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Posts posted by igniteyourfeelings

  1. On 12/18/2023 at 2:13 PM, Callum MacGregor said:

    Yeah, until they scrap pages too 😄

    I'll just quote the official statement they did a few months ago : 

    • We will help anyone that uses the support desk feature to find an alternative and plan a migration.
    • We will create and strengthen native APIs to enable apps like Zendesk and Helpscout to access your community data for use in custom fields, etc.
    • We will work with you to help migrate your data. Please contact us if you'd like to learn more about migrating support data to another service.

    They already thought about replacement for ticket system and as i saw on a few different community they already start using 3rd party website for the support section.

    And, if you don't want to use Pages, you can get in contact with one of the providers to create an app for your desire.

  2. 23 hours ago, Emediate said:

    When you say "transfer" - what do you mean?

    He moved on the developer own website. As you can see in the pictures above, for your each file you have a key, that key you'll show it to the app / plugin / theme developer to gain acces on his own website / marketplace. Contact your app / plugin / theme developer and ask for his own website / marketplace and after provide him the key that IPS offered you.

  3. 1 hour ago, Chris McGill said:

    Thank you very much. I think it was because i tried to install it from my local machine before. 

    If you want to work on your computer ( localhost via xampp or any other program ) just add "-TESTINSTALL" after your licenses code and this will not count on your URL.

  4. If you have a custom theme or edited the default theme, you can upgrade your website and then just make the changes on your theme looking at the codes difference on this page : https://invisioncommunity.com/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=plugins&do=diff

    OFF : I get the same attention message every time invision does some big changes to the template but everything works just fine, sometimes i'm to lazy to update the theme and i got no errors.

  5. 2 hours ago, Emediate said:

    Some of our users have been contacting me about this recently. Asking what it is, and why they are being notified that someone has used their referral code. We have not knowingly set anything up for referring other members to my knowledge.

    Is it simply that someone has decided to register after visiting another user's profile page? From a Google search result perhaps?

    No, not really. In the ACP on the member tabs is a section called "Referrals", if you activate that options each member will have a special tab on their profile settings where a special link will be displayed, the so called "refferal link". Any registered member can later take that link, give it to a friend or just posting it on a social media and any new guest wich register on that link appears as refferel for him.

  6. Well, if you have the file from outside the marketplace ( developer own website ) you can install them using "manual upload", otherwise you have to uninstall them and install them again from the marketplace using the ACP dedicated page. But take in consideration that if your file was made for 4.5 only and you have la latest update for 4.6.10 in the ACP you will not find your file.

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