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  1. Within the download area on your site, you may find that there is additional information you wish for people to be able to enter on their downloadable items. For example, you may have an area where people produce their own applications and need to add co-authors or version numbers. The downloads application allows to to achieve this by adding extra fields. These can then be used per category. Adding Extra Fields To add some extra fields, you will need to visit the following area in your admin CP. Community>Downloads>Extra Fields Once you are in this area, you will see a list of any existing extra fields. You can create a new on by selecting "Create New" Extra Field Setup You can then fill in the details for your new field, including the field type. As an example below I have added one of field type "Member" which will allow the user to select a members name for the co-author of their application. Adding an Extra Field Displaying Fields You will note that within the setup, you can set where you would like this to display within the download item. Currently you can choose for this to show in the download item sidebar, just below the description of the item, or in a separate tab entirely. Display format for topics can be set using HTML. For example the following would show the field name in bold, a colon, and then the value the user has entered <strong>{title}:</strong> {content} These will be updated whenever the main download item is updated. Adding To a Category Once you have set up extra items, you can choose which categories they show in, by selecting that item to be used on that particular category setup page. So below you will see I have selected for the Co-Author field to be available within my "Files" Category. Adding to a category
  2. Marc


    The first thing you will need to set up within downloads are your categories. You can set these up from the following location in your admin control panel. Community>Downloads>Categories Creating Once you are here, you will see a screen similar to the below image. To create a new category, simply select the "Create new" button. You can also create sub categories to existing categories if you wish by selecting the + icon next to any existing category. Category List Once selected, you can give the new category a name, and you will see various settings that can be altered to your liking depending on what you are trying to achieve on your site. Category Settings Submission Options On the submissions tab, you can limit what is allowed to be submitted to the category by filetype and size, along with allow for versioning of uploads. You will note that we actually use versioning on our own Marketplace using downloads ourselves. Tip It can be useful to limit allowed extensions on categories. For example if you have a category for ebooks, you know that an ebook is not likely to be an exe file, and you will likely have a predefined list of file extensions they use, such as epub, pdf etc. This then helps with moderation of the sections by ensuring incorrect files are not submitted in an incorrect location in the first place. Submissions 1 In the same section, you can set up whether files must be approved, whether screenshots are needed or allowed, and various other limits on people submissions. Submissions 2 Error Messages Within the error messages tab, you can customise what a user will see if they have no permissions to download or view the files within a category. Tip Adding custom error messages can be useful if you require a subscription of download certain items. You can then tell them about your subscriptions within the message itself, and inform your members how to gain access. Error Messages Forum Submission In addition to other settings, you can have the system automatically create a topic in a forum of your choosing upon submission. This is used in our marketplace to create support topics for individual files. Forum Topics Permissions Once you have created the categories that you wish to have on your downloads system, you will want to set up permissions for these. If you select the dropdown at the side of any category, you will see a permissions button which will take you to the permissions screen for that category. Permissions Link This will then allow you to select the permissions required on each of your user groups. Permission Matrix
  3. Whilst the conversion process itself can take a while on a large system, and can appear complicated, the process is actually quite simple to do. In my example below, I will be starting the conversion of another Invision community database into a new installation of the Invision community software. The process itself is very similar for any conversion. So for example, if you are converting from a vbulletin installation, or a xenforo installation, the process is the same. The only difference is that the questions asked by the converter will be relevant to that specific converter. Important If you have not read the previous step in this guide, we would advise you to do this now. Reading that step will save you a lot of time. Starting a new conversion Select your software To start a new conversion, visit the following location within your admin cp System -> Conversions > Manage Conversions -> Start New Conversion You will then be asked to select the software that you are converting from. Please select this from the list provided. Select Software Items to convert On the next screen, you will be asked to select the items you wish to convert. By default all items are selected, however, you can uncheck anything you wish not to convert. Note that some items, which are required by the converter, cannot be deselected. Select Items Database details Next you will be asked to provide your database details. These are the details of the database in which you are converting. So it would be the database you are using for your current installation, and not your Invision Community installation. Database Details Conversion Details On the final page, before you begin the conversion, you will need to provide the details for each item you are converting. This will include things such as paths to your uploads or attachment folders, paths to creations, group mappings and more. It is highly important that you go through this page carefully, and ensure that the details you provide are correct. Conversion Details Once you click to submit this page, you will see the converter start the conversion process. Please do not close this page until it is completed. Conversion Progress After conversion After the conversion has completed there are two things that you should note. Applies to cloud customers only Cloud customers should note that the background tasks mentioned below, will run through regardless of traffic, automatically. They can however still take some time to progress While the conversion process is complete, the software will now be rebuilding all your content. Until these are complete, you may find some posts may not look quite right, counters may be incorrect, and search will not be up to date. You can see this on your Dashboard by expanding the "Background processes" section, as you can see in the image below. By default, these will run with traffic. Therefore if you have no traffic on your site, they will not be running. In this scenario, you can either set up a cron task on your server, by clicking the link provided to get the details for this, or you can select "Manually run them now" and leave this open on the page. You should now set up the permissions for your usergroups, in order to ensure people have access to what you would like them to access. You can see how to do this in the following guide
