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Everything posted by opentype

  1. You can activate it per field. There are also option how to style that content.
  2. Profile field content can be placed there by just activating this option. That would be the easiest way.
  3. It’s a global option, not related to a purchase. If you don’t see it in the menu, you need to add those options through the menu manager.
  4. A) You need the weigh the pros and cons. You get a faster site with no server resources used vs. the content is not fully up to date. B) You decide which parts you exclude from the cache. For example: you could cache everything but let the activity feeds (or whatever your users use to see new content) be excluded and therefore up to date. I am using the Cloudflare cache since this week and I have set it to 12 hours. But my content isn’t time sensitive in any way. Guests seeing new content with a delay of several hours is no real problem. And of course it’s not like the content is inaccessible. A social media link to a new article would of course still work.
  5. Since I am using Pages databases a lot, I always run into the same problems. Here are two related to filters. (I could probably add more, but I was dealing with these recently.) Checkbox as a filter. This option is unfortunately missing. I often need to give optional filter choices, e.g. as here on Amazon: With Pages, there is no option to do this. The Yes/No field isn’t optional. Using it would only ever allow one choice in the filter set (Yes or No). Filtering across all records without a choice for this field would become impossible. So it’s almost unusable. The Checkbox Set for some reason can be used as expected, but it only makes sense for multiple choices per field. For one field, it would still create the “select all/none” interface. Solution: Allow checkbox field to be a filter, where no selection doesn’t do anything and a selection show all records with this checkbox checked. Pages relationship fields as filter. I always struggle with this one as well. This field makes Pages database so powerful and gives us a competitive advantage over other software. Filters per radio, select box and so on are fine when there is a fixed set of options the admin can set up in advance. But what if that is not the case? What if the list of options needs to grow and needs their own database entries as well? For example, the publishers and authors of a book database. If they are set up as related databases, it’s impossible to filter the book records, because the relationship field cannot be used as a filter. But it is something users would expect. Solution: Allow the relationship field to be used as filter with one or multiple options.
  6. I just started using Cloudflare caching for guest pages. I deliberately excluded a few areas like articles where I need the view count. It’s very easy to define this in Cloudflare. But for 90% of the site, the accuracy of the view count really doesn’t matter much. And it’s not like caching turns the view count off. It just reduces the view count a little. The views that matter are probably the ones from the active members, which still count. But whether a topic was hit once or twice during your cache time by one or two guests, I don’t think it makes a big difference. Unfortunately, there is no middle ground. Either you cache it or not. You can’t cache it and still count the views.
  7. Aren’t they? https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/4721-r113/
  8. You are probably thinking of the image proxy function. That was indeed removed. It only served a temporary purpose to not brake the page with non-SSL images by importing them into the system. You could copy the old HTML into the new posts and either do some find&replace each time or import it all, move the images and then do some UPDATE MySQL queries to correct the links. Personally, I would probably go the long way – and have done that several times while moving my content across multiple forums systems. Linked images aren’t really proper images in the IPS suite. Only “attachments” are. And therefore they are future proof. You could change your storage location and they will be moved automatically. You could switch to cloud and it will continue to work. You can change settings and the images will be recalculated … So, it might be worth it to import each image manually.
  9. I just upgraded to Mac OS 13 with Safari 16.1. As far as I understand it, this setup now supports web push, but the notification settings in Invision Community don’t reflect that. Am I missing something? Does Invision need to change something to support Safari now?
  10. I have a use case where I check a Pages record title in the display template and make some changes to it when necessary. Is there an easy way to initiate an update of the search index for that record after the {{$record->save()}} ?
  11. I can’t replicate that. I definitely see new topics of mine as well as new Pages records and so on.
  12. It is generated from the streams that are set up in the ACP. Personally, I prefer just to not use that menu at all and instead put the streams I want in the menu. They can be selected with the “Activity Stream Item” object.
  13. Just HTML and CSS in general.
  14. I always put the Activity Feed section in the main navigation bar or even make it the homepage. It’s what I want to be the main entry point for regular members. I then put a “my content” link in the secondary navigation bar. As a result, it will be directly visible when visiting the website and with that, it’s even more visible than when it would be in the user menu.
  15. What does your menu look like currently?
  16. The “Content I posted in” does that.
  17. When I upload an image (like cat.png) it will be stored as something like “cat.png.12345678901234567890.png” on the server. But for non-image files (PDF, DOC …), the file suffix is not repeated at the end. Is there a specific reason for that? Is it for security purposes or something like that? Is there a chance to have the suffix added for file type like PDF as well? My current use case is to show Pages database uploads inline in a PDF viewer, but even after days of dealing with this, I don’t get it to work because the missing suffix is causing the file to be rejected or downloaded instead of shown. Happy to hear if there are any solutions for that.
  18. You don’t even need to do that. There are already feeds for “content I started” and “content I posted in”. You just need to link them in your menu.
  19. That’s already an option with the activity streams and you can even put it in the menu. (Not sure why it should go in the user menu though.)
  20. After importing Pages databases from one installation to another, I kept running into this error when trying to create records in the imported databases: After investigation, I found it is caused by having database relationship fields which point to non-existing tables on the new website. After having all the databases present and re-assigning the fields, the error disappears. I am not sure what a good solution would be, but there is probably a better one than just this error.
  21. If that setting is turned on for the member group, the entries can be created anonymously.
  22. A global sidebar would break certain pages or conflict with the fixed sidebar content that exist on certain pages. But it’s really not much trouble to put the same widgets in the sidebar slot on multiple pages. In case you need a lot of configuration or you have WYSIWYG content, create all the widgets as Pages ACP blocks. Then you can reuse them in multiple places and edit them globally in the ACP.