as a little rimder that we havnt seen them for a week then a 30 day email to try and bring them back in then a 90 day email then a final email for the 3 year inactivity and possible account removal. But if i have members that have been inactive for 3 years they then trigger all these rules and get all these emails at once and it doesnt make sense. 

    It seems to me you can only really have one email rule as longtime inactive users will trigger all rules and get all emails. If this is the case then please clarify this for me. 
    If you can have only one email rule then would my 30 day rule run every 30 days a member is inactive? 
    For example member SAM is 30 days inactive. They get the email and do nothing, so when they hit 60 days inactive will the rule trigger again or will they infact get an email every day as they are over the 30 days? Its just not clear how the rules work. 
  7. Sad
    gavpedz reacted to DSystem in Inactive Members & Real Last Activity Supporttopic   
    Welcome to the club! I've been waiting for a solution for a long time.
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    gavpedz got a reaction from Cyboman in Inactive Members & Real Last Activity Supporttopic   
    I have several rules to send out email. inactive days 7,60,90,180,360,720
    What i am seeing in the logs is that members that have been inactive as far back as 2014 or logged as inactive for 7 days so are they going to get all the emails from each rule. In my mind that user should get the 720 days email rather that the 7 days. My 7 day email says we missed you this week so its not really going to make sense to those that have been inactive for a long time. 
    Just to update users have reported getting 6 emails now which suggests because they have been inactive for a long time they trigger all the rules and get all the emails. So it's seems my option is to only have one rule. Kind of defeats being able to have multiple rules. 
  9. Like
    gavpedz got a reaction from Phil Lilley in Google AdSense Auto Ads   
    Hmm I was tempted to try but think I will hang fire for a while my members are very anti ads at the best of times so have to be very careful. Google skating then inside posts etc are not going to go down well 
  10. Thanks
    gavpedz reacted to newbie LAC in (NB41) Enhanced Advertisements   
    {{$indexPage = (\IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'index');}} {{if \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'forums'}} {{$forumId = \IPS\Request::i()->id;}} {{elseif \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'topic'}} {{try { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::loadAndCheckPerms( \IPS\Request::i()->id ); $forumId = $topic->forum_id; } catch( \Exception $e ) {};}} {{endif}} {{if !$indexPage and !isset(\IPS\Output::i()->hiddenElements['nbenhadverts_error_page']) and !(isset($forumId) and in_array($forumId, array(5,2,21)))}} 1 {{endif}}  
  11. Like
    gavpedz got a reaction from Tom Irons in Mark as Sold   
    Great that worked thanks. 
  12. Like
    gavpedz got a reaction from VR6Pete in Newsletters   
    Will this work on ips 4.2
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