  4. In order to ensure that you get a good conversion, its always wise to check a few things over, and ensure that you are fully in a position to convert your site to the Invision Community software. Below are a few things that you should check prior to getting started with your conversion Applies to cloud customers only Feel free to read through this guide, as some items will still be useful in preparing your current installation, such as ensuring you clean up your data. However in the case of our cloud system, please contact support to request the converters are installed for you, and we will provide instructions on what data we will need from yourself to proceed. Get things ready Firstly, we need to get the new Invision Community site ready for converting. If you have not done so already, you need to do the following. Install Invision Community - If you haven't done so already, you need to get the community software installed, ready for you to convert into. You can install this in the same location, or into another location on the same server and move the site later if you wish. It must, however, be on the same server. You can find instructions on how to install in the following location. If you are installing for the first time, ensure you select to include converters, then skip the next step. Install the converters - If you have already installed the suite, then you need to ensure you have added the converters (if you havent already). You can see how to do this here. Set up groups, profile groups etc - During the conversion, you will be asked to map your current usergroups, profile fields etc over to the relevant fields in the IPS software, so ensure you have these set up ready for you to just map them. Change your settings - Things such as images will be imported with the sizes that are specified within the invision software. You should change any settings that you wish to, within the software, prior to importing. Prepare your site Once you have an Invision Community site to convert to, you need to then start preparing your site for the conversion process. Performing these steps will save you from problems as you proceed through the conversion process. Is there a converter available? - If you have not already checked this, then you should check if there is a converter available, or if you need a custom conversion, on the following page https://invisioncommunity.com/services/migrate/ Is everything on your old site accessible? - You need to ensure that your current installation is accessible from the location in which your Invision Community application is installed. In most (almost all) cases, this will mean they need to be on the same server. Is everything working? - Before you begin, if you have moved the old site to a new server ready for the conversion, ensure that everything is working correctly. Ensure paths are correct on your installation and everything is correct as if you were going to continue to use it. This important step can save you a lot of time by ensuring you do not have to start the process again due to mistakes. Clean up your site - Before any conversion, it is wise to clean up your site of anything you don't want to convert. This is to ensure you don't have things there to convert that you are just going to delete afterward, and therefore speed up the process. The less you have to convert, the quicker it will be. Have the details you need in hand! - Ensure you have your old sites paths and database credentials to hand. You will need these details during the conversion process.
  5. Installing the IPS4 converter package is the same as installing any other of our application into the suite. You do this by uploading a fresh set of files from your client area, and then installing from System>Site Features>Applications, as shown in the images below. Applies to cloud customers only If you are a cloud customer please contact support who will be able to advise further on conversion options. Where to get them The first thing that you will need to do, is to get the converter application itself. Go to your client area, and download the full package, however ensure that you select the "Include Converters" checkbox before downloading. Downloading the converters Installing the application To install the application, you will need to visit the following area within the admin cp System>Site Features>Applications If you have uploaded the files correctly, you will see the converters available to install at the bottom of the list, as shown below Installing the application Check the installation Once you have done this, you have installed the converter and you should see these within system>Conversions where you can start your conversion. Converter application installed Before you start
  6. Working through the ticket list is done from the support screen within the admin CP. You can do this from the following location. "Commerce>Support>Support Requests" Once you are here you will see a list of the tickets waiting to be 'worked' You will see from here you can filter which requests you can see on the left, along with changing various settings at the top or creating a new ticket if needed. After clicking on a ticket you will see something similar to the following screen, which we will go through in a little more detail So first of all at the top pf the page you will se there are various dropdowns, each of which let you quickly stage statuses, locations, and severities of tickets. I have numbered each and provided a corresponding list of each items function below. Status - This will allow you to quickly change the status of a ticket Severity - Will allow you to quickly change the severity of a message Department - Changes the department in which a ticket is located Assignment - Allows for quick assignment of a ticket Tracking - Lets you change whether you are tracking the ticket or not Delete - Deletes the ticket from the system completely. Next down the page we have the editor, which you would use for replying to tickets within the ticket area. Again I have numbered these and describe each function below. Allows you to switch from replying so the customer can see, or adding a hidden staff note in the ticket, which can only be seen by members of staff. This area allows yout o set the status, department, and assignment of the ticket after the reply has been submitted, This is a list of stock actions which can be used on the ticket On the right of the page, you will see many usefull bits of information regarding the customer and the ticket. You can see the request history of the customer, invoices, and other usefull detail you may need whilst working the ticket. In addition to this you will see what item the ticket is associated with, if any (and can change this), and any custom fields you have added within your support system. Finally, at the bottom of the page, you can see all the messages within this ticket itself. You may also notice audits of items which have been changed on the status, depending on how this is set up.
