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Posts posted by supernal

  1. On 6/23/2020 at 10:30 AM, Brian Robinson_47676 said:

    Thanks Woodsman. But already getting confused with what would be installed on my own pc (nothing?) and what would be on the new host's space. Ideally I should try and get my working version of 3.4.8 onto a new host and have it up and running. Then try and get assistance to upgrade that to 4.x.x?
    There isn't a way to install 4.x.x onto a new host and then do a conversion from my 3.4.8 installation, is there?
    Don't even remember what script changes I did over the years, so hoping nothing complicates the upgrade.
    That's aside from all the attachments which tend to drive upgrade scripts bonkers.
    Phew...i can see why I have put this off every time I contemplate it.
    And why I'd rather just pay an expert to do it. At this stage, the forum is too important worldwide to lose...lots of valuable info that cannot be found anywhere.

    I suggest contacting @Makoto - very knowledgeable. Here is their provider page


  2. Does this, or will this in the future, support posts from the discord server to the site? 

    Not real time of course but in something like a digest form, limited to specific channels and specific forums/topics, so that content which may be valuable to the site can be pushed back to the site via the app rather than copy/paste? 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Ah, sorry....it appears I misread your previous post (blame my glasses, need some new ones)

    I read this "support multiple dice rolling like 2d6? " as "support multiple dice of the same type" (Example: 1-6,1-6.1-6,1-6,1-6, as used in Yahtzee)

    Could you explain what you mean by '2d6'? I'm not a dice player myself, so no idea what it means.


    Just like this basically: https://rollthedice.online/en/dice/2d6

    Roll X number of Y dice and then add them up. May not be possible with the way this mod works but it sure would have been / could be neat! We have a "conflict resolution" system for our game right now that in an ideal world would be able to use 2d6 because of the statistical distribution, but for the moment we're using 1d12 

  4. On 9/13/2018 at 4:03 AM, Nathan Explosion said:

    Yes, it does. You might want to hold off on purchasing for a short while, as I've got a new version on the way soon which adds a chunk of functionality to it.

    The mod page says it was updated in november. Sweet! Does this include the use of mt_rand function? 

  5. On 11/26/2018 at 8:11 PM, Alismora said:

    @Fosters  I'm having some issues with the app after recently upgrading to 4.3.6

    I don't know how major of an issue it is, but to put it short, we can't send notifications anymore.  Even with default criteria for recipients, it'll only send the notification to a couple percent and then it'll get stuck on a random person and continuously spam them repeatedly with the same notification and stop distributing the notification to the 90%+ of the members who haven't received it yet.  I've tried it several times and the person it gets snagged on is always different.  The only way I can quit the task is by uninstalling it.

    There are no error messages of any sort that I can provide to you since it doesn't give me any.  We send notifications to around 5k people on average, but it can be up to over 7k at once. Unless something is timing out, I don't think member amount is the culprit here.  I'm using 1.2.2 of your application on 4.3.6 with latest patches.


    Believe this aligns with the issue I reported back in October. Let me know if there's anything I can supply that may help you hunt for a bug. Would really love to be able to use this plugin again on 4.3.6

  6. 13 hours ago, Fosters said:

    Could you clarify what it sends even if it's uninstalled? You mean it's sending the notifications from this app even if you uninstall it?

    Sorry, what I meant is that the behavior persists after reinstalling the plugin in case the plugin was corrupted. When the plugin is disabled or uninstalled, no issue 

  7. On 10/8/2018 at 4:00 AM, Fosters said:

    We're not sure yet. A client reported some issues which we resolved, but obviously another issue appeared , which is strange because no other client reported this, so we're still investigating this. I would expect a new release by end of this week with the first issue resolved if we don't find anything else.

    Great, thanks! 

    Just to give you more detail the issue I detailed above continues even after an uninstall and reinstall of the plugin 

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