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  1. chat service is fine, check your subscription.
  2. @Square Wheels and @liquidfractal the issue should be fixed now in 3.1.7
  3. what was the issue? @Martin A. is in a slack channel i troll, i can get with him to figure out a solution.
  4. they should be,i don't use WHM very often so i am not too familiar with it (nor cpanel) sure, if you could check your apache/php error logs, it would probably help in establishing what has caused this.
  5. You will prolly have to do a manual replacement of the primary menu, as a lot of third party themes do heavy changes in the area, and there is no way to predict the types of changes. on most of these themes the other locations will work without issue. The only change i made that would effect anything globally was moving the JS from a theme hook into includeCSS to a code hook for front diispatcher. I am not seeing how that could cause this issue. I've tested it in several locations, including a rolling upgrade and did not run into any issue, so it would seem to be a conflict with another plugin/app that also hos into the front dispatcher on the baseJS method. if you could check your php/apache error logs, it would more than likely tell you the exact error. if you want you can send me the error in the logs via PM.
  6. i'm not familiar with that theme, does it work on the default theme or does it still throw this error? i've fixed this in the next version. 1, yes i have, it supersedes the acronym's, so if you have an acronym and a keyword both with the same name, the keyword will win out. 2. yeah, just got late to the party 🙂 was thinking a black friday sale was gonna be on well, black friday or cyber monday 🙂 it uses its own classes. there are a few different css files depending on what you are using. block.css will control the look and feel of block menu types. mega.css will control how the mega sub menus will look. traditional.css will control how the single column sub menus will look. cjmg.css contains all the other styling. there is also cjmg_custom.css that loads after all these to allow easily override the css rules in the other css.
  7. have you tried telling the class to use the class method instead of the traits method? like: trait FooTrait { public function bar(){ return "hello, i'm a trait method!"; } } class myhook extends HOOK_TEMP { use FooTrait { bar as traitBar; } public function bar() { return "I am not the trait method!"; } } i haven't tested this, but i can think of a potential problem or two.
  8. what is wrong with it? i couldn't reproduce the problem with that you reported after the last fix, and i do use the app on my own site: I haven't noticed any bugs with it lately.
  9. i thought i had answered this on my site, but it doesn't seem to have been saved (will need to look into as why). i've replied there, but i will reply here as well. yes it will work with mobile devices, it will be styled like links for your theme will. you can aslo style them differently using the class for css keywordUrl (this is for keywords that are URLS) and keyword (this is for KW that aren't URLS).
  10. yes, is there an error in your system logs in the acp?
  11. it would seem you have an app installed that has a content router extension, but it doesn't have a container class (or it is missing the property for it). i've put a check in the code to make sure this property is populated and/or the class actually exist before passing it to the form helper. when i first activated php 7.2 on my cpanle/easyapache 4 server, it was missing the php-mbstring and php-mysql, and all i had to do was go rebuild it with the missing plugins and it worked fine, so i'd imagine it is something similar for you, as there are a few plugins IPS needs to run properly. I've gone ahead and rolled back to a early version of the codebase, before the php 7 syntax was introduced and then back ported the fixes (changing them to work in php 5.6 as well). I will be releasing this shortly. most of my new stuff and new major versions for any of my apps will be written with php 7+ in mind. just a friendly reminder, php 5.6 and php 7.0 will reach EOL this december. its next in my queue to take a look at.
  12. yeah try going to php 7, as any new fixes (and eventually) i'll be rolling over to php 7+ syntax, doing a quick once over of the code for mgm, its in between this conversion, it has too many elements that are php 7+ syntax to go easily change. oh btw, don't go to php 7.3, as IPS's furl system doesn't work under php 7.3 (due to php 7.3 adopting pcre2, and the subtle changes in it).
  13. what version of php are you on? MGM was developed using the new features of php 7.0+. there haven't been any DB changes, you can just install the last working version over the new one.
  14. so its the automated one that isn't working? cause last time it was reported, i tested the manual (since they both use the same code) and it was working there. must be a hiccup in the flow that is causing it then, i'll check it out. its not a bug, its a debug message, i meant to type in debug instead of log, that way it would only work if the constant is defined for it, its been fixed in this latest version. working on UI and stabilizing the features i've added, all i can really say for ETA, possibly in the next 3 weeks or so. Since it is a huge upgrade from v2, i want to make sure everything is working and stable before releasing. check the rooms perms, does the banned group have permissions to use babble? if they don't and this is still possibly, i'll dive a bit deeper into what could be causing this. this has been fixed in the latest version of dplus. i'll reply in the PM you sent thanks.
