Sendgrid integration missing in 4.7.20
@Jim M Will IPS allow a developer to replace this functionality? API send is better than SMTP send. I know there use to be a rule that a developer wasn't allow to offer an app that restored functionality that IPS removed.
Feature Request for Blocks / Record Feeds: Ability to toggle what content displays from the record
I love the new block feeds. However, they show too much information when the records displayed get smaller. My feature request is a way to toggle on/off which fields from the record should be displayed on the block. We use a teaser field for all of our articles, so the block automatically includes it: But on this style of block, it looks messy. I also don't want the comment count there, or at least be able to toggle it on/off. For these blocks, it should be relatively minimal text. Title, By-line, Date. Done. The reason extends here also where get both the Author and who updated it. I don't need the updater at all, I frequently edit my writers' work, but I don't want that showing on the block. I also don't want an excerpt of the article text. For these blocks, it should be Title, By-line, Date, and Teaser. Displaying tags and number of views should also be optional.
Sendgrid integration missing in 4.7.20
I would like to know the reasoning behind this too. I use Sendgrid because it can be used across lots of domains, not just the 5 that Postmark offered. Plus, Sendgrid is significantly cheaper as volume increases.
Custom Registration / Subscription page?
Invision Community 5.0.4 Releases
To be clear, I amended my bug to say that it is also happening when I try to create content.
Invision Community 5.0.4 Releases
Already reported as a bug - https://invisioncommunity.com/invision-community-5-bug-tracker/typing-to-search-in-tag-manager-hangs-browers-r844/
Terms of Service URL
This footer with 4 columns took me 13 minutes to make, copying over my footer links from my V4 board.
Terms of Service URL
You can build an entire footer yourself out of blocks. That's what I'm planning on doing.
Invision Community 5.0.4 Releases
I know that each update takes a different amount of time to complete, but another Kudos I think the IPS team deserves for IPS5 is that it rips through applying its updates significantly faster than IPS4 ever did. Running on the same server with an exact copy of my database and files, the IPS5 install is sooooo much faster to process.
Invision Community 5.0.4 Releases
You can now build a page with several blocks from the same database and have the next block pick up where the previous block left off. I do this in V4, but I needed an extra plug-in and some custom blocks to do it. Now with this update in V5, there's no need for a plugin or custom blocks. You can check out my V4 front page at Cheers and Gears The first block only displays one article. The second block starts at article 2 and displays three articles in a different format. The third block picks up at article 5 and displays 5 articles in a third format. Etc. With this update, you can replicate this general layout for a front page in 10 minutes or less with no code.
5.0.4 Beta - TypeError: array_key_exists() on login
Upgraded to 5.0.4 Beta on my dev site this morning. Now, upon log in, I'm getting the following error. A refresh often clears it, and you can navigate freely but then it will pop up again and cleared with a refresh of the page. TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, null given (0) #0 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/system/Output/Plugin/Theme.php(98): array_key_exists() #1 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(4174): IPS\Output\Plugin\Theme::runPlugin() #2 [internal function]: IPS\Theme::IPS\{closure}() #3 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(4126): preg_replace_callback() #4 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(4047): IPS\Theme::_compileTemplate() #5 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(3811): IPS\Theme::compileTemplate() #6 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(1149): IPS\Theme::makeProcessFunction() #7 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/applications/cms/sources/Templates/Templates.php(1260): IPS\Theme::compileCustomCss() #8 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(360): IPS\cms\Templates->get__file_object() #9 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(1131): IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecord->__get() #10 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(2080): IPS\cms\Pages\Page->getIncludes() #11 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(122): IPS\cms\Pages\Page->output() #12 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(49): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\page->view() #13 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(139): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\page->manage() #14 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(169): IPS\Dispatcher\Controller->execute() #15 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/index.php(16): IPS\Dispatcher->run() #16 {main} Backtrace #0 /var/www/vhosts/cheersandgears.com/dev.cheersandgears.com/init.php(827): IPS\Log::log() #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler() #2 {main}
Typing to search in Tag Manager hangs browers
Small update: the same scenario happens even if just creating content on the front end and trying to type a tag name
Tag Editor Feedback
Love the tag manager idea. Here's some feedback. This tool is screaming for column sort, checkbox, and a merge or delete button. Some example tags for me: Lexus LC500 Lexus LC500 C Lexus LC500-C Lexus LC500C LC500 The ability to put a check box next to those and click "Merge", then select which one to merge into, would be the ideal from a UX standpoint. Being able to sort and filter tags would be an essential part of this tool. The same goes for being able to multi-select junk tags and delete. I understand it might need to be a different page from the existing interface.
CheersnGears started following Typing to search in Tag Manager hangs browers
Typing to search in Tag Manager hangs browers
Typing the tag name in the Tag Merge tool will hang the browser. If you don't type and just scroll, there is no browser hang. *Tested on a site with 71 pages of tags.
Invision Community 5.0.4 Releases
What's weird is if I don't type and just scroll, it doesn't hang the browser. It only hangs if I manually type the tag I'm looking for.