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Everything posted by opentype

  1. That question doesn’t really belong in this topic. And it’s also not a big problem actually. You are allowed to block pages through the robots.txt. To avoid this Google message in the future, open the sitemap settings in the ACP and turn off “profiles” by unchecking the “unlimited” and entering “0” instead.
  2. As long as you cannot demonstrate a connection or make it at least plausible, you bet we are.
  3. Probably not, since there was still no causal connection shown between sitemap creating speed (the actual topic here) and decrease in indexing/ranking. So there is probably nothing to fix. That might be, but IPS didn’t as well. Google changed things and you can check wether their algorithm updates (e.g. Fred in 2017) correlate with your problems. That would actually tell you more about what you could probably improve.
  4. Adjust the setting “Hero image aspect ratio” to change the height of that image. For better image quality you would have to increase the resolution of the Record Image in the database settings and then upload the images again. The layout works as designed. A text column should never span across the entire desktop screen. The white-space on the left is a feature, not a bug. :-)
  5. What’s the source for this information? I mean, not the Fred Update, but the part about accidental delisting and resubmitting as a counter-measure.
  6. We are talking past each other. You are arguing against a position I am not having. I clarified it. You still don’t understand it. I am giving up.
  7. Don’t put words in my mouth. Read what I actually say. Of course a sitemap created faster will lead to faster indexing. That’s out of question. But nothing discussed in this topic will lead to “Google dropping already indexed pages” as shown in Search console graphs several times. That is my point. It’s not that hard to understand.
  8. Anything is possible if you customize it. But I can only support the features and settings specifically provided with the template. The title size, just as the colors, is inherited from your theme.
  9. There are no size settings. The cards take as much space as they need within the grid. The image size is defined in the plugin settings (“aspect ratio”).
  10. The colors are inherited from your theme and work perfectly fine if the theme colors are set in a way they are meant to be used. If you remove color distinctions, that’s not a SuperGrid problem per se, but one that will be a problem throughout your site.
  11. Because there are indeed improvements to the sitemap to be made. But not having them so far is NOT the reason for pages dropped from the index. That was just a false assumption of a single user who joined the discussion. Correlation is not causation.
  12. And you still don’t. The sitemap creation speed discussed in this topic is NOT the reason Google drops your pages. It’s literally makes no sense to draw that conclusion.
  13. It acts on the mobile navbar. The switch between desktop view and mobile view is defined through the core and theme.
  14. If it’s a channel feed you can subscribe to the channel. If it’s a playlist, it can contain videos of many different channels. So what are you actually subscribing to? That might be confusing.
  15. There is always a chance, but there are no immediate plans. We’ll see if these requests get support from other customers.
  16. It’s for admins only. The available settings are listed 1 by 1 on the product page.
  17. That’s not feature of the plugin. You might open a new topic to ask others. It should be easy to do with CSS.
  18. SuperGrid, like many block templates is checking the $orientation value. So if there is a problem, it probably has something to do with that.
  19. Not seeing that on any of my 4.2.7 installations. Please open the database settings for the article database and briefly replace the SuperGrid frontpage template with any of the stock templates. Does the problem persist or does it go away?
  20. Yes. SuperGrid is just styling for Pages databases. But your server chokes on any page, e.g. loading the calendar. My product has nothing to do with that. It can’t be the problem.
  21. I wouldn’t know how this could be related to my products, since it is happening for every page.
  22. I plan to do something about for 4.3.
  23. If anyone had problems with disappearing plugin settings from this product or any other, please: Upgrade to 4.2.7 Uninstall the plugin Reinstall the plugin Save your new plugin settings The settings should then be stored permanently.
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