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Posts posted by Semenedar

  1. With IPS Suite 4.4.10: First problem: Not working with REDIS and option "Use Redis to reduce MYSQL Queries". (Switching Not working and icon not change with blinked and no blinked) And second problem: with default filestorage caching system: If the User logs in anonymously and leaves the page inactive, after a few minutes the anonymous session changes into a normal session and such User is already visible. To prevent this, the User must reload the page at least every few minutes. It does not make sense. Please upgrade, ad fix this.

  2. On 5/23/2020 at 3:59 PM, Semenedar said:

    When Uninstall Connections and install this again, then problem with databasce occur:


    UPDATE `connections_member_locations` SET `lat`=0 WHERE `lat` IS NULL;
    UPDATE `connections_member_locations` SET `lon`=0 WHERE `lon` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `connections_member_locations` CHANGE COLUMN `lat` `lat` DECIMAL (10,8) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Latitude', CHANGE COLUMN `lon` `lon` DECIMAL (11,8) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Longitude';


    Set this nothing changed. After run Support Tools, occured again.

    Fixed with @Andy Millne

     Thanx 🙂

  3. When Uninstall Connections and install this again, then problem with databasce occur:


    UPDATE `connections_member_locations` SET `lat`=0 WHERE `lat` IS NULL;
    UPDATE `connections_member_locations` SET `lon`=0 WHERE `lon` IS NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `connections_member_locations` CHANGE COLUMN `lat` `lat` DECIMAL (10,8) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Latitude', CHANGE COLUMN `lon` `lon` DECIMAL (11,8) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Longitude';


    Set this nothing changed. After run Support Tools, occured again.

  4. Hi 🙂

    Great Plugin, first of all 🙂 I'm using the opt out option. Is it possible to add a city search option? From example, I'm from city "A". I see people near me. I would like to see people near another city ("B" , "C", "D" ) without change my location. "People Near Me" Site:



    And a second request. To add compatibility with the "Friends" application made by @onlyME. It's about the "People you may know" option. It does not consider "Friends" and shows in the "People you may know" section those Users who are already Friends.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Andy Millne said:

    Ah i see what you mean, thanks. I will think on this some more. Aside from the accuracy issues that could make the results less useful I’m not sure it’s sensible from a privacy point of view. It’s one thing to display this to admin users it’s another to use the data to tailor results shown to other users.

    I mean approximate location. Users do not need to see the IP Address. ONLY DISTANCE between Users is given, for example 25 kilometers. This makes sense with the "People near me" option. What about the fact that the User will enter the location manually, since he will later move to other places and will not change the data regarding his location, because he will be too lazy or will not remember it. Privacy? I do not think so. All you need is a button in the Profile Settings  "Don't show my location". Something like "Tinder APP". 


    26 minutes ago, Andy Millne said:

    It may be possible to present the info to the user and ask them to confirm if it’s correct giving them a chance to opt out but then you may as well just ask for the info.

    Yes, but if the option discussed here could be done, and if Admin decided that the User's location is always the last IP Adress used by him, then the function of completing this field does not make sense.


    26 minutes ago, Andy Millne said:

    I believe making location required or otherwise adding functionality to encourage users to fill it in is a better approach.

    This is the minimum option. But then the "People Near Me" option is a bit of a fiction when Users themselves determine where they are. Either way, I think it's a great add-on and you'll definitely find a balance between location options.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Andy Millne said:

    On google maps they will need to start typing

    Thank you for your answer.

    I already understand that Users must start writing in this field and until they do this their location is not given.

    Note, that when Users register, then their location in the ACP Panel is already determined based on the IP Address. It is known that this is not an exact location and may be incorrect. It would be great if Users after registration had already filled in the location field in Your add-on, with this data. They could change dynamically with every last used IP address.

    An example of the "Set location based on IP Address?" Button, where Admin would decide whether Users must fill this field themselves, whether editing is not available and the location is based on the IP addresses used.


  7. 11 hours ago, Andy Millne said:

    If you’re using google maps there is an autocomplete nearest city input. 

    One more presale question 🙂 "autocomplete nearest city input". Does this mean that Users do not have to fill this field themselves, manually? It fills in automatically and points to the nearest city in the case of Google Maps? If so, that's exactly what I want.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Andy Millne said:

    Users are prompted to set the location when accessing the feature or when editing their profile.

    Is it possible to do, - to force users to complete this field? Until they complete it, they can't do anything else. For me it's very important. People are lazy and so many of them won't do it if they don't have to.

  9. 6 hours ago, Fosters said:

    but I guess we could add an option for each content type


    Will it be possible in the next version? If so, when can I expect the version with the option to disable bookmarks from the messenger? In the "BookmarkLink" template bit, there is:


    <span data-controller='bookmark.front.bookmark.link{{if $manage}}(manage.bookmark){{endif}}'>
    {{if !$item->isBookmarked() }}
        <a href="{$item->url('bookmark')->csrf()->setQueryString('isButton', $button)}" {{if $button}} class="ipsButton ipsButton_link ipsButton_verySmall "{{endif}}  {{if !\IPS\Application::load( 'bookmark')->isSimpleMode() }} data-action="bookmark" data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size="medium" data-ipsDialog-title="{lang="bookmark_simple"}"  data-ipsDialog-remoteSubmit="true" {{else}}data-action='simpleBookmark' {{endif}} >{lang="bookmark"}</a>
        <a href="{$item->url('removeBookmark')->csrf()}" {{if $button}} data-isButton class="ipsButton ipsButton_link ipsButton_verySmall "{{endif}} data-action="removeBookmark">{lang="remove_bookmark"}</a>

    That is a reference to the IPS button class. Either everything or nothing. It's not enough, right? Everything or nothing. Do you understand that people first do and later think? In this way you can either turn off everything, or let people make mistakes and make private conversations public. "Sorry! I was wrong 🙂 It was supposed to be privat but it's public!"

  10. Where is the support? I bought this application. I got the product key. I entered the key in the administration panel in the application. And this key is invalid because it returns error and you can not edit anything. Support does not respond to private messages.

  11. One more question. I know that some of the items can be translated directly into the Tickets database. ((Fields and Categories, translate or add new) Where do I translate the buttons, or "show all categories", "notify me or replies" and other words that are not in the database? Will I find it in the templates? If so, in which?

  12. On 9/18/2018 at 2:21 PM, Heosforo said:

    Hello @Kevin096

    You must create the page, please follow these steps:
    Page Management -> Pages -> Add Page

    There you will be able to add the database (content tab).

    Let me know if you need help. 👍

    i added ticket database to the new page content tab.

    i got error " That database does not exist. "

    And no create page 😞


    I have IPS Suite 4.3.6

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