  7. Within commerce you can set up coupon codes for use during promotions in your store. These can be set up from Commerce>Store>Coupons Once you visit this area, you will be able to set up codes to give a monetary discount or percentage discount, along with set which products they can be used with, expiry dates, and restrictions on how they can be used. In the example above, I have added a SAVE10 code for people to use in my store which will save the customers 10% on their purchase. This code can then be entered on the checkout screen.
  8. Customer feedback is a good way of finding out how your customers are reacting to replies within your tickets, and the performance of your staff in keeping your customers happy. Within IPS4 we provide the ability to allow rating of a staff reply, directly from the customers client area. You can switch on Customer Feedback from within the admin CP from the following location "Commerce>Support>Settings>Customer Feedback" Once this is switched on, your customers will be able to give a rating to each reply they are sent, along with a note if they have anything else they wish to add These responses can be seen within the ticket reply in the admin CP, for any administrator who has the permission to view them. Permissions for these are set within the administrator permissions section of the admin CP. Clicking on the customer rating text will show you any feedback that was given at the same point as the rating Within the admin CP you can also see how your ratings are 'stacking up' as a whole on your site, or see the ratings as an overview, by visiting the following location: Commerce>Support>Performance (Note that you can change the filters to suite using the tools at the top of each report) In this area you can also see an overview of the support system usage and replies.
  9. It's important within any support system to be able to ensure you can track what is happening with any particular item at a glance. For this we have provided severities, and statuses, which you can assign to your tickets, have your customers assign, or even at times have assigned automaticaly. Severities Severities can be added from the following location within the admin CP - "Commerce>Support>Settings>Severities". These would be given in order to give importance to certain tickets, or simply highlight that a ticket is maybe of less importance. Once you are in this area, you should see a screen similar to the below. from here you can add/edit/delete severity levels on the system. You will note that at the top you can optionally allow your customers to view an edit the severity of their tickets. To add a new severity, you would select the "Create New" button in the top right. A typical setup of a new severity level would look something like the following. You can see here that I have set to allow the customer to set this severity. Tickets by default are ordered by severity, and then by age. This means that by adding the severity critical to the top of the list, these would always appear first. I have also added an icon and a color which will show up on the ticket list. Statuses Statuses Statuses can be added from the following location within the admin CP - "Commerce>Support>Settings>Severities". These can be added to show the status of any given ticket within the support system. Once you are in this area, you should see a screen similar to the below. from here you can add/edit/delete statuses on the system. To add a new status, you would select the "Create New" button in the top right. A typical setup of a new status would look something like the following. There are a few items here which are worth mentioning. Firstly, you can set this as the default status when there is an action. So if a member or a member of staff replies to this, it will be given this status automatically. Additionally you can set it to automatically assign the member of staff to that ticket once the status is changed to this. To give an example, a member of staff may set it to "In progress" and have it automatically assign to them. You will also note that you can display different text to your members for this status than you to to staff. This would mean that this would appear differently in the client area. A typical support screen showing statuses and severities may look like the following
  10. There will be times where it would be useful to be able to capture more information within a support ticket. For example you may need to know the age of the person submitting, or know the users skype contact details. Within commerce we have given you the ability to set up as many of these as you need. Creating New Fields You can set up new fields for tickets within the following area in your admin CP - Commerce>Support>Settings>Custom Fields. When visiting this area, you will see a list of the currently created custom fields. You can create a new one by selecting the "Create New" button. Custom Field List When selecting add new, you can select a name, a description, which departments it is allowed in, and whether or not it is a required field. You will see all of these within the screenshot below. Example Text Field Field Types The above is a simple example of a text field. There are various different types of fields you can use within the custom fields section, including the following Address Checkbox Checkbox Set Code Color Date Editor Email Address FTP Details Member Number Password Poll Radio Rating Select Box Telephone Number Text Text Area Upload URL Username & Password Yes/No As you can see there is a comprehensive list of ways in which you can build up new fields. Each type will have different attributes you can use. For example, the FTP type will allow your users to input FTP details. With this type, you can optionally have the system validate that these are correct. Example FTP Field
  11. In many circumstances in support, you will find that you need to type the same reply, move to the same department etc over and over again. With commerce, we have removed the need to do this by adding stock actions. You may have seen these when using our own support system, if you have been asked to update your access details, or had your ticket escalated. Setting Up You will find the setup for these within the admin CP under "Commerce>Support>Settings>Stock Actions" When first opening this, you will see a list of any stock actions which already exist within the system. Click on Create new to add a new one. Stock Action List After clicking add, you will have various items you can set to happen automatically. Here I have set a stock action to set the status to open, move to the test department, and add a reply to the customer that says I have done so. Creation Of Actions Using Stock Actions Whilst replying to a ticket, you will see a dropdown in the top right of the editor. You can use any of the stock items that are set up from this dropdown menu. Simply select the one you wish to use and everything will be set up as per the Stock Action you have chosen. Using Stock Actions
