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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. Gee Charles, where ever did you get that idea from? :whistle:
  2. I suggest for the settings: -1 = unlimited 0 = none 1- = may give that number of rep points (1 is 1, 2 is 2, etc)
  3. Heck, many customers remember a lot of the fixed issues. For example, a particular Bulk Mail bug which was due to the same typo in two places of the bulk mail file.
  4. I think it'd be nice if a new Perpetual License option were to be offered. When purchasing a regular license, for an additional cost (say $100), you get a lifetime of downloads for the product, but in order to get any support (after the initial support period), you would have to pay $30/6 months. Also would only gain Active Customer status during periods of active support. Be pretty much how the Perpetual License was, but designed to bring in more income up front as well as the future (when support or active status is desired). For the business license, it should be $200 additional for the status, but $20/6 months for support. Then the only benefit only the consumer end would be lifetime of downloads but would have to pay more for it, then IPS would still get $ from people who want to active status or anytime they need support.
  5. None the less, if you have an issue or concern with IPS, then you should either address it privately (in email to the IPS management) or make a respectful topic about your concerns. I'm not saying that your post is not respectful (I'm not giving an opinion on it), just you're likely to get better results if you do this in email or in a topic about this issue.
  6. I like my answer better. ;)
  7. Oh my fault, I thought it was "double click". :lol: How do you close it though?
  8. The re-verify would use a "send out an email, if it doesn't bounce, then it's still valid" method. They wouldn't have to click a link or anything, just ignore the email. I think the additional email account idea is nice but perhaps would be hard to implement with Converge. If it can be done then I think the person should be allowed to have up to 3 backup email accounts (none required, but maximum of 3 allowed). As for the security question, that would definitely be nice. But should use 2 security questions, home zip code and date of birth. The date of birth would only be used if they get one of the questions wrong or the say they forgot the zip code that they used. If they get a question wrong then they have to provide the correct zip code as well as the d.o.b. to proceed. But that'd only be necessary if they forget their password and don't have access to the email account anymore. Otherwise, I can't imagine why they'd need to go through all that just to verify who they are.
  9. Go to the bug tracker ("Tracker" at the top of the forums) and report it under the New Site project. It should be appearing for you. Make sure to show them the screen shot as well, so they can verify the issue. Click here.
  10. First this should be in the Feedback/IP.Board forum. Aside from that though, in the Client Center, on the left, look for "Your Invoices". You should see "Expired" "Paid" and "Canceled" appear on the center/right of the page. If it doesn't, then while in "Your Invoices", can you provide a screenshot of your client center? Specifically the left navigation panel. Since IPS switched to a new layout, there may be some bugs that haven't been discovered yet and need to be addressed.
  11. You're a resource hog. :P
  12. Don't know then. Guess we have to wait for an IPS staff member to comment on how the purchases will be handled. I'd imagine that they'll still have people verifying purchases, just might go a little bit slower than usual.
  13. Google.Com site:domain.name.here "exact phrase" :D Of course, not a replacement for what you're asking for (and it would definitely be nice to have 'exact phrase' available). Still, it's an option to tide us over.
  14. All purchases go through a security check before the purchase is finalized. You should hear something within a few hours, although it can (but rarely) takes up to 48 hours. If you don't have access to it within 4 hours of purchase during normal business hours, then I'd recommend contacting IPS sales. But that's only because of how fast they normally are about it.
  15. Okay I just took a look myself. I'm not sure if there's a way to get to those settings or not.
  16. On their profile page, try editing their profile (should be a link on the top right).
  17. I think the novelty is the fact that it's exactly the same skin except it's almost all white, with exception to the logo which is partially inversed. Other than the color changes, nothing different.
  18. Take another look at page "3 of 9". Logo is reversed (white/blue reversed) and just about everything else is white, shade of white or grey, as far as backgrounds are concerned. Not putting you down, just saying that the skin in the PDF is "in your face white". Oh and making it variable width (instead of super extra large widescreen width) would be nice. I'm on 1024. :P
  19. That doesn't look anything like the one people are talking about.
  20. Oh my fault, I thought you said "is" not "was". Oops.
  21. Generation time is the amount of time it takes the script to process the request and 'generate' the page for display.
  22. Because it's not their money so they just look at a few forums already in use and figure "dur, this must be the best..." In other words, not really doing their homework.
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