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Posts posted by -FP

  1. Was checking the theme out (again :D) and noticed this little bug.

    When you are logged in and click Discover in the top block, it's supposed to take you to the condensed view activity but it's not doing it.


    That & maybe?

    I'm actually not sure how it's supposed to work. Here the button's URL don't show the &, but when you click them it's added to the URL in the browser bar.

  2. Thanks for the detailed information.

    I’m currenly away so I won’t be able to take a look until 2 or 3 weeks from now.

    Have you tried to completely uninstall and install again instead of upgrading? That should fix the javascript issue at least.

    What’s your IPS version?

  3. @Qubabos in the meantime you can always use custom.css to override/force a css change.

    Add this to custom.css:

    .cc-window {
     opacity: 1 !important;

    That would make the element be completely opaque... change the number as you wish.

    Lets see if someone else can confirm the opacity setting is working for them or not.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Qubabos said:

    Absolutely nothing, whatever I set there it always looks the same. I try from 0.6 to 1.0 with no change at all. 

    Try uninstalling the plugin, clearing the cache in the ACP support tool and/or browser, and then reinstall.

  5. @Qubabos you can't change the opacity you mean? I tested 3.0.5 in 2 of my live sites and the opacity change is working.

    If you want send me over PM access to your ACP, I can take a look.

  6. 10 hours ago, Joey_M said:

    @-FP Is this possible? I'm desperately trying to increase my sites performance, and this is one the things @Adlago mentioned trying to do.

    I tried doing that but I can't get it to work if placed before </body>. This is based on the code by Insites and their instructions are to place it before </head>: https://cookieconsent.insites.com/download/

    I will keep looking into it but if anyone has a solution just ping me.

  7. @Joey_M Have you tried re-installing the plugin after installing the theme? 

    I really don't know what the problem could be. But I will be able to take a look soon, I'm waiting for @ehren. to release the 4.2 update for the theme I use from him.

  8. I will take a look but it doesn't make much sense for what I've seen so far. When the cookie plugin is enabled, the CSS file that has the style for the "SG_record_image" class is not loaded.

    Again, it doesn't make sense to me for now because all my plugin is doing is inserting the code they instruct before the </head> element, it's just passing the plugin settings as the parameters. Maybe there's some conflict between both plugins css sheets. It's not fair to just say "it's the other broken" by the other developer, my plugin works just fine on its own, it would probably do the same if you implement the code manually without a plugin. Anyway, I will take a look later.

  9. Alright, update is up. New styles and color options. By default it matches the suite scheme :D

    I removed the option to block the GA cookie... but I could bring it back if people actually used it.




  10. That's fair enough, I don't know, you can always specify in the TOS that the support is the same for everyone no matter how much you paid for the download.

    You don't have to set a lower price than "expected" just because this system is in. You set the price you expect as a minimum, and then leave the chance open for people to give more just because they can.

    Anyway, that depends on how people would want to use this.

  11. Well then put it for a minimum of $10 @amator :p

    Probably some people would still give more.

    Also when things are cheaper you make more sales. Maybe it's not important in a $5 or $10 product, but so you understand my point, Fiat probably makes more sales than Ferrari. It's nicer to make the same or more with less sales? Well yes I guess that depends on your philosophy, but money is money in my book.

    Maybe I have to wait longer to make 100 sales at a higher price than to make 200 sales at half the price.

  12. 1 hour ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Plus: obviously, this must be a file submitter option and should have a minimum amount to accept. 

    Yes, the way the site I used as example works, is the prices you set are minimum prices, but people can always input more. Setting the price to 0 means it's free but they still can give you money if they input something other than 0 in the amount box. Or you can put it for a minimum of 5, and they could also input more if they wanted to, but not less.

    I had something selling at a minimum price of $5, and about 20% of the users gave me more, between $6 and $10. A few gave me $15... triple the amount I was selling for.

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