  12. Within the commerce system, you can use incoming email to receive tickets, rather than using the client area if you wish to do so. These can be received via various different methods, depending on your needs, and will also allow for the receiving of tickets from different emails. Incoming Email You can set these up from the following location within your admin CP. Commerce>Support>Settings>Incoming Emails Once you are here you will see a screen similar to the below where you are given 2 options for the type of email you wish to set up. Incoming Email Options You will also notice you can set to ignore emails, by using filters at the bottom of the page. In order to ignore, select the "Add filter" button and ignore items based on the Destination Email, Sender Email, Subject, or Body of the email being received. This can be done either as an exact match, or partial match. Piping Piping would be the preferred method if you have the access within your server. Piping allows for emails to be directed to a php file where they will be directly processed by the support system. This is something you will need to set up on your server, to point the emails to the following location http://yourinstallationlocation.com/applications/core/interface/incomingemail/piping.php email@example.com There are some basic instructions shown on the piping page to set this up within cpanel. If you use another panel (or in fact no panel at all) you would need to contact your hosting provider for assistance in setting this up. Piping Setup POP3 If you do not have access to use the piping method, you can instead set up pop3 instead. To do this, select the pop3 method and fill in the relevant details from your email provider POP 3 Setup SendGrid For more support heavy communities or communities without the ability to set up piping, it may be preferable to use an external service to receive support tickets via email. For this, we provide integration for SendGrid. Unlike other options, using SendGrid will require you to set the MX records on an entire domain or subdomain to point to SendGrid. This means you must use a dedicated domain or subdomain that you do not need to receive email for other purposes for. This may mean, for example, rather than using support@example.com, you need to use support@support.example.com. If you haven't already, add a domain whitelabel in your SendGrid account for your main domain and make sure it has been validated. This will require creating CNAME records to point to specific locations SendGrid will provide to prove that you own the domain. Contact SendGrid if you need any assistance with this step. Set up the receiving domain in SendGrid. Enter the Destination URL to the URL below and make sure that the POST the raw, full MIME message setting is checked. http://localhost/applications/core/interface/incomingemail/sendgrid.php Test everything is working by sending a test email. You need to have setup a department to receive the emails first. If it does not work, contact technical support for assistance. Outgoing Email You can set these up from the following location within your admin CP. Commerce>Support>Settings>Outgoing Emails Within this section you can set the outgoing email format, which can be one of the following Normal Email - This is general email which would be sent out, without branding. Branded Email - This would contain a branded wrapper to your emails. More advanced users can amend the wrapper to your emails within Customization>Appearance>Emails. You can also set who the emails are set to come from, whether this be the name of the person, the department, or something else. You will also notice in here that you can set a "Send received confirmation?" setting. Switching this setting on will mean that your users will get an email back when they create a ticket, whether this be through the client area, or by email. Outgoing Email
  13. The first thing you will need to ensure that you set up within commerce will be your departments. These are required for the system to function and will be the area in which your tickets will be organized. You may have seen commerce departments already when you submit a ticket to our own ticket system here. Creating a Department You will find the area for setting up departments within the following location in your admin CP. Commerce>Support>Settings>Departments . When opening this up, you will see a screen similar to the below. To set up a new department, click on the "create new" button within the top right. Note that if you already have a department which is similar to this, you can duplicate an existing department using the duplicate icon next to the line in question. Department List In order to set up a department, you should then enter some basics such as the name of the department an associated email address if one is to be used, whether to allow submissions (for example this may be an escalation department which does not allow direct submission), and the text you would like your customers to see when submitting a new ticket in the support area. Department Setup Other Settings Also within the department setup page, you will see that there are various other attributes which you can add to the departments. These are as follows: Submission Charge - This will allow you to charge an amount to the customer in order to have their ticket submitted to this department. It may be that you wish them to pay for a higher priority of support for example. Associable Products - Here you can set products which can be associated with this submission. We actually use this ourselves to allow people to associate their client license with a ticket. Associable Subscription - Similar to the above, you can set subscription which can be associated with this submission. Require an associated purchase/Subscription - This will allow you to force the above items so that an association has to be made. Staff that can view - This will allow you to limit the staff who can see this department Once these are set up, you will be able to see these departments within the support requests screen. This will be discussed further in a later step. Introduction to Support Setting up your email
  14. Your customers have various areas relating to their own purchases and orders on commerce, along with areas to manage their own details such as addresses and alternative contacts on the system. By default these would be access under the store tab, which is what will be shown in this step. Please note, you may have moved these items using the menu manager. Orders Under the orders tab you will see any orders which are still awaiting action. This may be that they are awaiting approval, or that they are awaiting payment or cancellation from the customer. Manage Purchases Under manage purchases, you will be able to view all the purchases that you have made on the system. This is where you can cancel a recurring item if you wish, and see any other detail (such as a downloadable item). Personal Information From here you can view/change your Primary billing and shipping addresses Addresses The personal information section will allow you to change your custom details such as you name and phone number. Alternative Contacts From here you will see alternative contacts which have been set up on your account. These are users who a customer can set to be able to manage the account at their behalf, such as being able to request support. Clicking on Add New Contact will allow you to add a new alternative contact within the system.
