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  1. I agree. We need an option to replace a previous badge like a badge upgrade.
  2. niKee replied to niKee's post in a topic in Technical Problems
    Exactly! I meant Pages database. Anyway, thank you very much for the answers @Linux-Is-Best and @Morrigan 😊
  3. niKee started following Convert to Topic
  4. niKee posted a post in a topic in Technical Problems
    Hello! There is a way to convert database records into forum topics?
  5.    kmk reacted to a comment: 4.4: 6 New Micro Features
  6.    Cyboman reacted to a comment: 4.4: 6 New Micro Features
  7. Same here
  8. Hello Fosters! I'll give some suggestions to the app Separate Trophies and Medals front-end navigation by categories, like this MyBB system: Add a way to members exchange some selected/permitted awards Add a criteria to award based on date periods, eg: between November 25 - 25 (Christmas Award) Add a criteria to award based on time periods, eg: between 03:00 AM - 07:00 PM Add a criteria to award based on which forum/gallery/download category user is posting content. (integration with Post Areas, maybe?) Add a criteria to award if user was already banned (shame award). And based on warning level. Add a criteria to award if user is accessing the board from another country. Based on location Add a criteria to sell some awards over Commerce. Add a criteria to award only if member is a club leader. Add a option to members rearrange the display of awards on their profile/post bit. Based on group permissions That's all folks 🙂
  9. Looking forward to this
  10. Hello @Nathan Explosion! It's possible to override the mention display in topics to show the formatted username in the mention instead of this blue mention tag? There's a MyBB plugin that do exactly that: https://community.mybb.com/mods.php?action=view&pid=29 I don't know if your plugin already does this. If yes, I'm going to buy it.
  11. niKee replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hello @Mike John, I'm running the latest version over IPSCS 4.2.6, and the PM notification is not working.
  12. Yes. I was thinking about this one from MyBB: https://community.mybb.com/mods.php?action=view&pid=29
  13. Can you please add a option to display the mentioned user name with "formattedname" of its group? Like your "Group Mention" plugin. So, instead of classical mention box like: @Nathan Explosion will be displayed @Nathan Explosion. With or without the "@". Eg. When you mention someone, it will be displayed like that: John Doe Adm | John Doe Mod | John Doe Premium.
  14. niKee replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Yes, I thought that it would also apply to the quiz question field
  15. niKee replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hey @Adriano Faria, when switching the Type of Content field to Editor WYSIWYG the Quiz still uses Textarea. I'm using the latest version with IPS Community Suite