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Everything posted by CodingJungle

  1. that is due to it being linked to the MP in the ACP and the version here on the market upgrade hasn't been accepted by IPS (and there really isn't an easy to unlink it from the MP). I originally submitted it about 3 weeks ago, and it was rejected cause IPS said i had missed the csrf check for the acp, when the ACP checks for the csrf automatically. then it was rejected due to a undocumented change that was not reflected in the bulk of IPS own code so i missed that change on the upgrade. now its being held up cause of one incredibly minor and petty rule change to the market place about error codes. when i originally wrote the app, i had copied a common enough error message, a node permission error, and misunderstood the intent of the error codes, i honestly thought they were to denote the type of the error and not a signpost in the code for the tech/dev to search the source code for where the error code was used. I know none of this is your problem, but you are affected by it. after 3 weeks of rejections, all i believe are due on part of IPS failure to communicate changes to the source to 3rd party developers and/or to have a consistent or even use industry standards for their code, and finally after the final rejection for something i view as a non-issue. I became frustrated with the whole process. So now i'm waiting for clarification on a brand new rule that will be implemented (you ever tried to score in soccer when the refs keep moving the goal post on you?). So I apologize for the delay, but with each rejection coming with a 3 days or more from the time i submitted, i've often moved onto other projects and I am finding it hard to drop everything to change 4 characters in inconsequential code (that isn't bugged, it works as intended) or to scroll thru thousands of lines changes in the source code on an upgrade to figure each and everything that was changed, cause dev docs/change log do not reflect the change or the "summary of changes" get published long after the release. Again i apologize for the delay, i would say i could give you access to the update for it on my site, but that is another "no no" rule, I can't offer you access to resources on my site or even promote resources on my site if the purchase originated in the MP and vice versa. I've submitted yet another update, but if this one is rejected again, it might just be time to go elsewhere tbh. I mean if i am having this much trouble with a handful of apps of mine (as n2a also took a bit to get thru), i can only imagine what it is like for the more prolific 3rd party dev. Anyway, to end on a happier note, if any one is interest in babble 3.0 here are some preview videos of the 2 modes for it. Chatbar and Legacy and User Settings Overview: Chatbar: Legacy: User Settings: the quality might be set to potato as youtube is still processing them, but they show off the two views and the new features/user settings found in 3. This is still in beta, so there might be on screen bugs (like the reverse order bug).
  2. edit the group settings and go to the advanced tab and change the behavior setting to hover instead of click. this will open the submenus when you hover over the menu item vs having to click the arrow.
  3. you must be new to the internet if you think that would've happened 😛
  4. you do, you have the choice of adding it back in if that is what suits your community better. its much like hemming your pants, they might generally fit well, but need that extra little bit of attention to make them fit just right.
  5. as a developer myself, I wouldn't call it a choice or "diversity of needs", but a redundancy. it also creates inconsistency imho. as you would have people offering up the perma links/link embeds, others referring to post number/id. as a long time member of a rather large tech board out there, the guides and threads that use perma links/embeds over referencing a post in a thread by a number, are far more popular and easier to consume than they use to be when the standard fair was to do reference the post number/id. also there is another huge advantage that you are denying your community by wading in the waters of days gone by, link juice. https://moz.com/learn/seo/what-is-link-equity
  6. there are 3 branches on the repo, master, dev and xp, so make sure you are pulling from the dev branch (as that is the one that will have any current fixes, xp will have test features). I've been unable to reproduce this issue on my local or any of my dockers, can you check your apache error log to see if there are any errors in it about it? cause without an error and unable to reproduce it, there is little chance of fixing it. this has been fixed in the 2.9.1 version, i believe you own it thru my site, it is available there.
  7. I take it this is on the "resize" setting for images in Babble->layout? cause i can't reproduce it on IPS and Hidden. they appear to be there (as i can dupe it also on desktop by making the browser width small), it just they are extremely small. I'll work on a fix, you can switch to IPS or hidden in the meantime as a work around.
  8. that is cause you linked it to the MP, and the 4.5 compatible one hasn't been approved it yet. nothing i can do about that, till IPS approves the 4.5 compatible one.
  9. are you on the dev branch from the repository? i submitted an update for it, but it was rejected due to an API change that they had no mentioned in their changelog, i will resubmit it soon.
  10. version 4.0.0 was release for IPS 4.5 on saturday.
