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  1. Marc's post in [BUG 4.7.8] Reverting templates not working with template disk caching enabled was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recent 4.7.14 release of the platform. Please upgrade to resolve the issue, and if you see any further problems at that point, please let us know.
  2. Marc's post in [Bug 4.7.0] CMS database setting "Field Options > Records per page" controls also comments per page? was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recent 4.7.14 release of the platform. Please upgrade to resolve the issue, and if you see any further problems at that point, please let us know.
  3. Marc's post in Courses: clicking a large image doesn't open the image viewer? was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recent 4.7.14 release of the platform. Please upgrade to resolve the issue, and if you see any further problems at that point, please let us know.
  4. Marc's post in Notification "Members requested Account Deletion" always on was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in our recent 4.7.14 release of the platform. Please upgrade to resolve the issue, and if you see any further problems at that point, please let us know.
  5. Marc's post in 2 questions - slow loading and web app was marked as the answer   
    There isn't much there that we can really check. You would need to contact your hosting company on any performance issues. Of course in terms of 3rd party applications, you are best to disable them and check to see if that has any impact. Doing things like checking slow query logs can help to ascertain where you may have problems.
    This is a web app. So essentially, the browser will let them know it is available, and allow them to add the site to their desktop as an icon. Its not quite a native app as such, as you have with tapatalk. It does however, mean that you are not at the whim of tapatalk going forward.
  6. Marc's post in Can you have your own .htaccess in Invision cloud was marked as the answer   
    There isnt an htaccess in the cloud environment. Its not traditional hosting in that sense. I do see you have a ticket in, and will take a look at that shortly for you.
  7. Marc's post in Will the pay to view topics feature come to IPS 4 or is it a IPS v5 feature. was marked as the answer   
    This is highly unlikely to be seen in version 4. Anything which is added to version 5, we will of course blog about in due time 🙂 
  8. Marc's post in Allowed File type was marked as the answer   
    There is no way in which to do that unfortunately
  9. Marc's post in Terms text and Footer links was marked as the answer   
    Is there perhaps anything showin up within console on your browser?
  10. Marc's post in IPS delete images automatically when delete a subforum? was marked as the answer   
    If you choose to delete the content, then it would indeed be deleted 🙂 
    Just as a note, you can also just choose to delete content (or even just some content) from a forum in the admin CP. If you cilck the down arrow, you can choose to move/delete content, which will give you the ability to filter what you are deleting.
  11. Marc's post in Change the word "Featured" in the badge for featured articles? was marked as the answer   
    You would be using the translation system to change any wording on the platform. You can read more about how to do this on the following links
  12. Marc's post in Ads.txt - how did you implement it on your forum was marked as the answer   
    Ah, sorry I read that incorrectly. We do not have anything specific for ads.txt. However you could just create that in the pages application
    Nathan beat me to it. He does that 😄 
  13. Marc's post in … is typing - How to enable was marked as the answer   
    This has been corrected for you
  14. Marc's post in API stopped working (server blocked) was marked as the answer   
    I can only say that is certainly the reason why its currently banned.
  15. Marc's post in physical product deprecation question was marked as the answer   
    We will be removing items related to physical items only, such as the ability to interact with delivery services, sizes of items etc. Addresses, while I understand it may seem are related, are actually required by many payment processors. So they would indeed stay.
    It is also worth noting that even without those, you could actually capture any information you wish via the use of custom fields too 🙂 
  16. Marc's post in Is there a way to follow combined fluid view? was marked as the answer   
    You could do this by using a stream. So create a new stream with all the items you wish to see, and then you will see in the top right there is a "Send me email updates" link 🙂 
  17. Marc's post in Remove / deactivate cookies GDPR pop-up was marked as the answer   
    This can be found in the following location within your admin CP.
    System->Settings->Terms and Privacy Policy
    You would be switching off the "Show terms of service confirmation or cookie bar to Guests?" option
  18. Marc's post in Splash Page or Initial Page Ability was marked as the answer   
    Blocks will show only if the content they contain can be seen by the viewer. So in the case of these, they are members blocks, gallery blocks etc. So you would need to remove permission from guests to view those items in order to remove the blocks. Looking at module permissions may serve you better for some
  19. Marc's post in High CVE - curl 11 Oct 2023 was marked as the answer   
    There wouldnt be anything for us to fix there. That is a server level issue, rather than a software one. Of course anything in terms of security on cloud (if thats what you are referring to), we would always take care of. But that wouldn't require a release.
  20. Marc's post in Does Invision support Stripe Apple Pay / link? was marked as the answer   
    Ah, I understand. You can pay with apple pay and google pay, but not do automatic recurring payments with them. This can be done only with card payments on stripe at present
  21. Marc's post in Problems to Update to Invision 4.7.13 was marked as the answer   
    Yes you should be able to. If you are having issues doing so, let me know. 
    Please try clearing your browser cache on that last issue. Im not seeing it when logged into your community on this end. If you then still see the same issue, I will need to know who you are currently logged in as
  22. Marc's post in Merge Memeber Accounts was marked as the answer   
    You can indeed. Visit one account in the admin CP, click on account actions, and you will see "Merge with another member"
    EDIT: Terabyte beat me to it 😄 
  23. Marc's post in purchase blog - it's not showing in admin area was marked as the answer   
    You would unzip what you have downloaded, then upload all the files via ftp, merging with what you already have there. Alternatively if you are on the latest release with all patches added you can just upload the following folder
    Once you have done this, you will see it show up in System>Site Features>Applications
    Its not added in the manner you are looking to add it there. 
  24. Marc's post in Configuring Payment Options in Commerce was marked as the answer   
    The only way in which to do that would be to develop a custom application for this purpose
  25. Marc's post in Facebook Provided og:image URL Unknown Error was marked as the answer   
    It appears to be a facebook issue unfortunately.
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