  15. Selling advertisement space to your customers can easily achieved within commerce by adding a new product within Commerce>Store>Products. Before reading this step, it is suggested that you read the previous step. This step will cover the items specifically relating to selecting advertisements as the product type. When selecting the Advertisement product type, you will be presented with a screen similar to the following. In addition to the many items discussed in the previous step of this guide, you can choose an advertisement location when selecting this type. This will allow you to sell ad space in one or many locations directly to your customers. You will also be able to set an expiry period for the product, as well as the maximum dimensions for any banners which are uploaded. This allows you control over the size and period that a banner is show for. Any which are purchased will show up within System>Site Promotion>Advertisements as a pending advertisement. This enables you to ensure that the ads are suitable for your site before showing them.
  16. Customer Referrals can be a good way in which to drive sales on your site, as you can get your customers doing the work for you, giving a small benefit to the customer who is referring people to your site. Within the admin CP, you can get to the referral setup section by going to ACP -> Members -> Member Settings -> Referrals. Switching On Once you enable referrals and save them as being on, you will see 3 tabs. The first section you will see will look similar to the screen below, and allow you to switch the system on and off, and to set whether your customers can see the commission rules. In most cases you would leave this on, however if you set up complicated rules, you may wish to switch this off. Switching this off will give you an editor where you can add information to show about the commission received instead. Referrals Main Settings Setting Rules The next tab will show you a list of the commission rules currently set up, and give you the ability to add new ones. Clicking on "Create New" will give you a screen similar to the below. From this screen you can set up a commission rule set, along with the percentage of that sale you would pay the referrer. Commission Rules Referral Banners You may want your customers to use referral banners if they are advertising your site or products. You can add in as many banner as you wish within the Referral Banners tab, which will then be shown to your customers for use when referring people to your site, along with the links for these in html and bbcode. Banner Setup On the customer side Warning It is important to note, that referrals will only apply to new registrations made via the referral links discussed below. If the purchaser is already a registered member of your site, then no referral commission would apply, regardless of the link followed. By default the referrals section on the front end of your site is under Store>My Details>Referrals (of course you can change this using the menu manager). Here they will see their unique links to give to people when referring others to your site. Anyone using these links will be shown as referred by the person who's link they used. Customer Side
  17. With purchases of any kind, there will usually be a certain amount of support that would go alongside it. This may be anything from as simple as you having a spall subscription service where someone has not been promoted, up to you selling hundreds of items a day and having product support for these. In any case, you would need support. Commerce accounts for this by giving you a ticket based support system. Support system The support system in commerce allows you to have tickets created by your customer, in an organised environment. These tickets can come in via multiple methods such as email or via a client area. Support List In the following steps, we will be discussing how this system works. Setting Up Departments
  18. Managing invoices, is an important part of any e-Commerce platform. In IPS4 we give you the tools to manage these within your admin CP. Invoices and Settings You can manage invoices from the following area in your admin CP. Commerce>Payments>Invoices. When entering this screen you will see the following: It is important to note the statuses and what these represent on the system. Pending - This is the initial invoice status. By selecting the tick icon, you can mark these items as paid which will move these to the paid status. Paid - These invoices are paid. Expired - These are invoices which have expired based on your invoice settings (discussed further down) Cancelled - These are invoiced which have been cancelled by the user, or set as cancelled by an administrator You can view or print any of these invoices using the icons provided for this purpose. Where an invoice is expired or cancelled, you can reissue these using the refresh icon, or seleting from the dropdown menu. Seleting invoice setting at the top of the page will allow you to set up headers and footers for your invoices, along with set up key period such as renewal expiry dates and payment terms. You can sse an example of this page in the image below. Transactions It is important to note that a transaction on the system is not an invoice. A transaction is simply something which would affect the value of an invoice. So for example this may be a credit, or it could be an payment from paypal or 2checkout. So you may have more than 1 transaction for a given invoice and the transaction may be successful, or not. You can access the transactions screen from the following area within your admin cp. Commerce>Payments>Transactions. There is an example of this in the screenshot below. You can see from the screenshot above there are various statuses that a transaction can be