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Jim M

Invision Community Team
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  1. Jim M's post in How to Make Discussion Icon Bigger and Never Faded? was marked as the answer   
    "Faded" would indicate that there is not any new content in the category. Where it is not "faded" would indicate new content.
    If you still want to make adjustments to this it would require customization of your theme which is outside our scope of support, I'm afraid. I can move your topic to our community support forum though if you would like me to.
  2. Jim M's post in Instructions for pointing domain name to new community was marked as the answer   
    I have moved this to a ticket for you as there will need to be some items to perform on both our end 🙂 . Please watch your email address for further instructions.
  3. Jim M's post in Is there a limit on API calls per sec/minute/day was marked as the answer   
    There is not a limit on our end of successful calls. There is a limit of calls that result in an error and you will be restricted from sending further requests. As you are self-hosted though, it could be that you are hitting a server limit.
  4. Jim M's post in Pages - PHP MySQL integration was marked as the answer   
    So the slider in your eyes for example would be between some range of numbers or words; e.g. from like 1 to 5?
    Unfortunately, we do not have sliders. There are drop downs, checkboxes, etc... A developer may be able to create a UI for a slider from one of these items but we do not offer it natively or would provide support for that customization, I'm afraid.
    The rest of what you're asking about with a form to insert this information and displaying records from the MySQL database are what Pages is good for. You can kind of see a walk-through build of a Pages Database here: 
  5. Jim M's post in ips killing my server was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you can go to ACP -> System -> Applications -> expand system, on Search click permissions and remove permissions to all groups.
  6. Jim M's post in PHP-GD errors after updating to php 7.4 or 8.0 was marked as the answer   
    This would likely indicate that your PHP 7.4 is having issues with GD or it is not properly installed on it. It may be that you have multiple versions of PHP on your server and need to ensure you are using the correct one in your Invision Community installation directory. You can use the following file to check your server's compatibility:  https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/
    If you continue to have issues, please contact your hosting provider or server administrator for further assistance.
  7. Jim M's post in Group itself changes to default was marked as the answer   
    I've submitted a ticket to get a closer look at this. I have asked for a few more details in the ticket so please respond to those in your email when you get a second.
  8. Jim M's post in Half database tables are MyISAM and half are InnoDB was marked as the answer   
    I would advise taking a backup of your database prior to making any changes. If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable changing your database to InnoDB, it is advised to contact your hosting provider or hire a server administrator to assist you. While the process is not expert-level difficulty, if something goes wrong, it's good to have support.
  9. Jim M's post in Improve archive.org snapshots was marked as the answer   
    With the below, keep in mind, this is a third party website so official support would be limited.

    As there is no styling, this would likely just mean that for whatever reason archive.org couldn’t grab your CSS file(s). Why, I couldn’t say, only archive.org or your hosting provider can. Would check on their next crawl if this would remain but it is not something in our software blocking or preventing this as you can see our website shows up there. Often archive.org just gets an incomplete copy of your site and the next one it’s fine.
  10. Jim M's post in Cannot start Member conversion from WoltLab 3.1 was marked as the answer   
    We would need to perform that for you, I'm afraid. Happy to move this to a sales ticket if you're interested?
  11. Jim M's post in Reputation and Reactions don't work properly was marked as the answer   
    Believe there is either some confusion or terminology mix up here but badges are a part of our Achievement system. Generally, only administrators and moderators would give out badges for whatever reason you would deem. Therefore, this is a moderator permission.
    If you are meaning reactions (i.e. like, haha, thanks, etc...), that is controlled by a member group permission in ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit group -> Social tab -> Reactions heading.
  12. Jim M's post in Turn off renewal invoices on test site? was marked as the answer   
    The following two constants will disable Commerce from initiating any live communication with your payment gateways and the second will disable outbound emails. For information on how to create a constant.php file, please see this guide: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/configuration-options/using-constantsphp-r25/
    define( 'NEXUS_TEST_GATEWAYS', true ); define( 'EMAIL_DEBUG_PATH', "/dev/null");  
  13. Jim M's post in Setting up Calendar Responses was marked as the answer   
    This would not be a functional part of the calendar application. The respond feature there is from an event in the calendar client you're using (in this case Outlook), I'm afraid, it is not connected to the RSVP feature in our software.
  14. Jim M's post in Gathering Password when using Social Logins was marked as the answer   
    There is no setting at this time for users to be able to set a password during sign up when using a social media provider. As you mentioned, they would need to use the password reset tool to accomplish this if they so desire. 
  15. Jim M's post in Domain Name was marked as the answer   
    Please be advised I have responded to your ticket with a question for you. Once you reply back, we can provide you instructions for add a domain or sub-domain here 🙂 .
  16. Jim M's post in search not working correctly was marked as the answer   
    "Everywhere" will not search for member names specifically in profiles. You have to search for specifically "Members" to search profile names. The reason why you are seeing these names come up in content is that they are part of content you are searching, i.e. when you searched "Carol" or "Adam" (on either community) and saw their name mentioned in the title or body text. I understand you're confused by the "Everywhere" not including member profile names but let's exclude that for the time being as it is currently intended not to do that.
    We do not use any plugins for searching members on our community. Everything is core functionality in our software for searching.
    Looking at your installation again, you are purposely omitting all groups from the member search because you have "Allow filtering by this group?" disabled in ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit groups. For example purposes, I enabled it for the group our test account is in and then searched, which rendered the below:

    You will need to update all groups as I did for the above if you wish to have them be searchable.
  17. Jim M's post in Before you can change the URL, you must first remove the existing installation was marked as the answer   
    Please check that your server can reach remoteservices.invisionpower.com .
    Check that the URL to the images are correct. If so, you may need to do a cache clear in ACP -> Support -> Clear System Cache.
  18. Jim M's post in quick registration is allowed when user is logged in was marked as the answer   
    Correct, this is currently working as intended. Through normal flow of the software, one would not end up here unless they purposely tried to get there.
  19. Jim M's post in Commerce Subscription Convert to Renewable Product? was marked as the answer   
    Existing Subscriptions would not be able to be converted to a Product (only Products can be converted to a Subscription).
    The other half of your question with a coupon with renewal-able products is true. If the first invoice is 0 then they would bypass payment. Then when the next renewal comes up they would need to pay the renewal price to keep their product active.
  20. Jim M's post in IPS ACP > Admin Notifications > Errroneous Notifications was marked as the answer   
    That would indicate that the functions may be disabled in your installation's root directory but are not disabled in sub-directories or serer-wide. This is not in error as described as we are merely reading directly from PHP.
  21. Jim M's post in Page View Javascript option in Advanced Configuration/ Page Output setting was marked as the answer   
    If you enabled AJAX pagination in your theme and a user clicks to the next page of a topic (or other areas), the posts are loaded dynamically without doing a full load of the page through the browser. This would mean that most typical analytics platforms would not register that as a pageview because of that. If you use Google Analytics, you would want to utilize our Google Analytics integration which will automatically track these. If you do not, you would need to insert the specific Javascript code in that spot for your analytics provider.
  22. Jim M's post in "A configuration or server error has occurred" was marked as the answer   
    Your database is missing the following table and/or that table is corrupt. You will want to reach out to your hosting provider to investigate what happened to the table and try to fix the issue.
    Table 'bzpower_databasenew.ibf_core_members_known_ip_addresses' doesn't exist
  23. Jim M's post in Why can't I get support? was marked as the answer   
    You have several active licenses which have been renewed but I do not see a newly purchased license under this account. Was it under a different account? Newly purchased self-hosted licenses receive 30 day ticket support. Otherwise, there is forum support here on our community which is completely staffed by ourselves and we would answer the same like a ticket. If the ticket requires escalation, we can still convert the topic to a ticket if need be. However, we have found an extremely high percentage of support tickets are basic "how-to" functionality which can be collectively shared or even in the case of a technical issue, can be collaboratively resolved on our community. It let's our customers search for common questions and us to better review what is happening, as after-all, we're a community software provider 🙂 .
  24. Jim M's post in Error -200 when uploading files was marked as the answer   
    A -200 error here would be an error processing the upload on your server. You would want to check your server error logs to find out what this is.
    Common examples are below but, of course, not an exhaustive list of what could be impacting you:
    You're uploading an image which is larger than your PHP/server configuration allows. Your PHP/server memory limit is being hit when processing the image.
  25. Jim M's post in Custom Advertisement was marked as the answer   
    Please keep in mind that the location where you place the custom advertisement location will need to be able to execute template code. A normal editor (WYSIWYG block) cannot execute template code. You will need a PHP block, theme template, etc... in order to do that. Hope that helps 🙂 .
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