Hello Fosters! I'll give some suggestions to the app
Separate Trophies and Medals front-end navigation by categories, like this MyBB system:
Add a way to members exchange some selected/permitted awards
Add a criteria to award based on date periods, eg: between November 25 - 25 (Christmas Award)
Add a criteria to award based on time periods, eg: between 03:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Add a criteria to award based on which forum/gallery/download category user is posting content. (integration with Post Areas, maybe?)
Add a criteria to award if user was already banned (shame award). And based on warning level.
Add a criteria to award if user is accessing the board from another country. Based on location
Add a criteria to sell some awards over Commerce.
Add a criteria to award only if member is a club leader.
Add a option to members rearrange the display of awards on their profile/post bit. Based on group permissions
That's all folks 🙂