in. So you could have any of the following: Approved - These are transaction which have come through and are also approved. You would see these as that payment has been recieved. Failed - These are failed transactions, so the payment/credit has not gone through for this transaction Held for approval - These require approval. You can approve these via the tick icon in the list Refunded - These are items which you have refunded on the system. Within this area you can also view the transaction using the magnifying glass icon or delete them. You will also see there is a "left arrow" icon which can be used to refund an individual transaction. Creating invoices manually Customers on the system will be automatically invoiced upon making a purchase on the system. This however does not mean that there will not be times where you need to manually invoice someone for a product, or even something ad-hoc. You can create a new invoice for a customer from Commerce>Payments>Invoices by selecting the "Create invoice" button. Once selecting this you will be asked to select a customer. You can do this by starting to type into the box, which will suggest people who you can invoice based on your customer list. Next you will be asked to enter the basic details of the invoice. Note here that you can add the title of the invoice, however you do not need to do so. If you do not add this manually it will be automatically created. You can also add these in whichever state you wish (This can be useful if someone has already paid you for something for example). You will then be shown the invoice detail screen itself. You will need to add items to this using the "Add" button in the top right as shown in the image below. From this menu you can select various different types of item you can add to the invoice. You can add as many lines as you need to a single invoice. I have added descriptions to each of these below. Account Credit Increment - This is a charge for increasing a members credit balance. Custom - This will allow you to build a custom item using the product creation menus Dedicated Server - This will allow you to create a charge for a dedicated server payment Domain - Allows for invoicing a charge for a domain purchase Gift Card - Charges for gift cards on the system which allows you to enter the gift card details Miscellaneous Charge - Allows you to set up a charge for anything you like not covered in other areas. Product - A charge for a product which is already set up on the system Renewal - A renewal charge for an item on the system. useful if someone would like to pay for more than one renewal at a time
  19. Within commerce you will often need to take a look at a member from a 'customer' point of view. You can do this within the commerce system from a customer view which is separate from that of the community member profile in the ACP. This can provide you with information such as what purchases a customer has made, how much they have purchased, status of any subscriptions, support ticket status and more. Customer Records You can view a list of customer records from the following location within your ACP Commerce -> Customers -> Customers Click any item in the listing to visit that customers customer record Customer List Customer records will give you an overall view of your customers current standing within the commerce system as you can see in the image below. From here you can add invoices, create support requests on behalf of your customer, add notes and more. Customer Record You will note here, that this is simply another tab on the member record page. This means you can access a customers record directly from the member, rather than going through the customer list section of commerce. Alternative Contacts On important area of this section is the management of alternative contacts. Alternative Contacts On selection of "Manage Contacts" you will be shown a list of members on your site who can also manage this customer account. Note the first member can access invoices and support requests, whereas the second can only access support. Alternative Contact List These can not only be added to from here in the admin CP, but also can be added by the customer within their client area (discussed in another guide). You can create a new alternative contact for the customer by selecting the "Create New" button in the top right, or edit/delete current ones using the buttons provided at the side of each record. When adding a new alternative contact, you will be asked to add the members name (auto filled upon typing) and optionally can associate the contact with a specific product. You can then set the options you would like the alternative contact to be able to access. Alternative Contact Create
  20. You can set up gift cards on the system, which will allow your customers to purchase gift cards for people to use on your site. To set these up, you would visit the following area within your admin cp. Commerce>Store>Settings>Gift Cards Setting up When visiting this area, you can then set up various set amounts that your members can purchase along with optionally allow their own amounts if you wish to do so, as you can see I have set up below. Setup Page Purchasing Your members can then buy gift card from thegift cards menu option Menu Link When selecting to buy a gift card, you can then select a colour, a message for the person who is to receive this. You can then either print or email these to the person they are for. Buying Gift Cards Using Gift Cards Your members can use gift cards using the redeem button shown in the image above (next to the buy button). They will then be asked for the gift card code which can be seen on the gift card itself. Gift Card Print Upon entering this, the credit will be added to the account for purchasing items in your store with.
