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The Old Man

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Everything posted by The Old Man

  1. Hi, Poss bug in 4.6.8, WebP format seems to be missing from the list of image files in the auto generated .htacess file for Rewrites? <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule \.(js|css|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico|map)(\?|$) /404error.php [L,NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule> (WebP fully available and in use on my server)
  2. I've posted in 2 other forums, tried to reach out to the dev team but no response, so apologies for asking again. CKEditor changed its default editor to Moona-Lisa for the current release series, which IPS4.6 updated to for the security fixes. This means we cant use Moono Dark anymore, since its no longer updated. How can I add support for the uiColor 'chameleon' config setting, which makes using changing UI colour on darker themes much simpler? The docs say to add it to your config.js, but the IPS theme uses a different variation from the default or perhaps you disabled the chameleon mode? config.uiColor = "#444444" Many thanks!
  3. Hi, Using a targetted CSS selector, I'm trying to limit some CSS so that it applies only to the default app's main home page, the first thing someone would see when visiting example.com or example.com/community, but taking into account for one person it could be they've set forums as their default app, for another it could be pages, core, blogs, calendar etc. Is that possible? I have tried limiting the selector to front and browse, but its not quite right, it would work if you only had 1 app installed, but if you have say the full suite, it seems to target every app's main index the same : /* Apply red to only the default app, home page */ body[data-pagelocation="front"][data-pagecontroller="browse"] #ipsLayout_header header { background: red; /* example */ } /* Apply black everywhere else */ #ipsLayout_header header { background: black; /* example */ } Many thanks!
  4. Please could you consider adding some sale tools and promotion blocks. Perhaps I've missed it, but aside from specific store item checkout discounts on previous purchases, user group and x items in the basket, there doesn't seem to be any overall time based sale management or promotion settings provided in Commerce, which as an online store app, is kind of odd. Suppose for example, I wanted a sale of particular group of products from 23:59 28.10.22 to 0000 01.11.22. It should be easy to configure the details, name of the sale, the product groups/products, the discount percentage, buy x get x free. Choose from a color changeable banner or announcement header and widgets or upload my own images. You can obviously do a few of these things with the existing announcements and pages blocks, but it would be easier if there was a sale and promotion section in Commerce out of the box, to make a good app, even better.
  5. Hi, Please could you add the abilty to select a template by name and find out when and in what version it last changed? Reason I ask, there were some hard coded CSS values in 4.5 missing from the new AdminCP color selectors, and I wanted to see if they had been updated with the new CSS variables etc so I could remove my CSS overides: /* Fix inner color on activity stream item circles and times */ .ipsStream .ipsStreamItem_contentType, .ipsStreamItem_time { color: rgb( var(--theme-section_title_font) ); } /* Fix color on reported content page */ .ipsApp .ipsDataItem_new, .ipsApp .ipsDataItem_success { /* background-color: var(--positive-light); */ /* background-color: rgb( var(--theme-item_status) ); */ background: rgb( var(--theme-moderated_light) ); } .ipsProgressBar_progress { color: rgb( var(--theme-section_title_font) ); } Secondly, the page of results can get very long. Please could you consider add a drop down select box to filter the templates displayed by name? Or perhaps a list of clickable template names in the results at the top if there are say more than 5? Thank you!
  6. Hi, Possible small bug in 4.6.7. I just received a "Hey! You just earned a new badge!" e-mail where the language string is missing for the name of the badge. Hey! You just earned the '%s' badge! Check it out! Dedicated and below that the image is missing.
