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Everything posted by CodingJungle

  1. with unique colors on, the colors codes are generated by the user name to try to achieve a unique color pallet among all the users. it is not a perfect process, same with gradients, it will do its best to produce an accent color, but it might it might just choose to use like brown or black if the color generated is very bright. so what is shown in the prev is just really to give you an idea what they will look like, most for the other settings (like font size/position). if you do use a color override, the accent color will be generated from that for the gradient.
  2. i just figured people would realize that is for the hovercard settings ? but i can change the lang string. yeah in the acp->community->keywords settings, there is an option for default width, if you don't set the custom width for a kw, it will use this one. i just figured you really wanted to get your point across ?
  3. it depends on the options, if you have unique colors turned on, then it will generate a color scheme from the users name, if you don't have this enabled, it will take the first letter of the username to generate a color scheme. from there, it will then try to determine the "accent" color. you can override a letter(s)/name, so say you want a specific color for you and only you, you would enter "millipede" there, if you want to change the color to everyone who's name starts with a B, you would enter a B there. if you have dual letters enabled, and you want to change the color to everyone who will have the dual letters of AB to a certain color, then you'd enter AB there. they should be applied the next time the user logins in or when you view their profile. the accent color is generated from the primary, so you only have the choice for the primary color. the gradient itself is what makes the colors appear "darker" like this, as its a merger of two, opposing colors,
  4. I wasn't able to reproduce this one either 4.3.3 or 4.3.4, so i'm not sure what the issue was. if you could check your system logs in the ACP under support, they might contain the error message, if so feel free to PM the error message (since it will more than likely contain sensitive info, like paths). the ones with the hovercard get a css class applied to them called "keyword" and the url types get a class of "keywordUrl", so you should be able to target those two specifically and achieve the desired results. other wise they will just look like normal links ? it was working when i went there saturday...i'll check it again. at this point i'm thinking maybe its something on your site that is causing this, as i didn't see any errors in the console that were related to babble, and the modal popup you have, kept redirecting me to a different part of the site, but i'll check it again later tonight to see if there is anything actually wrong with the service or babble.
  5. keywords was created before this feature was implemented in IPS and i just never got around to adding it, i've have had people complain i have apps that do add to the menu that they didn't want it too automatically, so its a loose loose situation either route I go ? Most who will be interested in SEO will know what that is (as it was added by request awhile back, as they all use to be nofollow ? ), but when i've put it on the list of "todos" for the next version. it more than likely was a caching problem (as it is ips hovercard code i'm using ?). yes it will only appear if there are x amount available, one of the original complaints was it was always there, and it had shortcuts that had no kw, so i altered it to only display if it had kw. it also gives the flexibility to other languages that use a different alphabet, so i don't have to figure out the a to zed of every written language of the world programatically, its handled for me by the generated content. make sure the user group that has "can change author" enabled in ACP->members->group-><your group> could you elaborate a bit more on this? there use to be a way to alter them, but the beta testers at the time complained about "cheating" lol, but i can add it back in on the next version, the people you give the power to just have to be more trustworthy i suppose than who my beta testers gave it to ? in the settings, for keywords behavior, select "both", it will function like this. if they hover over it, it will show the hover card, if they click on it, it will take them to the definition. I am not ignoring you, it was the weekend and it was a busy one. I have queue system everyone gets placed into, and i get to the issue when i get to it. if i had to take a guess, it would be later tonight for yours. i had filed a ticket (which is actually related to the activation problem that you are experiencing, as i use the nexus license activation with the IPS Request class). I'd be more than happy to compensate your account with credit for your next renewal for the lost time.
  6. this is actually a feature on the drawing board. I like the idea, but the problem is gonna be as you can have settings for who can see kw and what not, so they are built on the fly as the page loads, so the kw it is using is always up to date. i wont make any promises, but maybe i'll add in a "wiki" mode or something for it, to use it in that fashion. congrats? ? replied
  7. I'm not able to reproduce this, is there any new info you can provide for this? feel free to send me a PM if it contains sensitive info (like paths on your server). media has the ability to play audio files. the codec depends on what the machine has installed. no it doesn't have this option atm, but it is a good idea. I'm currently working on the babble version 3 and finishing up a few custom apps, so i wont have time this week (possibly next week) to explore adding in any feature to keywords atm. off the top of my head, it is triggered by the creation of KW and i think like x amount of times its hovercard is accessed (so it stats are enabled). i can double check to see what exactly i integrated in from that application (been a long while since i did it).