  21. Within commerce you can add 3 different types of product into the system. In this step we will be showing you how to add a "Normal" product. A normal product would be one which is a digital product such as a download or payment for something intangible, or a physical item. Adding a Product You can add a new product by visiting Commerce>Store>Products within the admin CP and selecting the + next to one of the groups (Note you can add new groups using the "Create new group" button if you wish to do so. First of all you will need to select from one of the three options you see under the "Type" section as shown in the screenshot below. We will be selecting "Normal Product" for this exercise. Product Types If you select a physical product on this tab, you will be given the option to select the items dimensions. This can be important when using shipping prices. You can also select shipping methods that are allowed to be used on this particular product. Physical Sizes & Shipping Association with other products At the bottom you will notice a section similar to the screenshot below for association of products. This will allow you to associate items with other items. For example, you may be selling different types of gift wrap which must be associated with another item (the item they want wrapping). You can do this easily by selecting one the results below. If for example you can associate it, or by the gift wrap on its own, you can set it as "can be associated" which will give the opportunity to associate with another product, but not force you to do so. Can Associate Alternatively, you may want to force the association with another item. For example, we actually do this on our own installation. If you purchase gallery you must associate it with a core license. You will also notice that there is a "Group with Parent" item. This will allow a renewable item to be grouped together as if it were one. Again if you think of how your renewals work on IPS, you get one renewal rather than one for each of the applications you own. We have achieved this by using this setting. Lastly in this section you will see the "Up-sell in store" setting which will allow you to try and up-sell to this product when another product is purchased. Must Associate Pricing Prices & Discounts Within the pricing tab, the first thing you would need to input would be the price itself. You can then select a tax setting which you have set up if you wish. Purchase Price You can also in this section set up discounts by filling in the items as appropriate within that section for usergroup dicounts, Previous purchase discounts, or sale discounts. You can add more than one level of each of these by selecting the "Add Another" button below the appropriate item. In my example here I have set a discount for my members of staff. Group Discounts Renewable Items When adding products, you may have some items which area renewable items. You will see these when purchasing some items within the marketplace, or even our own products (your support renewals). You can add your own renewals by selecting the "Renews?" option and adding in your renewal. These will then be invoiced the given amount at each given period. You will also note there is an "Initial Term" option. This is helpful in setting up an initial discounted or trial period. For example, you may set the initial purchase price to 0, and the initial term to 1 week. This would give the user this item free for a week, after which the renewal charge would be applicable Renewals Tip If you are setting up a year for a renewal period, you need to set it to 1 year rather than 365 days (as 365 may not be a year on leap years). You should also use weeks rather than 7 days. Stock & Price Adjustments In the Stock and Price Adjustments tab, you can select to adjust the price by a given value based on items within custom profile fields. In the example below, I have added a length field as I am selling dog leads. This will allow me to add on a monetary value to increasing lengths of lead, without creating a new product for each. Adjustments Stock & Purchase Settings Within this tab you will find various item settings you can apply to the product you have set up. These range from what payment methods to allow, who can see the product, the description and images for the item and more Store Settings Of particular interest here will be the purchase benefits section. From here you can give people generated license keys for digital items, and can move people to groups. Imagine, for example, setting up a premium group that people have to purchase. You can set up a purchasable product for this and have the system automatically move to the premium group. In addition it will also move them out of that group once it has expired. Client Area Settings This tab is where you will set what can be seen by the customer within their client area. You can set up upgrading and downgrading from a product in this area, along with adding any information you wish within the "Client Area Content" editor. This is where you would add a download, simply by attaching to the editor in the same way you would in a post. They would then have access to download the item from their client area upon purchase. As an example of how to use this, I have added in an ebook to this area, which the person would be able to download upon purchasing this item. You can also give the option for your users to generate their own renewals on renewable items, if they have expired, along with the ability to upgrade/downgrade to and from other products. Note, to do this they must be in the same product group. Client Area Options
  22. Introduction When selling physical items in commerce, you may want to ensure that you pass shipment costs on to your customers. Invision Community Suite provides functionality to do this, both as a standalone item, and with integration through EasyPost if you wish to integrate with a 3rd party shipping provider. Setting Shipment Rates Shipment rates can be set up from within the commerce system in the following location of your ACP Commerce -> Payments -> Shipments When visiting this area, you will see any items awaiting to be shipped on the first page. Select the Shipping Rates button in order to add and edit shipping rates on the system. Shipping Rates In this page you will see all shipping rates which are currently set up. You can set up as many of these as you like within the system by selecting "Create new" in the top right. Shipment Rate Settings Shipping rates are added to products based on locations and either price, quantity, or weight. In the top half of the page you will enter a name and the relevant location in which this shipping rate can be used. Location Setup In the bottom half of the page you will see that you can add either by Invoice subtotal, Weight, or Number. Below are 3 examples showing the 3 different types you can choose. By Number of Items You will see that you can add as many lines as you like to make the shipping values that you wish, so for example below I have set 0 to 5 items, 5 to 10 items, and 11 onward (denoted by the any value flag) to be different values. By Weight When adding weights you can choose the measurement of weight that is used in lb or kg By Subtotal You will want to ensure that you have covered all scenarios, and there are no gaps within the shipment methods you set up
