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Everything posted by CodingJungle

  1. if you could send me the keywords_words database table, so i could take a look at it to see if anything is wrong with it. i would be able to find out a lot more from it, than taking a look at your dev/test site. feel free to PM here or on my site with the kw table export.
  2. I have not abandoned it or any of the other apps. i've been ill and was busy with my main job. there is also the problem of reproduction, i can't not reproduce these issues and trying to fix them is much like trying to walk in the dark with a blindfold on. I haven't had anything to say on the issues as i can't reproduce them. I have tried several different things, i have created a test db of about 300 kw on the 3.1 that i then upgraded each version from 3.1 to the current version and the kw's still worked. the only thing i can think of, is that some how you have set an expiration on all the Kw's and something in these new versions have "fixed" it (as i don't recall expired kw's have ever been broken, so i don't believe this to be the case). it might also be IPS way of handling approved/hidden items, its a bit convoluted (i did fix a potential problem with that in this latest version, so i don't believe it to be that either). the only things left is it could be something on your server (which i don't believe to be it either, as it would also cause problems with IPS running). so that leaves an issue with another application/plugin or one of the new settings, like max per items: it is like that this is either set to like 1 or there is a bug where it is working, but not really noticeable cause the amount of links it has created is 1 and the per item setting is being applied over the entire page (this would be a bug i haven't run into either, but i am open to see if this is the issue). Try setting this to 0 (this will essentially disable it), if that doesn't work, try setting to a really high number like a 1k. if this fixes the issue then i will have a better idea of where to look to see what the problem is. i posted news on my absence that i have been ill.
  3. its why i was using lando to use php 7.3 when i came across the url issue.
  4. i was using lando, a wrapper for docker. from what i could tell there was no way to change /app to something else, that is why i posted it here. it was easier to use lando to replace mysql/php version than it was try to replace it in my distro (cause of the issues with mysql 8 and php 7.4 that i keep running into). my only suggested fix, is where ever you use str_replace to turn paths into url's, to implement the count param: $url = str_replace( \IPS\ROOT_PATH, rtrim( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url, '/' ), $file ); to $count = 1; $url = str_replace( \IPS\ROOT_PATH, rtrim( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url, '/' ), $file, $count ); (this is used in several places, i haven't tested it myself. i used a hook on \IPS\Output::sendOutput, to look for dogwell.codingjungle.testlications in the $output param and replace it with applications, but that was a quick and dirty fix, as i would have to adapt it to all my local installations.)
  5. public static function inDevJs( $file, $app=NULL, $location=NULL ) { /* 1: Is this the magic plugin JS */ if ( $app === 'core' and $location === 'plugins' and $file === 'plugins.js' ) { $return = array(); foreach ( new \GlobIterator( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/plugins/*/dev/js/*' ) as $file ) { try { $plugin = \IPS\Plugin::getPluginFromPath( $file ); if( $plugin->enabled ) { $url = str_replace( \IPS\ROOT_PATH, rtrim( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url, '/' ), $file ); $return[] = str_replace( '\\', '/', $url ); } } catch( \OutOfRangeException $e ){} } return $return; } /* 2: Is it a named grouped collection? */ if ( $app === NULL AND $location === NULL ) { if ( $file === 'map.js' ) { return array(); } if ( \in_array( $file, \IPS\Output::$globalJavascript ) ) { $app = 'global'; $location = '/'; } if ( mb_substr( $file, 0, 8 ) === 'js_lang_' ) { return array( \IPS\Http\Url::baseUrl() . "/applications/core/interface/js/jslang.php?langId=" . \intval( mb_substr( $file, 8, -3 ) ) ); } } $app = $app ?: ( \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->application ? \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->application->directory : NULL ); $location = $location ?: \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation; /* 3: App JS? */ if ( $file == 'app.js' ) { return static::_appJs( $app, $location ); } /* 3: Is this a controller/template combo? */ if ( mb_strstr( $file, '_') AND mb_substr( $file, -3 ) === '.js' ) { list( $location, $key ) = explode( '_', mb_substr( $file, 0, -3 ) ); if ( ( $location == 'front' OR $location == 'admin' OR $location == 'global' ) AND ! empty( $key ) ) { return static::_sectionJs( $key, $location, $app ); } } /* 4: Is it in the interface directory? */ if ( $location === 'interface' ) { $path = \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/{$app}/interface/{$file}"; } else if ( $app === 'global' ) { $return = array(); if ( \in_array( $file, \IPS\Output::$globalJavascript ) ) { return static::_directoryJs( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/dev/js/" . mb_substr( $file, 0, -3 ) ); } $path = \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/dev/js"; } else { $path = \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/{$app}/dev/js/{$location}/{$file}"; } if ( is_dir( $path ) ) { return static::_directoryJs( $path ); } else { return array( str_replace( \IPS\ROOT_PATH, \IPS\Http\Url::baseUrl(), $path ) ); } } since my webroot is /app, this method will cause the url for some of my JS to be something like: //dogwell.codingjungle.test//dogwell.codingjungle.testlications/toolbox/dev/js/front/controllers/profiler/ips.ui.toolbox.lorem.js instead of: //dogwell.codingjungle.test/applications/toolbox/dev/js/front/controllers/profiler/ips.ui.toolbox.lorem.js
