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  1. KiwiGym started following KentT
  2. KentT replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    https://simpletractors.com/collections/ Here's my implementation, with about 1200 records. You'll need to log in to view. User: Josh PW: tester
  3. KentT replied to onlyME's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Good suggestion, so that one moderator action could accomplish two things.
  4.    KentT reacted to a comment: Invision Community 4.3 Coming Soon
  5.    KentT reacted to a comment: Invision Community 4.3 Coming Soon
  6.    KentT reacted to a comment: Invision Community 4.3 Coming Soon
  7. Couple presales questions: 1. Can I use this to create different custom notifications for specific forums? I have a few forums that I would like to alert the Moderators that there is a new topic, so they can respond quickly. 2. I assume it also supports email notifications, but just want to confirm... Thanks!
  8. KentT replied to stoo2000's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Yes. I have it integrated here. https://simpletractors.com/classifieds/
  9. Had him develop a custom theme for me. Very pleased with the result. Developed it at a reasonable cost, in a reasonable amount of time. Very professional, communicates well, and easy to deal with.,. Would recommend to anyone.
  10. KentT replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Another strange thing I'm experiencing with Permissions. I have all the categories set so that Guests cannot see them. I have the main categories set up as second-level menu options. Those second level menu options are not visible to Guests -- but the main menu option of Registry is visible, and if they click on it they can go to the Main Page. From there all the links are live for them to go see any featured items, most recent items, etc. And a question about permissions -- not sure it is a bug. My users with appropriate permissions are not seeing the icon on the right margin on the Images tab that allows them to set one as default.
  11. KentT replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    So, mine is not an isolated case! I reported this to Mike via PM.
  12. KentT replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Mike, Just wanted to point out that one of the issues I identified to you in the sidebar navigation has been confirmed to be an IPS problem with their template. Didn't want you to waste time chasing their bug.
  13. KentT replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Another issue, found and pinpointed by @onlyME who did my database conversion and helped me set up and troubleshoot the implementation. If using the Latest images widget, such as on collections-list-all, you will get the error Error: Call to a member function url() on null (0)... Here's the info from the logs: rokon2813 Club Members The URL of page the error occurred on was http://simpletractors.com/collections/category/307-t-10/ BACKTRACK:
  14. KentT replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Mike, check your PMs. Couple of questions/issues there. Something else strange is happening here. I have the permissions set on each category so that Guests cannot see the records. But, the social share icons show up anyway, which seems contrary to the IPS permissions, where you can only share if the content is visible to everyone. Then, when it is shared, the Facebook sharer picks up the site logo from the header, rather than any pictures in the Item.
  15. KentT replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Thanks, Mike. That's enough to get me started. I may be back with more noobie questions, as I proceed.
  16. KentT replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Having dug deeper into this, I am perhaps more confused. I see where I can create tables for Makes and Models, in response to my first question. But, how does this correspond to categories and subcategories? Are the tables used to only populate the the pick lists? Is it possible to perhaps use a combination of categories and this make/model database to achieve the 3 levels that I need?
  17. KentT replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    General questions -- hope they're not redundant. I've purchased and initially imported in the data from my old site, a tractor registry. But, it looks essentially like a flat-file database, and not relational at all. I need guidance on cleaning up that database and setting up structure/relationships. 1. Must I use categories and subcategories to set up the relations? e.g. Makes > Models Or, can that be done via a separate table of makes and models like a true relational database? I'm having problems visualizing this is in the IPS GUI. 2. Can I create an additional 3rd level, ie. a sub-subcategory? I really need three levels: Make > Series > Models 3. How does this all relate to the ACP Setting of: "Enable database selection" On input forms does that make that field a pick list? I'm familiar with using the Categories and Subcategories in Pages, since I have a different database of about 1500 records but it is using 3 levels, with about 140 total categories/subcategories. I've found it quite fragile in the IPS drag-and-drop GUI. I've had records link to themselves twice due to moving categories around in that interface. (I think there's been a change made to 4.1.18 that prevents that.) But, I am not using anything like the "Enable database selection" in that implementation. I'm using the Categories and Subcategories simply to organize and navigate -- and at the lowest level of the tree each record is a page of content. It is essentially multi-page articles organized three levels deep. This Registry application is a different animal....and I really can't go much farther until I conceptually understand how it operates.
  18. KentT replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Related to some of the issues above, when I try to access the Permissions settings on a Gallery Category, it brings up a dialogue for Tutorials. I tried disabling Tutorials, and that made no difference. If I uninstall Tutorials, so that I can then (hopefully) change the Gallery permissions settings, will it delete all the tutorials records from the database? I don't want to lose those.
  19. Happens to me frequently -- try using the back button in your browser. The latest version(s) of IPS store what was in the editor temporarily, if you can navigate back to it using the browser, rather than links/buttons in IPS...