  23. In addition to the Payment methods discussed in the previous guide, there are various other setup options relating to payments within the commerce application. These can all be found within the Commerce>payments>Settings section of the Admin CP. Each of the tabs in this section are discussed below. Currencies From this tab you can set up various currencies that you plan to use within the commerce system. This will mean you can then add a price for more than one currency. You can add a new currency by selecting the "Add" button in the top right as shown in the image below, and then entering the relevant currency code in the list. You will also note than you can select one default. This is the currency that will first be shown to the user. Currencies Tax Rates Tax is one of the things that Im sure many of us hate doing, however these days is a necessary and sometimes legal requirement. In the tax rates tab you will see a list of all tax rates which are currently set up on the system. You can create a new tax rate using the "Create New" button. Tax Rates Once adding a new tax rate, you will be presented with a couple of tabs which you can fill in with the relevant detail. The first tab (Settings) will allow you to enter a name for the tab, along with a default tax rate which will be used if none of the rates in the second (Rates) tab apply. Adding New Rates (standard You can also, if you choose, select to use different rates for business, and indeed EU style business rates for VAT registered companies Adding New Rates (standard The Rates tab will allow you to set up tax rates for different locations around the globe. You will see I have set up rates for the UK and Armenia below. You can add more using the "Add" button in the top right. Country Rates Checkout Settings Within the Checkout tab you will be able to set many setting relating to the customer checking out after a purchase. You can set from here whether or not guests can check out on the site, set up terms and conditions, set up a secure checkout connection and more Checkout Settings Anti-fraud Rules The Anti-Fraud Rules tab will allow you to set up certain conditions whereby you would want to review a payment, or even refuse it altogether. You will see them in a list here and can add a new one with the "Create New" button. Anti-fraud Rule List Once adding a new fraud rule, the first tab (Rule Settings) is where you will set the name of your rule, along with the type of rule this is, or "Action to take" when that rule is hit. This may be to automatically approve the transaction, hold it so you can review it, or even refuse it altogether. Rule Settings The latter 2 tabs are where you will then set the criteria that will trigger this rule. From the Transaction tab you can set the trigger by value, payment method, whether a coupon is used, or even a mixture of these. Transaction Rules The custom tab will then allow you to set rules relating to the customer location, email address or based on previous purchases of fraud rules. Customer Rules Transaction Review From the transaction review tab you can set up the system to automatically create a support ticket when an Anti Fraud trigger is hit. This will allow you to communicate with the customer on a 1 to 1 bases regarding the outcome. You may also use one of the stock actions in the support area to send a message to the user instantly. You can see more on the support area within the "Support Requests in Commerce" guide. Transaction Review Email copies The email copies tab will allow you to set up email addresses that will receive copies of the selected documentation from commerce when a customer receives them. Email Copies
  24. Commerce provides integration with several different providers for taking payment. Details on each of the available payment methods are below. Most communities find that setting up two methods works best: one which accepts credit cards, and PayPal for customers who prefer to use that. Once you have decided which provider(s) to use and created accounts with them, go to Commerce > Payments > Settings > Payment Methods in your AdminCP to set them up. Stripe Accept all major credit cards directly on your community. Recurring Payments Users can store their card details and will be charged recurring payments automatically. Fees* 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction. No set up or or monthly fees. Learn more Supported Countries and Currencies Available for businesses in 25 countries and can accept payments from anywhere in the world in more than 130 currencies. Important Information - Stripe enforces a minimum amount per transaction, as per their currencies documentation shown above. Using the checkout for an amount lower than the amount shown, will cause the stripe payment method not to show. PayPal Either accept card payments directly, or redirect the user to the PayPal site. Recurring Payments If redirecting user's to the PayPal site, Billing Agreements can be used. Learn about the limitations of Billing Agreements Fees* 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction. No set up or or monthly fees for redirecting to the PayPal site, $30 monthly fee for accepting card payments directly. Learn more Supported Countries and Currencies Available in over 200 countries and 25 currencies. 2checkout Redirects the user to the 2CheckOut website. Recurring Payments Not supported. Fees* 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction. No set up or or monthly fees. Learn more Supported Countries and Currencies Available in most countries and 87 currencies. Braintree Accept all major credit cards directly on your community, along with apple pay, android pay, Venmo and paypal. Recurring Payments Users can store their card details and will be charged recurring payments automatically. Fees* 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction. No set up or or monthly fees, and no minimum transaction processing amouny Learn more Supported Countries and Currencies Available in the US, Canada and most European countries, along with corresponding currencies IMPORTANT: Braintree has stringent qualification requirements and is intended exclusively for established businesses who can furnish appropriate documentation required by Braintree. In many cases, a personal credit check will be performed for any individual holding greater than a 25% stake. * Fees shown for businesses in the United States. The fee may not be up to date, and there may be other charges. Check with the provider for details and for fees in other currencies. You can also set up a "Manual" payment method to accept payments by bank transfer, cheque, or any other method where you will provide the customer with instructions and then manually mark when the payment has been received.
  25. Introduction Commerce is a multi functional tool which allows you to sell products, both physical and digital to your members. This can be a useful way in which to generate revenue on your community, whether it be a member subscription you wish to encourage, or a physical item in which you wish to sell directly on your site Commerce Store Features The commerce platforms has many features available to you, in order to ensure you can sell your items in the manner that suites your particular community. These include the following and more, each of which will be discussed in the following guides. Multiple payment methods Invoicing Anti Fraud integration Shipping Customer profiles Categorization and Filtering Custom fields Subscription selling Automatic group promotion on purchases Full support system Gift cards Coupon codes Donation system, with donation goals Product Screen Throughout these guides you will be shown how to utilize these features, how to build your own store from scratch, and even add support for your customers with the built in support area.
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