  6. Not sure if any these have been fixed in 4.5, but these errors show up in the latest version of IPS with php 7.4 (all 3rd party plugins and apps have been disabled on the local, so i've ruled that out). Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" Stacktrace: #19 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/downloads/extensions/core/GroupLimits/Downloads.php:74 #18 Whoops\Run:handleError in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/downloads/extensions/core/GroupLimits/Downloads.php:74 #17 IPS\downloads\extensions\core\GroupLimits\_Downloads:IPS\downloads\extensions\core\GroupLimits\{closure} in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Member/Member.php:858 #16 IPS\_Member:get_group in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php:335 #15 IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord:__get in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Member/Member.php:901 #14 IPS\_Member:get_groupName in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php:335 #13 IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord:__get in /tmp/theme_core_front_search_membervpEWUE:24 #12 IPS\Theme\theme_core_front_search_member in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Theme/Dev/Template.php:171 #11 IPS\Theme\Dev\_Template:__call in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Member/Member.php:3196 #10 IPS\_Member:searchResultHtml in /tmp/theme_core_front_search_resultStream8ebzPE:212 #9 IPS\Theme\theme_core_front_search_resultStream in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Theme/Dev/Template.php:171 #8 IPS\Theme\Dev\_Template:__call in /tmp/theme_core_front_search_resultsRnokgE:18 #7 IPS\Theme\theme_core_front_search_results in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Theme/Dev/Template.php:171 #6 IPS\Theme\Dev\_Template:__call in /tmp/theme_core_front_search_searchh3MPHF:71 #5 IPS\Theme\theme_core_front_search_search in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Theme/Dev/Template.php:171 #4 IPS\Theme\Dev\_Template:__call in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/core/modules/front/search/search.php:362 #3 IPS\core\modules\front\search\_search:_results in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/core/modules/front/search/search.php:80 #2 IPS\core\modules\front\search\_search:manage in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php:96 #1 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:152 #0 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/index.php:13 this one happens when i am searching for a member in the site search, it also happens on comments and posts. Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Trying to access array offset on value of type null (8) #0 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/core/modules/admin/promotion/seo.php(417): Whoops\Run->handleError() #1 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Helpers/Form/Matrix.php(335): IPS\core\modules\admin\promotion\_seo->IPS\core\modules\admin\promotion\{closure}() #2 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Helpers/Form/Matrix.php(220): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Matrix->buildRow() #3 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Helpers/Form/Matrix.php(162): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Matrix->elements() #4 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Helpers/Form/Form.php(411): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Matrix->nested() #5 /tmp/theme_core_admin_global_blockUGvH8M(45): IPS\Helpers\_Form->__toString() #6 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Theme/Dev/Template.php(171): IPS\Theme\theme_core_admin_global_block() #7 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/core/modules/admin/promotion/seo.php(479): IPS\Theme\Dev\_Template->__call() #8 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\core\modules\admin\promotion\_seo->addMeta() #9 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/core/modules/admin/promotion/seo.php(48): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #10 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\admin\promotion\_seo->execute() #11 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #12 {main} trying to edit/add meta tag info in ACP->system->site promotion->search engine modifications, Meta Tags tab. Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Trying to access array offset on value of type null (8) #0 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/downloads/extensions/core/GroupLimits/Downloads.php(74): Whoops\Run->handleError() #1 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Member/Member.php(858): IPS\downloads\extensions\core\GroupLimits\_Downloads->IPS\downloads\extensions\core\GroupLimits\{closure}() #2 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(335): IPS\_Member->get_group() #3 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Member/Member.php(1927): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->__get() #4 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/core/modules/admin/members/members.php(279): IPS\_Member->isBanned() #5 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Helpers/Table/Db.php(425): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members->IPS\core\modules\admin\members\{closure}() #6 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(489): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Db->getRows() #7 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/core/modules/admin/members/members.php(505): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString() #8 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members->manage() #9 