  8. it actually doesn't import anything, it adds enhancements and features to downloads, so whatever features you wish to enable/disable in it, they will turn on or off, for new or existing downloads. so you will not have to re-insert anything ?
  9. it only supports the playback to a very small format and codec. usually mp4's are good, but sometimes they use oddball codecs that it doesn't support. give me a bit, i don't remember off the top of my head which codecs/formats it fully supports.
  10. just like you do to upgrade it, just get the 2.2.0 zip, extra the tar from it and install it over 2.2.2 (there weren't any DB changes from 2.2.0 to 2.2.2)
  11. are you not on IPS 4.3? cause the last 2 versions have been for 4.3
  12. added in a check to see if the author is a guest or active member i live...still not a 100% but not praying to a porcelain god anymore.
  13. the private key in Babble is a "hidden" setting now (as it didn't need to be exposed like that, and it wasn't clear that changing it would need download babble.js and replace it, and then restart the node.js). the problem is more than likely using an outdated babble.js, when you switched over to https, it changed your sites url "signature" which babble uses. var allowed = { "68cb13dd4613eaa3b4725a1723da2ce51298d8cc" : "a{ur=Wha!=nV}8AYs/l1j1YXw[%]=QQf7UQZ(YBd"} ; The key in json snippet above, would be your sites hash, the value would be the secret key. download the babble.js from your ACP again, and have them verify those match with the babble.js that is running (it should be line 8 in babble.js), the other thing it could be the ports do not match, also have them verify this (and the port is open). if you use something like cloudflare, cloudflare itself only has a certain range of ports open to be used for websockets. you will have to check with them on which ones you can use, and then with your host as well.
  14. tutorial.txt here is the "tutorial" text sans the images, incase it goes back down (as they rebooted the server, seems there the load spiked and crashed it, they are looking into it now)
  15. seems like http has crashed, I've submitted a ticket to my host (god i love managed support ? ), they usually respond with in a half hour. if i haven't went to bed by then, i'll reply here when its back up. @Unlucky if you need me too, i can send you the new version in PM.
  16. @Unlucky 2.6.7 has been released, I also recommend upgrading the babble.js and restarting it after that (as there are a few tweaks for the zombieKill process).
  17. that's good to hear ? both servers for the service are back up now ?
  18. seems babble is either missing from the menu bar (either in cj menu or the IPS default menu) or the theme's menu doesn't build its menu with the same data props as the IPS default menu does. I've added a try/catch to the method in question and i will release a 2.6.7 for 4.2.x and a 2.7.1 for 4.3.x later tonight after the chat service maintenance (which is scheduled for 12 am cst/-6 UTC). out of curiosity, what changed on your site when you upgraded to 2.6.6? as that particular section of code (the clearCounts method) is virtually identical in 2.2.8 and 2.6.6 (the only difference i found was formatting like line spacing).
  19. considering 4.3 has only been "out" since Wednesday, price you pay for running beta. the current version that is out, is compatible, just seems to be a change in a css class that i missed, i will have a new release out tomorrow. not sure if i follow? if it is marked as private, only the file owner and OP can see the request, did you mean something else?
  20. okay i'll make the changes and get a new release out. 3.4.0 is compatible, but i made a few tweaks to 3.4.1 for forums/clubs/downloads avatar size (as i had a ratio, but that was a causing some size issues), but everything seems to be working in 4.3.
  21. there is no option for this, as a lot of people wanted a way to put in html/js (for ads ), the editor doesn't allow this. so a codemirror is what is used. you can use bbc code here if you don't want to use HTML. I don't see this changing anytime in the future. i'm not sure i follow? keywords don't parse on the activity stream. if you mean the record is showing for the kw, that will be fixed in the next version as i'm removing it from activity streams. check your group settings, there is a "keywords" tab, keywords don't parse by default, you have to give the group the ability to see them being parsed (showing up in a topic).
  22. you can buy it multiple times ya know ? Support tab will also explode cause of the ReportCenter being moved from a interface to a trait (which i think is called Reportable). that is what i've ran into mostly with my apps, is the reportcenter thing. on babble, emojis don't work at all, but that is just a matter of updating the code that handles it (as the JS and text parsing stuff has changed a bit).
  23. they use to have this in init.php: 'HTMLENTITIES' => ( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<' ) ) ? ENT_IGNORE : ENT_DISALLOWED, i guess they are clearing out the code for php 5.3 work around's they had in there for 4.0 when it was php 5.3+
  24. just the babble.js is required on the 2.6.5 upgrade to be replaced.
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