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Brian Klein

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Brian Klein

  1. @Adriano Faria Check your PM Sent a message about this program
  2. @TheJackal84 check the PM A Proposition awaits 🙂
  3. This … application … works … GREAT!
  4. Thanks I wasn't sure how to handle it.
  5. 4.4 issue, sent private message. Thanks
  6. This is happening with the 4.4 (beta 1) update The program is great! My only complaint would be 'I renamed 'Clubs' to 'Support Groups' in the language which should not have an effect. does not work at all; I have fiddled with it since the beginning, while it might work on other sites it does not on my IPS Hosted Cloud from Invisionpowerboard. If you could look into this it would be great. --- The issue is coming from this option in the Club Enhancements. Again I will stress this, while it might work on others, it is NOT working on mine. When this option is turned on I get a blank map. --- Things I do see; The google mapping system. --- Things I don't see; The markers when the addresses are put in.
  7. Boy get that butt in gear! just kidding, but seriously, do we need to update for 4.4?
  8. boy get yer butt in gear! 4.4 is out! we need an update! lol, no seriously we do need one 🙂 or do we 🙂
  9. @TheJackal84 would a fresh install work? Sent a response to your private box.
  10. I would suggest 'support groups' as our site uses the term for the clubs to allow individuals get and give support. I'd also suggest 'circles' as in 'circle of friends' vs 'club' either way, love the app, use it fully.
  11. @TheJackal84 Did some thinking on the issue still persisting sent you some code in the update PM. hoping we could resolve the issue and again, thanks for helping look into this. I tried a fresh update, nothing occurred, still receiving the error.
  12. @TheJackal84 there is an interesting development in the error I am getting, sent you a pm
  13. @TheJackal84 was checking in on the crashing error I sent.
  14. Adriano, buddy! Suggestion; possible to add a 'custom field' for adding where we want the app to redirect to, as of now it goes directly to the 'terms' page of the site. or at least an option to return back to previous page person was on where they did the update; at very least allow us to chose terms or main community page. I would love you , ah hell I already do, your work is phenomenal. Thanks for hearing me out.
  15. Hey @TheJackal84 I threw an error from the sticky notes (was at the forums) - sent you a pm detailing the error.
  16. --- Looking for some CSS help in regards to the profile video. --- The spacing (circled in red) is it possible to space it out like all the other stuff in the profile, to make it more uniform The width and height (circled in yellow) is it possible to stretch it out to be the same size as everything else as depicted here. Add a header "Profile Video" as underlined in yellow
  17. Sent a PM with details receiving errors when editing groups for the bank; also receiving errors when creating new items.
  18. I … think I love you! Just FYI, the images for your point system aren't working, is there a place I can go to look it over and see what it looks like. (im a visual person)
  19. It would be nice to have an option much likened to the [WHAT GROUPS CAN USE THE MEMBER LIST] but have an option for [EXCLUDE GROUPS SEEN FROM MEMBERS LIST] example: Administrators and Staff groups.
  20. @Fosters send a PM as I felt it was more appropriate given the nature of the question.
  21. sent a pm, as it was a complicated question, didn't want to tie support up with it. @TheJackal84
  22. To recap; Thanks in advance Jackal! And thanks for the help on sticky notes.
  23. Sounds good, I'll just take a gander at some of the other stuff you got! While I wait. I really apreciate this, as I know nothing about coding, it means a lot your help. Thank you again.
  24. @TheJackal84 First off and foremost, thank you for all the help. I noticed in mobile, when I enable the reputation for the Enhanced Info Panel, the reputation that is by the avatar (indicated by the green circle) 'at default' is still there (putting reputation in the user information twice). Is there a way to have the enhanced info panel, hide or remove the reputation by the name while in mobile view. I noticed in mobile, the user name takes the color of the group rank. and posting date is lost. Is there a way to have Enhanced Info Panel change the color to the same color when not in mobile view. Is it possible to return the posting date just under the user name. Finally, in mobile, is it possible to get an even spacing (depicted by 1 and 2 in red squares)
  25. And you sir are amazing! You keep this up and you'll be in running to make me buy more stuff!
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