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #10 /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #11 {main} ACP->Members->Members (click on the administrator filter, or searching for member on the table) Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" Stacktrace: #7 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Widget/Widget.php:386 #6 Whoops\Run:handleError in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Widget/Widget.php:386 #5 IPS\_Widget:devTable in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/core/modules/admin/applications/developer.php:3488 #4 IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_developer:_manageWidgets in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/core/modules/admin/applications/developer.php:89 #3 IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_developer:manage in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php:96 #2 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/applications/core/modules/admin/applications/developer.php:59 #1 IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_developer:execute in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:152 #0 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in /home/michael/public_html/dogwell/admin/index.php:14 when trying to add/edit a widget in dev center. these are all the ones i have noted of late, there were a few others but i didn't log them as i thought it was due to something else. i'm pretty sure this is php 7.4 causing this: https://www.php.net/manual/de/migration74.incompatible.php#migration74.incompatible.core.non-array-access
  7. the code is disabled for it, if it is sending emails, then this an IPS bug, as i only have it configured to send a notification. or you have another plugin/app that has some how switched on the setting to send emails when it is disabled by the developer.
  8. i've replied to your other topic, but duplicate member doesn't send out emails, only notifications. to everyone, i will be posting an update to my site.
  9. duplicate member has never sent out emails, the options is disabled in the extension and in notifications: <?php /** * @brief Notification Options * @author -storm_author- * @copyright -storm_copyright- * @license https://www.invisioncommunity.com/legal/standards/ * @package Invision Community * @subpackage CJ Duplicate Member Logger * @since 08 Dec 2018 */ namespace IPS\cjdml\extensions\core\Notifications; use function defined; use function header; use IPS\Http\Url; use IPS\Member; if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) ) { header( ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] ) ? $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' ); exit; } /** * Notification Options */ class _cjdml { /** * Get configuration * * @param Member $member The member * * @return array */ public function getConfiguration( $member ) { // Basically just return a list of the keys for the types of notification your app will send // keys can be anything you want. You can specify what should be the default value and any disabled values (acceptable values are "email" and "inline") // For each key, create a language string "notifications__<key>" which is what will display in the user's Notification Options screen if ( Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() ) { return [ 'cjdml_new_dupe' => [ 'default' => [ 'inline' ], 'disabled' => [ 'email' ] ], ]; } return []; } // For each type of notification you need a method like this which controls what will be displayed when the user clicks on the notification icon in the header: // Note that for each type of notification you must *also* create email templates. See documentation for details: https://remoteservices.invisionpower.com/docs/devdocs-notifications /** * Parse notification: key * * @param \IPS\Notification\Inline $notification The notification * * @return array * @code * return array( * 'title' => "Mark has replied to A Topic", // The notification title * 'url' => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ), // The URL the notification should link to * 'content' => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit", // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format * this like an email where the text * // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content. * // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post. * 'author' => \IPS\Member::load( 1 ), // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed * for this notification * ); * @endcode */ public function parse_cjdml_new_dupe( \IPS\Notification\Inline $notification ) { return [ 'title' => Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'cjdml_new_duplicate' ), // The notification title 'url' => Url::internal( 'app=core&module=modcp&controller=modcp&tab=cjdml', 'front', 'modcp_cjdml' ), // The URL the notification should link to 'content' => '', // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content. // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post. 'author' => Member::load( 0 ), // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification ]; } }
  10. i'm almost a 100% positive there is nothing actually wrong still, that is just a problem with the schema manager. it installed without a problem? if there was a problem then the database would've thrown an error, and prevented the installing. what i'm thinking is happening here, is the schema manager check is incorrectly calculating the length of the one index and then the db is throwing an error when it is trying to update it cause it is a invalid index length. what version of mysql you are running? i'll try to setup a container later with it, to see if i can dupe the results, and see if there is any way i can fix it, cause i can't test it on my current local cause every table and int column in IPS comes up as "broken" due to me using 8.0.19 mysql.
