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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Are these forums or topics where there are a lot of followers? If so, it could be your email connection is slow in sending these out. That would be something worth investigating.
  2. Glad to hear that resolved your issue. Please let us know if we can be of assistance in the future.
  3. You're welcome to add this in our official Feature Suggestion but as OpenType mentioned, there are a lot of these characters. If they are spelling out something you do not allow or overall something you do not want to allow, it may just come down to your terms of service and moderation.
  4. Thank you, getting back to your original numbered list: Currently, you have it set that all new registrants must purchase a product before registering but have no products available to these groups. There is a bug open internally to better check this prior to redirecting but it brings a better question on your site as you have no products available for these groups, why keep this enabled? To disable it, go to ACP -> Commerce -> Store -> Settings -> Purchase Settings -> disable "Force users to make a purchase when registering?" No real response here but let us know if you have a question here. This is due to your Group Promotion rule of moving Newbies to Members +. You can edit or delete this in ACP -> Members -> Group Promotions.
  5. Unfortunately, for the license this topic is associated with, I am still seeing a username in our access details and email address required on the community. If this is for a different license, please let us know.
  6. Unfortunately, the admin credentials that have been provided to us are a username but your community on login requires an email address. Please verify and update your credentials.
  7. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  8. I'm afraid, you would need to ask TapaTalk to obtain that definite information. This is available to them via the developer SDK should they want to use it, just they would need to use it for it to show up there.
  9. Is there a network error in your connection? The error could be anywhere along the connection point. The obvious point would be anything done on your server but given that you can download from another point, you would want to check the connection point between your computer and your server. Generally, if this was a software error, you would encounter it on any device. The fact that you are only having issues on your computer, states something with that connection.
  10. The warnings you have there from your browser console are simply warnings and would not encounter an error that you're experiencing. A "Network error" would indicate an issue between the user and your server. Has anything recently changed in your server configuration? If so, I would recommend undoing that. If you're using a CDN, proxy, etc... ensure you are not transmitting over your allotted data.
  11. Please be advised I have transferred this to a ticket for you. You will receive further correspondence via email.
  12. Please be advised I have moved this to a ticket so that we can further investigate your issue. You will receive further correspondence by email.
  13. There is not a method currently to create a customized Leaderboard (like what is available in our software here) outside of some form of customization of that module.
  14. Are you able to provide the email as an example with the member's display name?
  15. Sorry, I may not be fully understanding your question here. Do you have an example you could illustrate with?
  16. Those are simply rows and aren't telling the storage consumption (there could be tables with smaller row counts taking more storage). However, I would evaluate your pruning on the Error Logs in ACP -> Support -> Error Logs -> Settings. There are quite a few in there. You may also want to inspect what you're reporting on, you may wish to raise this level to 3 or higher to eliminate storing things where the software is operating per normal (i.e. a user hit a 404 page).
  17. Going from version 3 to version 4 will definitely see an increase of database size just due to different technology, storage engines, etc... How large your database should be would be dependent on many different variables. Are you able to query what exactly is so large in your database? For instance, if it is the core_log table, this would indicate that there is an error being hit consistently and needs to be resolved. If it is the forums_posts table then this would be expected growth.
  18. The software will take care of any changes to it's internal URLs so those will become HTTPS once you perform the changes I mentioned. If there is any custom code or manual URLs that are HTTP, you would need to manually update these. HOWEVER, there will be a HTTP to HTTPS redirect in the software once your apply the changes.
  19. This would be correct as your community is installed in your "forums" directory. Thus, the software uses that URL. To change this, it would not be advised and require a customization.
  20. Believe there is a misunderstanding in what this button does. The default position would always be on when you come back to the page. It only comes into play when you change a storage configuration from one configuration to another and have the system automatically move the files for you instead of manually moving them.
  21. Customization is the menu on the left that looks like a paint brush (if you do not have a custom language pack)
  22. Unfortunately, I am not having any issues unchecking the box on your community. However, I am also only seeing one storage configuration. Could you please clarify what you're performing?
  23. That may be a typo in our description as I have discussed this with our developers and it is intended to function the way you're seeing it function where any card stored would be used. I'm sorry for any confusion from the description and will report that internally.
  24. You're very welcome. Glad to hear it was completed. Please let us know if we can be of assistance in the future.
  25. I'm afraid, currently, this is how the software operates and as mentioned, I can only tell you in support the intended functionality of the software today. If you would like to see a change of it, please post up your suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum. I am sorry this is not the answer you want but hope this helps.
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