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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. You can use services like Webpagetest, Google Page Speed, GTMetrix … to get objective results. Your pages do seem to get low scores, but I am not sure there is something broken. Your pages are just very heavy. Tons and tons of images on the homepage, the files page and so on. Plus Google fonts, Facebook, Google Analytics … It just all adds up.
  2. First step is to check the error logs. They probably give clues what the cause is.
  3. Apple just created a bigger marketing splash around it. It’s not an Apple thing, but an alliance between companies such as Apple, Microsoft and Google. They will all have implementations soon.
  4. Yes, it is doable, but it requires some experience. It’s not like you can just copy some template code over. I can send you the template via PM and you can see if it still works. I would expect it too, but it hasn’t been updated in 4 years. So, I am not sure.
  5. No, there is not. The listing templates work differently than the frontpage templates, so there is no easy way to show the listing view like the frontpage view. I once offered this as a free product, but I think it is now deactivated because it was not marked as compatible for newer versions.
  6. It’s a foundational principle in the suite: uploads are tied to users. I doubt this will change anytime soon. You could however always just link images in a post if you know the URL—that is independent from “attachments”. Just copy the image URL (from the gallery or wherever) and in the article editor just paste it. There you have your gallery image.
  7. It’s fine to suggest it. The chances of having it added are slim though. There are soooo many calendars: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_calendars Why add one and not another? The demand just wouldn’t justify the development time.
  8. Do you have an example? Because I am pretty sure that is not true. And if you need significant modifications, you can also create them as a custom theme (on a developer installation). After all, that’s how people offer themes on the Marketplace.
  9. This is EXACTLY what makes it the right solution. This file was specifically created for this purpose. It even says so when you open the file. /** * This file is for your custom CSS. * This file is not modified or overwritten during upgrades */ This describes the purpose and why changes should only be made there. You have no argument against that, because there is none. You are essentially just in denial. You are saying “if I was allowed to do it the wrong way in the past, you better let me keep doing it the wrong way”. And ironically, this practise is NOT an argument to revert the change, but instead an argument to make sure that this practise is indeed being stopped.
  10. It was always wrong though. You would change a core file and so every future update of that file would cause an unnecessary conflict. Adding an override in the custom.css was always the right solution. So, the change just prevents you from doing it the wrong way.
  11. 1. It does exist. As an option for members to subscribe to from an activity stream. 2. The Bulk-Mail feature is for manual emails you would compose. 3. A popular third-party option is https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8408-newsletters/
  12. Me, neither. I was using it as an example, just as you. And just so I don’t just argue against the original post … I absolutely agree with the comment about the rather sad state shown in the screenshot. It currently needs a lot of customizations to enforce a user-friendly UI and to make sure content actually shows above the fold on mobile.
  13. I would be cautious to judge who is the majority and minority based on personal experience. Services like Discord are ubiquitous in SOME circles, but even with their 150 million active users it’s just a tiny slice of the daily internet use of billions. If I would ask the 20 people closest to me, independent of age or background, I bet most wouldn’t even know Discord, let alone use it. And that reverses the argument of “why join a different forum when everyone is already on Discord”. Why even install that strange, unknown app when no one you know uses it?
  14. The video made me laugh. How they have to explain the advantage of the traditional system (forums) over what they are actually known for. Just like when ride share companies “innovate” by going back to a bus.
  15. Sure, you can embed a YouTube live video like any other video. It’s just one link, from a planned stream to the recording.
  16. My template products should not be affected by these PHP issues.
  17. You need to force it within the IPS software, not from the hosting setup.
  18. Commerce → Shop → Products → [Category] → Create Product in this Group Product Type: Normal Turn on “Renews”
  19. Yes, it is possible, but not with the regular subscription system, but with Commerce products set up as subscriptions. Those can act completely independently.
  20. The license calculation seems to be faulty on the server side. I also see this all the time on multiple installations: Very likely related.
  21. Thanks. That helped. It turned out to be “promote_metadescription_container_nolink”
  22. When promoted content is included in bulk mails, what are those language strings and where can I edit them? Since it is emails, I can’t use functions like “show word keys”.
  23. Is this being addressed in 7.4.2? I can’t see anything in the release notes mentioning “carousel”. While not like an Error 500, it’s quite a significant layout bug and it’s been 2 months already.
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