  11. you sure it is the same error? in this image, it says it is cause you have a negative number for a topic to card (which i am not sure how that happened), you shouldn't have any data in the tables after a uninstall/install.
  12. do you have theme alterations that are different than the default theme? it is only geared to move and adjust things based on the default them, so if your theme is to radically different, it could produce a different result than what i show in the screenshot. its a problem with the schema manger in IPS. in the new versions of mysql, they've deprecated the "length" prop for INT type fields. when i was developing 2.0.0 of stratagem, i was developing on a later version of mysql (8.0.19 to be exact), so i decided to drop the length prop from the int fields, as they aren't needed. the only way to solve this is to wait for IPS to fix it on their end. another way, if the data that currently exist in stratagem isn't important (since you said you haven't been using it that much this last year) you could uninstall and reinstall the app.
  13. new features: cover photo for project new modal window code: this is for faster loading of cards. notification sent for individual members added to the team. new filters: added in voting/rating filters, and a active timer filter. new column sorting: sort on votes/rating. disable dialog color: keep card color, but disalbe the color in the dialog. Team assignment to card instead of individual members of group teams. truncated card titles in project history. project publish date: locks project till date expiration. optional click to add badges instead of drag and drop. Empty Archive: sets a queue to run to delete cards in the archive. Project landing page pagination. Move Card: move cards to another project. context menu's: right click on archive icon or cards will open up a new context menu with various options. new card style: context, removes a majority of buttons from the card and adds them to a right clickable context menu. new setting: define custom columns to be created when a new project is made. fixed: forced original filename on file download. fixed dates on history entries. fixed missing language string for mentions on comments. fixed sidebar menu from scrolling down beyond the card when "sidebar" style is being used. fixed scroll issue loading up multiples of the same card when the column only has a few cards. here is the feature/fixed list for 2.1.0 so far, its not an exhaustive list, but this is the main things.
  14. that works now for a temp fix :) but it looks like if i introduce a 25ms delay (the card will turn slight translucent when it is activate to begin moving), it seems to solve the problem. i think it was just one of those weird race conditions, that it was activating too fast, but not all the events/triggers weren't off at that point, so the browser thought you were highlight text. anyway it should be fixed in the final release :)
  15. its a weird little thing, i use to have a delay on the triggering of the move, it was like a 100ms. i had this delay cause Firefox when you dragged a card and dropped it, would open it (chrome wouldn't). so i added it, but in chrome the delay would cause issues. like sometimes it would take 2 or 3 seconds to trigger that you wanted to move the card, other times it would grab like the contents of the card, but leave the square box behind. so i removed the delay, now it seems if you you grab the card on any of the text on it (like the title area or the like if it has a date or percentage done from the list), it will do this. it is one of the things i've noticed, not sure how to fix it yet, one of the things i'm debugging, so hopefully i'll have it fixed soon.
  16. i guess i never really noticed the style changing lol, as my attention is often in the console/viewport area. I use a material theme in my IDE, have been for the last few years, so it could be why i didn't notice it, as i was already use to the flat look.
