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Posts posted by Sirmadsen

  1. [31-Jan-2023 04:17:42 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated 1146257408) (tried to allocate 563688640 bytes) in /home/sirmadsen/public_html/system/Http/Response.php on line 107
    [31-Jan-2023 21:29:58 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated 509599744) (tried to allocate 501227520 bytes) in /home/sirmadsen/public_html/system/Http/Request/Curl.php on line 387

    [31-Jan-2023 21:49:55 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated 543162368) (tried to allocate 534790144 bytes) in /home/sirmadsen/public_html/system/Http/Request/Curl.php on line 387
    [31-Jan-2023 21:51:23 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated 444583936) (tried to allocate 434114560 bytes) in /home/sirmadsen/public_html/system/Http/Request/Curl.php on line 387

  2. I'll check, but question still remains if I can somehow get around this by deleting the files from the path the process is looking at and make it seem as if the files are moved or does it nor recognize such behaviour?

    [31-Jan-2023 04:17:42 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated 1146257408) (tried to allocate 563688640 bytes) in /home/sirmadsen/public_html/system/Http/Response.php on line 107
    [31-Jan-2023 21:29:58 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated 509599744) (tried to allocate 501227520 bytes) in /home/sirmadsen/public_html/system/Http/Request/Curl.php on line 387


  3. I was using Cloudflare which caused a 500 internal error so I removed CF completely and now when trying to run the task manually nothing happens for about 5 mins then it redirects me to a "Could not find" page outside of ACP.

    The entire thing is probably a little more complicated. To make a long story short, I moved the site to a subdomain in the middle of the first transfer and might have activated Cloudflare in the middle of this process, not entirely sure. And since CF have a 1 min limit of processes I'm thinking that some large files took to long to process (?).

    But then again, that should not affect the process now when CF is completely off.

    The thing is, as mentioned in the first post, the process that is getting stuck moved from 54% to 72% while the other second file move was processing. Now that it is finished this process get stuck again.

  4. So, I got storage setting to work with Wasabi after some setup but now my transfer of files have been stuck at 54% since almost two weeks back (72% after I changed path), moving from Amazon S3 to Wasabi. I've verified that cron is working and tried to start the transfer manually with no success.

    I've managed to unlock the process and change back to S3 which started another file move that completed and I've tried to download files from my site which seems to point to the now correct path on S3.

    My question is if I somehow can cancel the process that keeps getting stuck even after I've unlocked it since there seem to be a conflict with it and the other file move that completed successfully?

    Could contain: Text

  5. So, I got this to work with Wasabi after some setup but now my transfer of files have been stuck at 54% since almost two weeks back. I've verified that cron is working and tried to start the transfer manually with no success.

    My question is if I would go through the hassle of moving files manually (downloading and uploading) will the system take notice of this and finish the automatic move when it verifies that the files are already at the destination?

  6. I think a good addition to the attachment manager located in the ACP would be to see files uploaded in the Downloads app. As of now only attachments uploaded through the editor is shown there and there is no way to quickly find large files or duplicates with slightly adjusted names (or same name for that matter). There is no easy way to manage files in Downloads app right now and it would be about time to show that app some love :wub:

    Maybe it should even have its very own manager located in the Downloads segment of the ACP where we can see files uploaded and a filter to show files and/or screenshots.


  7. Ok, so after tinkering with some settings I can say that using ImageMagic removes the webp support from blogs featured entries. Don't know if that's how it's supposed to be. Anyway, going back to GD as Image Suite solved the problem.

  8. Yeah, I don't think it shows files uploaded through the uploads app itself. I'm sorry for questioning but, according to my ACP my max sized filed in uploads is 79 mb (which is true if you count in my "Additional files" extra fields using the normal attachments), when I have files that up towards several GB in size. Files uploaded in uploads app don't even show up in files search from ACP.

    ACP Files:
    Could contain: Text, Phone, Electronics, Mobile Phone

    ACP Dashboard:
    Could contain: Page, Text, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Electronics, City

  9. I don't know when or how it happens but I've been able to upload webp files to my blogs but then all of a sudden I couldn't. It's gone as supported file type even if it's added in ACP attachment settings. It works in forums. I have not installed any new plugins or applications.

    Could contain: Text

  10. Followed the tutorial exactly and get:

    There appears to be a problem with your Amazon (cdn.throneofgeeks.com) file storage settings which can cause problems with uploads.
    A connection could not be established to the Amazon S3 server. Update your settings and then check and see if the problem has been resolved

    Do I require to add a credit card and pay just to see if it works?

    I also have my DNS through cloudflare and not my web host.

  11. Is there any chance to add option to choose how many rows (default 4 but 3 would be great) and to hide certain elements like author profile picture, update time etc. for a more clean look? And maybe also a choice of image size (instead of 1:1 we could set a manual height and width)?

  12. On 7/31/2022 at 10:30 PM, Eudemon said:

    it sad the IPS doesn't offer dev license, if i want to keep my stuff updated i have to cough up $150 renewal (which i will do at some point), and i am not allowed to have my stuff listed as installable if i dont have active license

    but if it just for update the app its ... very net negative economic for me

    Yep, IPS in a nutshell. Very good software, not so good and greedy company.

  13. 22 minutes ago, shahed said:

    Which list view? there are number of variables, so specific could help.

    In Category Pages we can choose "List" under Categories Theme. I have a very wide layout so there is a lot of dead space and the page becomes very long when having the default 25 items in downloads. I liked that theme the most due to its clean looks and simple layout. Everything just looks great and prefixes works.

    Would be great to have an option to be able to have two rows but in List theme.

    Could contain: Page, Text, Pc, Electronics, Computer, Monitor, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Screen, Laptop

    Also, bug reports.

    In File Page > Custom View 2, title doesn't seem to have a line break resulting in very long titles overlapping the download button.

    File Page > Custom View 1 breaks when theme is to narrow. It's almost as it goes in to mobile view as soon as the window is not wide enough, but to soon. Maybe a template mistake?

    As you can see from image 1, that is normal view, web browser fully maximized. And in image 2, the browser is windowed but almost full width, so the theme breaks way to early (I use the sidebar option).

    And in default IPS theme it's broken from start with default width values, image 3. Maybe it's supposed to be used without a sidebar? In which case will be a problem for those of us using ads in sidebar.


    Thanks for a great plugin so far, looking forward to updates and further improvements.

    Image 1 Image2 Image 3

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