  7. Hi, I reached out in the dev forums but didn't receive a reply. In the last update of IPS, you added support for the current 4.6.2. This means in dark themes we can't supply the Moono Dark skin any longer, as it isn't compatible and no longer maintained. As Moono-Lisa is the new official default CKEditor theme, it should make life easier as it supports quickly changing the UI easily with a simple configuration string uiColor: https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor4/latest/api/CKEDITOR_config.html#cfg-uiColor The uiColor isn't configurable in IPS 4.6.7, and it looks like the IPS skin is still based on the previous default theme Moono, so as Moono also supports uiColor because it's an official theme, please can you advise how to implement the setting in the existing config.js file? /* Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ CKEDITOR.editorConfig=function(a){a.toolbarGroups=[{name:"document",groups:["mode","document","doctools"]},{name:"clipboard",groups:["clipboard","undo"]},{name:"editing",groups:["find","selection","spellchecker"]},{name:"forms"},{name:"basicstyles",groups:["basicstyles","cleanup"]},{name:"paragraph",groups:["list","indent","blocks","align","bidi"]},{name:"links"},{name:"insert"},{name:"styles"},{name:"colors"},{name:"tools"},{name:"others"},{name:"about"}];a.removeButtons="Cut,Copy,Paste,Undo,Redo,Anchor,Underline,Strike,Subscript,Superscript"; a.removeDialogTabs="link:advanced";}; Apparently we can just add: // Using a color code. config.uiColor = '#AADC6E'; // Using an HTML color name. config.uiColor = 'Gold'; I have tried lots of variations without success, such as: // Using a color code. a.uiColor = '#AADC6E'; cke.uiColor = '#AADC6E'; ips.uiColor = '#AADC6E'; I've tried for days now: adding them as a new line and also contained within the function a already defined. /* Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ CKEDITOR.editorConfig=function(a){a.toolbarGroups=[{name:"document",groups:["mode","document","doctools"]},{name:"clipboard",groups:["clipboard","undo"]},{name:"editing",groups:["find","selection","spellchecker"]},{name:"forms"},{name:"basicstyles",groups:["basicstyles","cleanup"]},{name:"paragraph",groups:["list","indent","blocks","align","bidi"]},{name:"links"},{name:"insert"},{name:"styles"},{name:"colors"},{name:"tools"},{name:"others"},{name:"about"}];a.removeButtons="Cut,Copy,Paste,Undo,Redo,Anchor,Underline,Strike,Subscript,Superscript"; a.removeDialogTabs="link:advanced";a.uiColor="#000000";}; Many thanks!
  8. Hi IPS, In the recent update update I noticed you upgraded CKEditor to v4.16.2, the latest version. That's great but it brings about some theming issues. I have previously included Moono Dark in my dark theme, but it's now outdated and no longer compatible. As part of the 4.16 series, they have changed their default theme to the much more modern looking Moono-Lisa. This means because it supports the internal chameleon code, it supports the hugely convenient uiColor config setting, to quickly change the color of the editor, either on the front end per user or globally. https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor4/latest/examples/uicolor.html There is a button for it too, called UI Picker. I tried this on 4.6.7 it works but isn't hooked up on the AdminCP backend beyond the basics, I think because the IPS skin is not simple to configure. This is great news for dark themes or non-default themes. Will you be updating the IPS to reflect these changes and improvements? Many thanks!
  9. @Daniel F Thanks again, I was able to get it working with your solution. I've been trying to get it to show the radio options inline instead of vertical to take up less space in the theme custom settings but can't seem to get that to work unless I choose parse as image. Any tips gratefully accepted! For now I've utilised FA CSS classes. @ReyDev I see what you mean, I spent a couple of hours messing around with it and exactly the same results i.e. the img resource isn't parsed. The docs say you can only put the image in the theme's resource folder but also suggests you can create a subfolder. I tried both options and neither worked sorry. Last week I came across a post from Adriano where he was looking into the same thing (radio images), and Newbie Lac posted a solution using the Reactions as an example, and I think that point you in the right direction if you can find it.
  10. Thank you both, I'll give them both a try! 😀 I've not tried it but I think looking at the Helper you would use: 'parse' => "image" instead of: 'parse' => "raw" which gives acess to some extra layout functionality. if ( $this->options['parse'] === 'image' ) { return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->radioImages( $this->name, $value, $this->required, $this->options['options'], $this->options['disabled'], $this->options['toggles'], $descriptions, $warnings, $this->options['userSuppliedInput'], $this->options['unlimited'], $this->options['unlimitedLang'], $this->htmlId, $this->options['gridspan'] ); } else { return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->radio( $this->name, $value, $this->required, $this->parseOptions(), $this->options['disabled'], $this->options['toggles'], $descriptions, $warnings, $this->options['userSuppliedInput'], $this->options['unlimited'], $this->options['unlimitedLang'], $this->htmlId ); }
  11. Thanks both, yes I've tried all sorts of things, trying to using CSS similar to 'content: "\f0aa";' on a ::before and ::after etc. In the source of the page there seems to be a way of using the 'for' attribute in the label for the field item as a unique ID, I've even tried that but no joy. I could get it to work in the browser developer tools but not in an actual custom theme setting via Designers Mode. The Add Fields options in Pages suggest you can use some variables like $value, $formValue etc and I've seen mention of radio button parsing in the Helper, but nothing seems to parse:
  12. Hi, I've been trying all week to get this to work, but it always shows as unparsed text. I have a custom theme setting with a list of radio options to choose from, each one is a font awesome icon. It works great but I'm trying to display the actual icon by each checkbox. I have tried using lang settings, tried adding a prefix, description, php in double brackets, targetting with CSS etc. The AdminCP won't parse anything I enter into the value fields for each key except as text. The individual fields don't have seperate ID's, they all have the same one. Can anyone please nudge me in the right direction, so I can display the actual icon next to each? Many thanks!