  17. please don't tell me it is IE11 :) non-chromium Edge i can at least understand. yeah the theme settings are funky in IPS, i don't like them and often don't include them cause of how flaky they can be, here's to hoping for LESS or something in the future :)
  18. does it owe you money? save your puppy from a fire? or something else? 😛 but i've sent you a PM with the latest beta.
  19. yeah its the scroll being triggered, if you would like i can send you the beta which has the fix in it, as it will probably be next week before i release the new version (as it is being tested now). how old of a browser are we talking about? cause my IDE doesn't throw an error on this when it is configured for emacscript 6, but if i set it to emacscript 5 it will. i'll have them remove in the next version as i don't need the complete closure in the one method, and since i'm already in the file i'll remove it from the other one too.
  20. there is a small problem when there aren't enough cards and the column's default height is too high, it triggers the scroll mechanism. this has been fixed in the next version (which i'm currently testing). you might be able to fix this temporarily tho with going into your theme settings, and setting the column default min height to around 200px to 250px. it also looks like the theme settings didn't get added correctly to your theme, cause several of those cards should have white text, if you didn't change them, here are the defaults (cause sometimes theme settings don't get updated or stored correctly when being installed/updated on the app): Dark Text: stratagem_dark_text stratagem_dark_background stratagem_dark_scroll stratagem_dark_boxshadow stratagem_dark_borders #00000 stratagem_dark_light_text stratagem_dark_light_background #FFFFF stratagem_dark_my_vote_down #DC143C stratagem_dark_my_complete #006400 stratagem_dark_stars #FFCA7D light Text: stratagem_light_text stratagem_light_background stratagem_light_scroll stratagem_light_boxshadow stratagem_light_borders #FFFFF stratagem_light_dark_text stratagem_light_dark_background #00000 stratagem_light_my_vote_down #800000 stratagem_light_my_complete #00FF00 stratagem_light_stars #FF9800 the problem is with the support topics themselves. no matter what i do, its almost impossible to integrate any number of topics into my workflow. i can't mark a topic/post as "done/fixed/not a bug/etc" nor i can i filter out the invalid ones for the valid ones, they are extremely inefficient. so you can see how difficult they are for us developers to work from. if you go to my site, you can see each app has its own support section on the download and a vast majority of them have their own stratagem project. IPS keeps promising improvements in this area for the marketplace, but most of those promises are approaching vaporware status, as they are at least a year old now. i've added it to stratagem.
  21. i've sent you a pm showing your account on my site, with the purchase of the babble 1 year, so i am not entirely sure if you are logged onto the right account or not. I released a babble update on tuesday.
  22. Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Method IPS\Helpers\Form::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Undefined index: 6dbef3c91911fb0a0a055257a3ccd7d8_desc" Stacktrace: #2 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /home/michael/public_html/dev/system/Theme/Theme.php:4316 #1 Whoops\Run:handleError in /home/michael/public_html/dev/dev/Whoops/Run.php:433 #0 Whoops\Run:handleShutdown in [internal]:0 i'm also hitting this error when editing member profiles in the acp.
  23. Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Undefined index: 6c047061df4701e5d56a5c86b15d3d17_desc" Stacktrace: #7 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /home/michael/public_html/dev/system/Lang/Lang.php:656 #6 Whoops\Run:handleError in /home/michael/public_html/dev/system/Lang/Lang.php:656 #5 IPS\_Lang:get in /home/michael/public_html/dev/system/Helpers/Form/Form.php:463 #4 IPS\Helpers\_Form:customTemplate in /home/michael/public_html/dev/applications/core/modules/front/system/notifications.php:156 #3 IPS\core\modules\front\system\_notifications:options in /home/michael/public_html/dev/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php:85 #2 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in /home/michael/public_html/dev/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:152 #1 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in /home/michael/public_html/dev/init.php:821 #0 IPS\toolbox_hook_Dispatcher:run in /home/michael/public_html/dev/index.php:13 it is basically a type coercion, using the third parameter on in_array forces an identical check instead of just a equals check. it is just aggravating after 6 months the bug persist.
  24. i'm still hitting this problem, now with follow...can't you guys just do one of your ninja patches for this? :)
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