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Everything posted by Marc

  1. We have 2 day Mondays in the UK
  2. I have created a ticket on this for you and someone will be in touch as soon as possible
  3. There is no timeline for this at present. The question in your post was "Is there any beta documentation for theming HTML/CSS custom theming on IPS5 yet? ", which I did answer 🙂
  4. Unfortunately, this is something you will need to take up with your hosting company, as it seems that its not being addressed properly on your server. You can see in the PM you have sent me, its uploading the correct way around in the software.
  5. I would think that's unlikely, to be honest. However it will indeed be available in the ACP of v5 (and already is on the beta)
  6. We're aware of the issue, and looking into this
  7. This would likely be an issue on the device itself, rather than your site. Do you have an example I can take a look at?
  8. Thank you. We've taken a look and can see where the issue is. We're working on it 🙂
  9. At some point there will be new documentation, yes.
  10. What actually happened was that my colleague logged in to see if he could see what you were referring to. When he couldnt, he asked you the question above.
  11. Very much so. It would be worth looking at the development blogs here https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/devblog/blog/
  12. That I can say yes to 😄 have you tried creating one today at all?
  13. Please respond to the ticket you have on this, rather than the topic here 🙂
  14. I think, if anything, adding both may be a valid suggestion. But swapping one for the other, would simply cause more confusion. At present, if you look at the log, you can say "It returned level 4". And that is true no matter what. If you switch it to show what action was taken, there is no way to know what was actually returned. Whereas this way, you can at least go to see what action you take at that level. Sure it could have been changed, but you also have a log of that too.
  15. Marc replied to coolnet560's post in a topic in Feedback
    You are comparing 2 different things here. MariaDB is an alternative to MySQL. INNODB is the storage engine that is used. INNODB can be used on both MariaDB and MySQL. INNODB is simply the better storage engine. Its even the default for MySQL versions these days. If you want to read more about it, have a read here https://blog.devart.com/myisam-vs-innodb.html
  16. Yes Its everyone, not just you 🙂
  17. There is no documentation for v5 on the html/css at present Sorry to hear this is how you are finding things in your case. I would point out however, that the "Considering the amount" makes it sound like there are huge amount of items removed. This really isnt the case. Yes, there are some.
  18. It's worth pointing out, just because its something you and a few others would like within the software, doesnt mean everyone does. It also doesnt mean its where everyone would rather us spend our time. The development time we have is a finite resource. Therefore we always try to spend that resource wisely, to achieve the best product that we can. Both that serves the needs of the majority of our business, and the is in line with the goals of our company. After all, I'm sure a lot of people would like to see a built in email client that connects to their own email, and photoshop built in, so they can have everything in one place too! (tip. We're probably not going to do that). Chat is something we have had within the platform previously, and removed. Its also something that a few modification developers have created and since abandoned. Which in my opinion speaks volumes. If I can offer you a counter quote
  19. Added a ticket for you also.
  20. That is intentional, for security on your system. We would not advise on trying to change that.
  21. Marc replied to evcom's post in a topic in Technical Problems
    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  22. Are you seeing anything showing up in the system logs, post upgrade?
  23. To be honest, if you are struggling with this, you really need someone helping you to manage your site, or to be on a managed environment like cloud
  24. To change the URL of your site, you would go to your client area, and select "Change URL" under your license. Note, you much move the site first, otherwise it will indeed detect the site at the old location