  11. I ran into probably a very "use" case scenario here, but here are the details. I was updating my app names 2 avatar, since we aren't allowed to append columns to the core tables any longer, i decided to move the columns i was appending to core tables to their own table, and then do a join onto that table for \IPS\Members\Clubs, \IPS\downloads\File and \IPS\Member. however this is where i ran into my problem. Since i had already had hooked these 3 classes in previous version of the app, the hooks were active at the time of an upgrade. however with how the hooking system works, the hook is eval'ed from the contents of the files found in applications/myapp/hooks/*.php. so there is the problem, on upgrade, the old files of the app are replaced with the new files (and new hooks) but the upgrade process has not ran yet, so my table had not been added and the try/catch that is added by \IPS\Plugin::addExceptionHandlingToHookFile(), doesn't catch the DB error that resulted from this, cause the query that was created was executed outside of the method (constructFromLoadQuery). so this left my site broken (the front end 500 out and the ACP was in a login loop). no errors were being produce in system log or apache error log, so at first i wasn't sure what was causing the problem. the problem did not present itself on a fresh install (as the hooks are registered after the db tables are added). tl;dr; on upgrade of an application, could you make it where it disables the app (including its hooks) during an upgrade, or at least have a flag for the hook system that says "upgrade in process, do not use these hooks", or offer a different solution?
  12. 4.0.0 works with IPS 4.5 just fine, n2a 5.0.0 will be bring a few new features and adding in new icon packs like "birds" and "monsters", along with the ability to alter the background images for forums/downloads/clubs. Monsters & Birds: New Download background image: new Clubs Background Image: new Forums background Image:
  13. this is the standard drill, i've been told time and again to post "development" issues in the forum here by IPS tech, maybe the category "IPS Development Gateway" is a hint to what it is used for. sure you might've explained what you've experienced, but that isn't the problem i've had with the app. I do appreciate your experience in the matter, but me telling you that isn't what is going on should've been a good indicator you were barking up the wrong tree. thanks anyway.
  14. so? just cause you haven't run into this bug, doesn't mean it does not exist. i'm not really interested in hearing anymore from you, i would just like this to be fixed or even an indication that not all the categories are using the database setting.
  15. no one changed 87 categories to have "listing" as its default template, i can guarantee you this. all the databases on this site like this, and i can easily duplicate it on my localhost. so this is def a problem with IPS imho.
  16. the only way i was able to change the listing templates for this database was to change it in the category settings, even tho the database setting had it. I had disabled all third party apps and plugins at this time, still same result.
  17. When you have a database, you can set the listing template, however if you use categories, the category "listing" template will override this setting. so if you have a database and want the whole database to use a new listing template, you'd have to go set each and every category to use the new template, instead of it using the one for the db. this is backwards. the category should have a setting in it to override the database setting instead. most of the time if i am changing a listing template group for a client, its not going to be for 1 category, it will be for the entire database. under the current system, i have to go in and change each and every category to use the new template. this is very inefficient and frankly acts more like a bug than an intended feature.
  18. current for 4.5: Stratagem 2.2.0 (uploaded for mp approval) Menu Groups Manager 2.0.0 (uploaded for mp approval) Babble 2.9.0 (self hosted and chat service, available now) DevToolbox 4.0.0 (ready) upcoming: Names 2 avatar keywords duplicate member manager
  19. there is no difference between the download here on IPS or my site. the update on my site, was an update about me, nothing more. https://codingjungle.com/articles/records/absence-r79/
  20. update to the latest version i just released, should take care of the problem.
  21. it will only copy the project columns, not the cards. there is a future update that will copying of cards. not currently, but its an idea i've been thinking of adding in a future version. they are in the wrong format. originally they were stored in a comma delimited list, now they are stored as a json array (one of the updates converted them, but i don't recall which one). i'll write you up a conversion script and test it on the database you sent me.
  22. they should already be there, just go edit it. yeah that is how buggy the system is, they could appear there, but they aren't actually in the cache yet, so you changing it and saving is what refreshed the cache for 'em.
  23. it looks like you theme settings didn't get added properly when you installed (this happens a lot, it is why i don't like the theme settings).
  24. possibly. there are 3 tables that keywords use, keywords_words (where the actual kw is stored), keywords_stats (if you have stats enabled, they get stored here) and keywords_cats (which isn't really used, but is there cause IPS content item class doesn't really work that well without a node class and a node class wont work without a db, so this more or less a pseudo thing, to account for oddities in the Item's class, so the data in this table never really changes, so as long as you have it, it should be good to go.)
  25. it would be a table in your database for your site called 'keywords_words' (if you have a db prefix it would be like prefix_keywords_words).
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