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Posts posted by P15-D24

  1. Never mind, apparently they found the issue and it just came up. 


    My ISP just moved my server to another system and now we are getting a 500 error.

    I suspect a config error on their part but the attached file is the response I got from them regarding the 500 error. (The site has been running fine for many months before the server move and any input regarding the support rep's response would be appreciated. ) See attached file. 



  2. I run Adsense ads on my site and have been getting the notices to upgrade to Google Analytics 4 or will possible lose revenue. I saw one post in these forums that indicted a "spot" for the Google JS code was already provided but no mention where section is in the Admin Center.  

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    Thank you,



  3. Having erratic performance issues after upgrade today. Admin center is slow loading/saving new pages. Actual site performance is very erratic, sometimes loads in a a second or two (normal) sometimes takes 10 seconds. Same is true when drilling down in a thread, sometimes very quick, sometimes not. Checked the DB and it looks fines, no errors and restarted MySQL. Cleared the system caches. No differences.  Upgrade installer ran with no errors.

    I have contacted my ISP also but they didn't see anything out of the ordinary. They did open a service ticket to check in more detail.

    Ideas, suggestions?


  4. Another weird problem today. Updated to 4.5.5 about a week ago, everything has been working fine. Initially had an issue with 3rd party updates not loading and this was fixed by my ISP switching my server from mod_php to FCGI. Tonight the Admin center won't load it's CSS files. I can log in no problem, just no formatting. The main site is running fine. No software changes have been made to the site since the upgrade.  Stable for over a week. I use a whitelist in htaccess (in the admin dir)  for the access control to /admin.   Only change made on the server was yesterday in the /admin htaccess file. My cable modem died and I had to get another and the new install forced a new IP address for me locally. I updated my new IP address in htaccess /admin yesterday and again, everything was working correctly when done. Tonight, CSS not loading.   Ideas on isolating the issue?1

  5. Implementation question. I use Adsense with an ad in the page header location.  However when users select "Unread Content" to view new posts the header ad disappears above the thread header. No option is available for this location in the ad setup section.  I suspect this behavior is because the Unread Content is dynamic, created on the fly when the users click on Unread Content.  Would this work if placed only on the Unread Content page, or end up displaying multiple header ads on the home landing page for the forums?

  6. Mystery solved, my ISP support team just sent this to me:

    "The older PHP configuration that your server was using may be to blame. To test this theory, we converted your server to use FCGI instead of mod_php. This newer server configuration will solve the user "nobody" problem, without going through the SuEXEC steps. Please note that .htaccess PHP settings will not work anymore. You will need to use a .user.ini file instead to change PHP directives. Please try to run your installation again and let us know how it goes."

    Ran the updater worked perfectly first time.

    Thank you for all the help, very much appreciated! 

  7. Another data point. My ISP support team pinged why all the questions and what was going on. I sent them the error message and their response: 

    "This is due to the servers default configuration. The server by default will run all PHP scripts under its own username of "nobody" instead of your accounts username. When this happens all created files inherit those permissions. This can create permissions conflicts where files cannot be modified as they are not owned by your username. To prevent this you can configure the script wrapper SuEXEC. This will cause the apache server to run all PHP scripts under your accounts username. This will prevent any such permissions conflicts from happening in the future."

    I don't know if you have seen this issue in the past or have additional ideas for a work around. 

    About a year ago this issue appeared when doing another update and I tried SuExec and it was a total disaster. Took my production site down for 3 days while doing a restore from backup of everything and nobody could figure out what caused the issues.   


  8. drwxr-xr-x root  wheel /

    drwxr-xr-x root  wheel usr

    drwxr-xr-x root  wheel home

    drwx---r-x m*****r users m*****r

    drwx---r-x m*****r users public_html

    drwxr-xr-x m*****r users ********_forum

    drwxrwxrwx m*****r users applications

    drwxrwxrwx m*****r users classifieds

    -rw-rw-rw- m*****r users Application.php

    The site is a dedicated Ubuntu VM, I'm the only user.  SELinux is not used. 

    Haven't touched constants.php

  9. /usr/home/*****/public_html/*****_forum/applications/classifieds/Application.php


    drwxr-xr-x root  wheel /

    drwxr-xr-x root  wheel usr

    drwxr-xr-x root  wheel home

    drwx---r-x m*****r users m*****r

    drwx---r-x m*****r users public_html

    drwxr-xr-x m*****r users ********_forum

    drwxrwxrwx m*****r users applications

    drwxr-xr-x m*****r users classifieds

    -rw-rw-rw- m*****r users Application.php

    Right now I don't have getfattr installed on my site. (Ubuntu install)  Checking with the ISP now. 


  10. Need an installation debug guru!!

    Upgraded to 4.5.2, set up the Marketplace and tried upgrading out of date apps.  They error out with basically the same message: Extraction from phar "/tmp/IPSMP9XoNAU.tar" failed: Cannot extract "Application.php" to "/usr/home/*****/public_html/*****_forum/applications/classifieds/Application.php", setting file permissions failed

    I've reset the file privs to 777 in the classifieds dir for testing, same error. 

    The classified publisher says it's an IPS error, IPS says it's a ISP error. ISP need more info as what is wrong. And I'm dead in the water. 

    In looking at the previous line in the error file: #0 /usr/home/****/public_html/*****_forum/applications/core/modules/admin/marketplace/marketplace.php(842): PharData->extractTo() it looks like it starts to extract the tar file but then can't set the privy on the target file or directory.  I'm wondering if some specific PHP function needs to be enabled to allow the privs change.  I ran the IPS PHP config checker and everything was set correctly.  Again this error occurs for any updates I try to run out of marketplace. 

    Any suggestions how to debug the issue would be greatly appreciated. 



  11. Getting a little further but still having issues.  The previous error was for a write file permissions so I reset the API dir to 777 from 666. Now Im getting the following error on install: 

    .../applications/links/api/affiliates.php", setting file permissions failed

     Does the entire application/links dir need to set to 777 to install the update? 

    After the install what should the file permissions be set to? 

  12. Got all the add ons/plugins matched. This time it correctly identified it was an update, not a new install. However I got a new error? There was an error installing the resource, please submit a support ticket for further assistance.  

    Is that your error or IPS error?

    Edit: Never mind I'm getting it on multiple apps, I'll put a IPS ticket in. 


  13. I tried but It doesn't provide access a file for download. I just looked at Manage Your Purchases and Renew Now button is active, but it shows it expires 9/3/21. Or is that the time frame for after the renewal?

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