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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. If the timeout is not going down, you likely are running background tasks as traffic and need to view the frontend consistently to get it going.
  2. The recovery mode will not unlock your account, I'm afraid. It is designed to recover from broken third party add-ons. Do you have a timeout present which it is stating your account will unlock? If so and are running background tasks via traffic, you will need to view the front-end of your community and allow the system to process these for the lockout time. Otherwise, if you are running CRON, you will simply need to wait the lockout time. Of course, if you have another administrator who can log in and unlock your account, this would be faster.
  3. Please post the ID of the forum here (which can be found in the last half of the URL) or place the URL in the notes section of the access details area of the Client Area.
  4. Please make sure all files on your server are up to date and that all third-party applications/plugins are compatible with PHP 8.
  5. You can set default notifications in ACP -> Members -> Notifications if you want this for all users. Just be sure to click the "Reset All Members to Default Preferences"
  6. Sorry, I am a little confused by that statement, we are not asking them to resolve the issue but merely provide us the log in question from your server error log. Without it, we cannot assist. As this is a server management task, it would be something you or them would need to provide as we only support our software, not the server management items.
  7. You can follow a forum to receive notifications when topics are posted. However, the follow system is explicit so you will need to follow each topic to receive notifications. There is one exception to that, you can configure your notifications so that if you reply to a topic, you automatically follow it. As seen here in my notification settings:
  8. Unfortunately, the only way to investigate this would be to look in your database to see which email address you used if you have forgotten. You would need to open up PHPMyAdmin or contact your hosting provider and then go to the core_members table and look for your user name and look in the email column for your email address.
  9. When running background tasks manually, it is resulting in a 500 Internal Server Error. You will need to obtain the Server Error log entry for this error from your hosting provider and provide it here for us to provide further guidance.
  10. You would not want to provide this to individuals unless you absolutely trust them (i.e. Admins and Moderators). Not only could malicious items be included, such as JavaScript or iframes from other websites, but individuals could inadvertently mess up HTML DOM which renders a page illegible or hiding certain objects.
  11. Unfortunately, the admin credentials are invalid. Please verify and update.
  12. Glad to hear you found the issue 🙂
  13. Invision Community utilizes Achievements to set ranks, badges, etc... This system is a little more robust for establishing rank because you can set rules to how you would like ranks/badges to be given instead of simply post count. You can read more about it in this guide: You will want to check your rules are set for the ranks/badges you want to give out and then you will want to rebuild the Achievements by going to ACP -> Members -> Achievements -> Settings -> Rebuild Members' Achievements.
  14. Was this originally posted and then set to be published in the future? Do you have a URL we could investigate?
  15. No. Post contents will only be in the language they are typed in.
  16. As opentype mentioned, it would not be beneficial to direct all URLs to a similar page. However, if there are unique characteristics that you could capitalize on, say like you want a contact forum going to our software's contact form. That could be handled by a redirect on your hosting provider's end (likely through .htaccess as opentype mentioned).
  17. Unfortunately, you will need to remove the custom JavaScript and eliminate the current errors before we can assist further. Please keep in mind, customizations are outside our scope of support and we only support the core product. Please let us know once that is done and I can investigate further.
  18. Thanks for confirming and glad to hear it’s resolved!
  19. Sounds like mod_security or another security module was involved. Is that true?
  20. You would want to go to Client Area -> Manage Purchases -> click your license -> scroll down to "Review/Update Access Information" and update the access details there so we ca access your community.
  21. That is your call. The forums URL would be built added virtually by the software, no need to do anything on your end. You would simply update the base URL in the configuration file, clear cache, and then update your license URL. We have a guide to cover that if you do.
  22. The software would need to live in the same folder so whatever you want to name that folder which makes sense for your usage you can do. It looks like you do have something at your root domain so you would not be able to put the software there unless you were to remove that.
  23. Are any custom templates being inserted into the theme? We can take a further look if you provide us access: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  24. Sorry, that is not true. As mentioned in that topic, you will need to put your installation at the root if you wish for the application FURLs to take hold and get something like yourdomain.com/gallery and yourdomain.com/forums Here is the solution in that topic which we described what we mentioned here:
  25. This is template cache, you can disable this while troubleshooting by going to ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration.
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