  13. Thank you @Matt @Charles @Lindy @Jordan Miller for stepping up, owning this and finding a compromise, especially one that is able to support and help protect struggling small fan communities and not for profits. It is hugely appreciated. For what it's worth, I'll be re-adding my card details back and intend on renewing all my licenses that are due in the next 3 months.
  14. Thanks for checking this Marc, much appreciated. So just to clarify, there is no actual difference whichever way we do the export? I was wondering if it could be the reason my exported themes seem to have templates from other themes mixed in with them as per my other ticket about non-modified templates showing as modified, but I've noticed rogue templates from other themes also occur when purchasing themes from other providers in the past.
  15. Thank you, I just relied to Jim's email as I couldn't find the ticket in Client Center. Manually uploaded it to 2x 4.6.6 communities, the second fairly new and not live yet, both the same results as above.
  16. @Matt, please could you move these 2 topics I created into the correct forum? One is an issue about non-edited default theme templates being blank after importing a theme which may be a bug... the other is for advice on the best way to export a theme, from Designers's Mode or not... Thank you!
  17. Hi Matt, Please could advise on the status of the Theme Customisation forum? There are unanswered questions in there going back to July. I thought it was a sub-area of the development forum but looking at it just now, there are no blue team badges displayed unlike the dev forum itself. Is it just peer to peer support? If so, should I repost my questions from to the Support Forum? Many thanks.
  18. It's not our fault that IPS chose to be competitive and not raise the prices in line with cost of inflation each year. I'm very grateful they didn't, but that's honestly on them. They just can't come along out of the blue and ramp up the costs for whatever reason is behind this and expect people to embrace it. Whatever it is that's causing the company to dismiss the feedback of their loyal core community customer base and steadfastly refuse all requests for some reasonable compromise, like retaining 6 month renewals. It's very difficult justifying the cost of IPS 4.6. Since we're paying over and over again for it, we lose all our investment if we our cancel renewals, but I'm not willing to pay a year up front. I couldn't do it anyway. It's been the most problematic buggy release for quite some time. Honestly, I've been with you since Ikonboard and I've never felt so disillusioned. I'm also so tired of the all the patronising 'Fam' and bizarre hump day rubbish, please grow up already especially if you're being so corporate. It's a shame to see what this forum community has become in the last year.
  19. I think the main reason is that the search facility is crap. When they dropped specific forums per app, it made finding solutions to say Pages very difficult. This is another reason I've said for years there should be a FAQ and Knowledgebase. Lately I've been using and learning about the REST API lately to import Invision Gallery into Wordpress Media Library and the documentation examples are almost nonexistent. I got it working by a mix of consulting Stackoverflow and the Wordpress docs, where users post some handy tips and code snippets. PS. Kudos to Matt for weathering the storm blowback today. He must need a cold beer this evening. And whatever happened to that Lindy chap?
  20. Here in lies a pretty controversial policy. You make a professional grade product, we choose it over free software like SMF because it's more secure and coded by professional certified developers, but we don't buy it, we never own it, it's still yours and we pay a license to make use of it. Then the inevitable security flaws are identified and we must ensure we renew our licences to obtain the fix for what are problems that weren't created by us, if only to conform with GDPR and other legislation to keep our members data and personal information secure, never mind the inconvenience of cleaning and recovering from hacked sites. So really we have no choice, once a self hosted forum community is installed, put aside anti-spam, IP lookups, forget Marketplace niceties, forget new feature temptations and nice to haves, the only 100% real reason is because of this. Charging for access to security patches is just plain wrong. They should be free for at least 5 years if only as a mark of quality and pride. Can you imagine if Microsoft charged for ongoing access to Windows security fixes and flaws? UPDATED to add: "We are looking to increase the speed of releases to a monthly release schedule so everyone gets bug fixes and new features regularly." This a bad news for theme and app developers. More work. More time consuming localdev updates. Please improve the process of updating localdev installs so they are more robust.
  21. IPS, please could you respond? I can't submit a theme update because of this. Thank you.
  22. The quick fix here for all is for IPS to halt the switch to annual renewals up front. I get that some people might like to switch to annual renewal but at least give us a choice, please. Looking at my Client Centre earlier, I'm shocked. Next month October 1st, I have about 2 weeks to find $155 then another $30. Then November, I now have to find another $185. Then the final kick in the nuts, a week before Christmas, I have to find $310. $680 in the next 3 months without any notice. Great, thanks IPS.
  23. I'm reminded of the old adage... Don't pee down my neck and tell me it's raining.
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