  15. the error was caused by the selected menu group being empty, its been fixed and wont throw an error now. I also moved the footer menu group placement to a place above where the JS is rendered to fix the other issue you had report.
  16. sorry guys, been asleep at the wheel, but i've put out updated versions of both these apps. let me know if they fix you issues. i'll check this out, they should be right after the body tag and before the close body tag. might need to check out the theme hook config for them, make sure they didn't accidentally get moved or changed.
  17. sorry for the delay, i missed the notification in my email. i think i've identified the problem and will release a update on wednesday or thursday (depends on how tomorrow goes ? )
  18. I thought it was pretty self explanatory what a Menu Group would be. Its used in the same sense as Member Groups. I had made a bunch of videos for CJ Menu when i launched it, but after 3 1/2 years, they only had a half dozen views. I had made one MGM that was like 30 minutes long, that went over into more detail what everything was, but it was reported that audio was corrupted in parts of it, so i took it down. I just haven't had the time to remake the video and there hasn't been any demand for it. it is probably a bug, i'll test it out and release an update. it doesn't alter anything on a permanent basis. if you were turn on the setting, it would attempt to remove the HTML associated with the default menu manager found in IPS from the theme at compile time, if you turned it off/disabled MGM or removed MGM your default navigation would return without any issue. (this description actually exist cause of my experiences from CJ Menu and ProMenu for 3.x. a lot of third party themes will change the class names for the css so the hook doesn't work, or will remove the default HTML for the menu, to replace it with something that they created or pulled off something like code canyon. it is why MGM doesn't attempt to replace the default menu like CJ Menu and ProMenu before it had done). I will redo some of the tutorials videos this weekend for MGM. they can take a few hours to produce, so there isn't a whole lot of incentive to do them when they only get viewed a handful of times. but you are right, there are plenty of features and abilities of MGM (like CJ Menu) that need better explanation. My PM's are always open for questions and assistance if you have any questions or issues however. FYI, the $300 price tag for CJ Menu is cause not everyone who bought CJ Menu has been transferred to MGM (many wont till CJ Menu stops working or has issues with new versions of IPS, considering i had a client just a few weeks back, who began noticing some style issues, was still running like cj menu version 2. i'm gonna say it might be awhile before a lot of purchasers of CJ Menu notice there is a new, replacement for it). so since i can't disable new purchases, and people still have access to the download to see the description, i set the price to a high value so there aren't any accidental purchases of the app (as it isn't actually supported any longer). so like if you have any question or need assistance with anything in MGM you can let me know here or send me a PM. I'll set some time aside to begin working on a new tutorial video on some of the more advanced features.
  19. can you be a bit more specific? if you are talking about a groups settings, go to the group, and you will see a button that says "manage group", click on this and choose "edit" to edit the various options for a group. you can then select where to position it, there are several predefined locations to place a group. not that i am aware, but i will check to see what they have done to give me a headache ?
  20. The Good: it didn't eat my deskcat, The Bad: it doesn't make breakfast ?
  21. yeah i hadn't tested it extensively, just something that i came up with off the top of my head. only the secret of life is a bigger mystery to why IPS does what it does sometimes ? i was able to reproduce it on my firefox and chrome dev tools and when i resized a EDGE window to ipads landscape viewing range.
  22. not sure of the rationale behind why they hide them at these resolutions, could have undesired results (as n2a just hijacks the url for the avatar, so there aren't actual theme/css changes for where they are displayed). however you can try this, i haven't extensively tested this, so i don't know all the end results it could have, but you can override the css class that is causing this. add this to your custom.css for your theme: @media screen and (max-width: 1200px) { .cForumRow .ipsDataItem_lastPoster li:first-child { display:block; } }
  23. seems to be a bug in MGM, i'll see what is causing it and release an update when i find it. if you select a CMS page for the link, you can set it to use the DB permissions, the ones you set for the database (its the view permission it will check against). if you set it to use "app perms", it will follow the ones that are set for the application in system->application. and yes, manual perms will override all them, but if they can't see the app or the db due to db perms, you will just have a menu item that takes them to an error page ? doesn't appear to be an issue with n2a (i don't have it installed here on my dev). seems to be an issue with IPS responsive and the resolution scaling:
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